As much as I hate to see Ghostcrawler moving on from WoW, I think the biggest concern I have is that, honestly, he was a lot more vocal about the game. We felt more like we had a direct line of communication, via his Twitter account, whereas now, I'm worried that fans will feel more like we're being left in the dark.
Obviously, Blizzard knows how to design a game, so I'm not suggesting we *need* to be heard. However, I think everyone wants to feel like their feedback is being heard -- even if it winds up being disregarded in the end -- and honestly, I actually do think it's important to get the outsiders' perspectives, as well.
Also, please don't take this as me suggesting you guys aren't doing a great job -- it's more that I feel like we tend to see more "PR-responses", like Blue posts go through some kind of robotic-filter, when sometimes (as is the case on the D3 forums, much of the time) I think it's better to just have more casual posts, more direct conversation than deflections or "official responses".
Anyways, that's just my perspective, but I think it'd be nice to see a tiny bit more interaction with the community. Maybe more Q&A's, comments on player suggestions, stuff like that. =)
We try to communicate as much as we can. I can't speak for every CM (as we all have different duties around the office which can often take us away from the forums a bit), but conversing on the forums has been a personal priority of mine since I started here. I spend a large chunk of my day reading and replying when I feel I have something meaningful to add. I also collect a ton of feedback to bring directly to the developers for discussion.
I totally get the concerns about losing Ghostcrawler from Twitter. He's been one of the most candid and open developers in the gaming industry as a whole for a long time. Fortunately, he's not only developer responding regularly on Twitter! We actually have a list in one of the stickies on this forum with Twitter handles of several top developers. Generally speaking, any question you would previously have sent to Ghostcrawler, someone else on that list will be able to answer. The Community team's Twitter handles are listed in there as well. ;) Greg will no longer be working with us here at Blizzard, but we're not going to let that be a stopping point to our interaction with the community. We're here for you guys. |
It's always paw-mkin pie time. That's SCIENCE. What Lore said is on point. We do have a lot of duties to attend to that don't always directly involve the forums. We also try to interact via various mediums to make sure that we're reaching as broad a swathe of the playerbase as possible too. A big part of the job is seeing what you guys are saying and relaying that to the Dev team. Sometimes it's better to watch and read rather than participate directly. Despite our best intentions, a blue post can be a disruptive influence that derails an otherwise productive discussion. Sometimes we just don't have a satisfying answer to a question just yet. Of course, sometimes it's just the thing for a great, productive talk. Any way you slice it, we're around. And you can follow us on Twitter as well (looks like Anikyre already does): But we're here now. Wanna hang out for a bit? What have you guys been up to? |
While you're listening/watching ... Brown Skin for Orcs in WoD? :D We've brought it up, but I'm not sure it's in the cards. Guess we'll all have to find out! super excited for WoD Me too! Incredibly excited. For, like, everything. wondering when 5.4.2 will come out ┐('~`)┌ wondering why we still have no gnome hunters ಠ_ಠ lol, you said duties. ಠ_ರೃ Also, enjoying learning some finer points of playing and dealing with mechanics on the Timeless Isle. I've found it's been a great teaching tool, and I've made some solid improvement, I think. It's done wonders for my confidence when it comes to playing certain classes. Others? Well, I've got some work ahead of me. I'm really glad that you're enjoying it! What is it about the TI mechanics that you find so engaging? Levelling a Balance Druid, that 9th anniv present was a great help. Why'd you go boomchicken? What level, and what are you enjoying most about it? |
Jesus christ are you serious? You actually think what you say and them saying "oh we'll look into it" matters at all? While I acknowledge that tweet could have been phrased better, that was an out of context response to a conversation. I won't presume to speak for Brian, but according to my interpretation and within the context of that conversation, I think what he's trying to get across (within the limitations of Twitter) is that we make changes based on a perceived need, not merely because a volume of ideas for changes exist. We say 'we'll look into it' all the time. I've said it many times myself, on a variety of topics, and it does alert us to situations where a change or adjustment is merited. If you don't believe that what the community has to say has an impact? Well, evidence of the opposite is all around you. Making 90s out of those of my numerous alts who aren't there yet. 11th one last Saturday; 12th one "soon"™.... I plan to use my boost to play with opposite faction pals on a realm where my leveled characters are all one faction. Lookin' forward to it! |
Not much. Fell down stairs, sprained my ankle, spent Thanksgiving in the ER, set fire to the kitchen heating up leftovers, then got into a car accident trying to finish Christmas shopping on one foot. Okay, I know it's called Fall, but you're not supposed to take it literally. I'm glad you're okay! Wish I had a Greater Heal handy for you, but I'm glad we could help give you things to look forward to! I uh, hope all the shopping is finished now? And you have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen? Theres a glyph that can alter the boomy's form to mimic that of an astral form..why? I like casters I can appreciate a fluffy boomkin, but I prefer the classic caster look too. Though, in general, my personal affinity runs toward melee types. Your vivid description really brings out so many things that are delightful about the class! |
Also, you haven't lived until you've seen a moonkin in the sidecar of the chopper/mechano-hog. Bucket o' chicken? I like this thread. I like it a lot. Me too. It's nice to hang out and chat a bit. ♥ Did ALL of Vasjir and loved it, saw that place for the first time on my first toon years ago. Y'know? I really, really like Vashj'ir. I thought it was beautiful. I'll still often level alts through Vashj'ir rather than Hyjal. I had an 80 year old man walk into my house the day after Thanksgiving. Never met the guy before. He just waltzed on in. He might have been a leprechaun. Did you give him the ride? |