As much as I hate to see Ghostcrawler moving on from WoW, I think the biggest concern I have is that, honestly, he was a lot more vocal about the game. We felt more like we had a direct line of communication, via his Twitter account, whereas now, I'm worried that fans will feel more like we're being left in the dark.
Obviously, Blizzard knows how to design a game, so I'm not suggesting we *need* to be heard. However, I think everyone wants to feel like their feedback is being heard -- even if it winds up being disregarded in the end -- and honestly, I actually do think it's important to get the outsiders' perspectives, as well.
Also, please don't take this as me suggesting you guys aren't doing a great job -- it's more that I feel like we tend to see more "PR-responses", like Blue posts go through some kind of robotic-filter, when sometimes (as is the case on the D3 forums, much of the time) I think it's better to just have more casual posts, more direct conversation than deflections or "official responses".
Anyways, that's just my perspective, but I think it'd be nice to see a tiny bit more interaction with the community. Maybe more Q&A's, comments on player suggestions, stuff like that. =)
Just thought I'd give some of my own personal feedback, to help ensure the new models look as awesome as possible!
Orcs: - The face looks PERFECT when scowling, but a little too "human" when idle. Maybe different face-types could have different idle expressions? I want my Orc to look ready to go to war at a moment's notice! - Their fingers look too "sausage-y". I'd like to see them appear a bit shorter and more muscular. - Personally, I'd like to see them stand a little more upright, but with a hulking posture. Not only would it look more intimidating, but then we might actually be able to see the details on their chest-armor or tabards! - Their legs didn't seem quite as muscular. Might look better in armor, though. - I'd really like the option to add some tattoos, perhaps repping various Clans? A black-jaw tattoo would also be pretty sweet, though understandable if not allowed. - Please consider adding Mag'har skins for players to use, as well. Dwarves: - I'd like to see their upper-arms a bit more muscular. - Maybe add just a *bit* more mass around their mid-section? They seemed a tiny bit thin. - I'd also like to see Dwarves able to don tattoos, or at least war-paint. - Perhaps also Dark Iron skins? Undead: - Honestly, you couldn't have done a better job! I love that they truly look like "normal people, but dead", instead of just "evil zombies". - For Death Knights, perhaps add an upstanding, not-decayed version of the Undead as an optional choice? Alternatively, perhaps allow Undead DK's to use the new Human model, but restricted to "Death Knight skins"? Gnomes: - Love what we've seen, but they seem extremely young-looking. We need some older-looking, and mean-looking facial choices. Tauren: - I know it's an early model, but they look way too "clean" and "soft". They need to look more rugged, and I *REALLY* don't like them having a "part" in the middle of their main; it should remain a little messy-looking, in my opinion. - I also hate the way their hands and fingers look. Seeing any sort of "flesh" is kind of off-putting on the Tauren, to me; I'd rather than remain furry even on their hands. - I love the color shown, but I'd also like darker, duller colors to choose from, as well. Humans: - We haven't seen them, but I'd like to add some suggestions here for them, anyways. - More believable proportions, similar to Arthas in the WC3 and Wrath cinematics. - They should be muscular, but lean, and have more slender wrists than other "beefy" races. - Eyebrows should be tied to your face, *NOT* your beard-style. - Please have variety in facial-hair styles, including more well-groomed options instead of all Leonidas-style beards. - Maybe give them some Vrykul hair and beard styles. Draenei: - Please, for the love of GOD, restore the male Draenei's ORIGINAL Goatee!!! Worgen: - For their "human-form", consider make their bodies slightly slimmer, representing Gilneans' being more of an aristocratic society than a hard-working one. Similarly, perhaps Undead DK's could use said thin-version? Goblins: - Please give us an option for a big, toothy smile like they used to have! |