We are aware of issues affecting the Darkmoon Faire, which began again today, particularly regarding monthly quests and some related achievements.
Our teams are investigating the issue and would like to assure you that we are working hard to solve the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing. |
All the item that start quests reset as far as i can tell except insignia and Adventurer's Guide. Then again do to the extremely low drop rate of treatise, and the fact people without the guide can roll on it, i don't have one of those to test :(.
My alts lost credit for several sub parts of achievements but my main, who already completed all of them didn't become uncompleted this time around. So it just seems the achievement completion isn't what broke but the counting of criteria for them. |
There is an issue with rolling on it where as long as a person who loots it has a guide, the group loot option allows all 5 to roll on it, even if only 2 in group have a guide. It's allowing people to win and sell an item who didn't even take any part in the darkmoon faire. I hope that's addressed more then anything. Sure the guide is easy to get, but you'd be surprised how many don't have it don't know about it, and still win this item. The drop rate leaves a lot to be desired too. I actually run a lot of VP and lost city because those are the two heroics that have two bosses that can drop one, all the others are just 1 potential boss. I thought maybe the drop rate would be ok over the span of month between fairs, but it almost seemed like the drop rate was even lower. They sell for 20k on AH because of their rarity and that's insane. |
Grisly Trophies was designed to do it that week, the reason you had a quest left over from last month is you didn't do it last month, but since you turned that one in this week you can't get another one. But the quest objective is very easily completed in 7 days time, it seems intended to pick it up at beginning of week and before faire leaves town, turn it in, and repeat next faire. I've already completed mine, like others said, you can go to molten front and complete this in 20-30 min tops. Or any other area where there is just an endless stream of mobs (minus ulduar, i tried it, heh). |
Like any limited amount quest you pick up from an npc, if you hold it, and turn it in late, it counts toward when you turned it in, not when you picked it up. So if you turn it in next fair, you will not be able to pick it up again during the same fair. it is the same with any daily quest (only daily instead of monthly). If you do not complete a daily until following day, and turn it in following day, you cannot grab that same daily again that day because it was already completed. None of the weekly quests were meant to be held and done all month. Not if you want to complete it every month. They are intended to be completed during the duration of the fair. If you do not complete it during the current fair and you can hold it until next, then it'll be marked complete for that fair and you won't be able to acquire another one until the following fair. That's working as intended. The only thing that's bugged are achievement criteria credit being forgotten, and some item turn-in quests not resetting when this faire started. |
Oh I think i misunderstood you Bezek. Thought you meant the same thing as Resonance. My previous reply wasn't about the items that start quests, I was talking to them about the trophies and profession quests working as intended. Your reply seemed like you were talking about same thing.
If you are talking about the item drop quests, then for sure you should be able to complete them again even if you turned them last month. But only once per item. Once you've done them once per fair. you cannot complete them again in same fair, but you can definitely still acquire items and hold them for next fair. I've turned in what i could (6) of my 8/9 for this fair already and I already have 8 out of 9 items ready to go for next month too. |
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657430268?page=1 Some workarounds have been suggested you can try, such as using an illusion item like iron flask or orb of the sindorai @Gamdwelf, I guess i should say of what i could so far. :) |
I can confirm this, i actually did ZF specificly since it has 2 of the items, over 40 times and never saw an item. It does appear that they are now enforcing the "level appropriate" part of the guides design. |
So I'm expected to grind lowbie mobs as a healer to do this quest in 7 days each month? Just playing a normal play style for some, I'm sure they get it done fairly fast. I don't know if being a healer throws it off, but man, it took me a whole month of just doing dungeons to get the 250. @Meia. You don't actually have to do the kills yourself far as i could tell any party member killing a mob near you works. I did this grouped up and any time a mob was killed by a party member it had a chance to generate a throphie for me. This didn't seem to apply to raid members who weren't in the same party though but i maybe i didn't do enough testing on that. But as a healer you can just grab a friend or two and if anything your healing will make it go that much faster because then they can pull hordes and hordes of mobs while you heal them and collect trophies doing it that way :) |
Hmm, that is an interesting theory, which could have some merit. I know i kill 4 bosses a day that drop treatise and never see it, i bring one other person who also has a guide. But i cannot account for the 3 that are pugs. I also haven't been very diligent of being the first to loot it. I'll do some runs in a few and make sure both me and the other guide are spam clicking body and see if we produce better drop rate then like 0.1% |
This happens when someone loots trinket but not other items from chest. They are still the winner but the chest remains behind. Far as i know though there should still be an event yell for the winner though indicating the chest is a waste of time after that. |
We’ve identified a number of issues with the Darkmoon Faire this month, and they should be resolved for the February faire. Specifically, we found problems with:
• Attempting to turn in the ![]() ![]() • Unfortunately, “The Darkmoon Faire” quest cannot be made available for characters that previously completed the quest. This is due to the fact that this quest is not a new quest, but reuses the old quest ID. We realize this was an error and will be taking steps to not repeat it for future quests, but it does mean that characters that completed it before will not be able to complete the new version with the ticket reward. • The reset of monthly achievement progress experienced by some is unfortunately unable to be reinstated. We apologize for this error and have taken steps to ensure it does not occur again. January's Darkmoon Faire will come to a conclusion on Saturday, Jan. 7 at midnight. The faire will return again on Feb. 5, as planned. We apologize for the inconveniences some players have encountered with these issues. Thank you for your patience and feedback. |
Good to know. thanks for follow ups. Can you clarify some additional common concerns that have shown up in thread?
1. Anything on the drop changes that affect getting dungeon items from low level dungeons for 4/5 of the dungeon artifacts. (Confirmed by myself) 2. Or a bug where the item would cease to exist or not spawn if someone without a guide was first to loot the bosses? (not confirmed by me but mentioned quite a few times) 3. Or people without a guide able to roll on it if someone with a guide does loot first? (Confirmed by myself) 4. As well as the ridiculously low drop rates of said items where even myself who tries to do at least 4 treatise runs a day sees 0 drops. I will end this fair without one despite putting forth literally hours into looking for one. (Confirmed by myself) |
Good to know. thanks for follow ups. Can you clarify some additional common concerns that have shown up in thread? 1. This was a bug that is being hotfixed. A character that is not level-appropriate for a dungeon should not get ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 2. & 3. We previously had an issue where ![]() 4. Regarding drop rates, these items are dropping as-intended. They are rare, and the quests and achievements that depend on them are intended to take some time to complete. They're comparable to the Darkmoon decks and cards. We made them tradeable, so that players who experience a run of bad luck can still acquire what they're after by trading with friends or buying them on the auction house. |
2. & 3. We previously had an issue where Grisly Trophy was only going to the player who recorded the killing blow. They are now distributed randomly. Furthermore, there were previously cases where all of the artifacts listed above could be rolled Need. That has been hotfixed and they are all now flagged Greed-only. But does rolling greed apply to people without the guide still? Someone without guide should not be able to see or be eligible to roll on said item, and take changes away from someone who is participating in the fair in acquiring that item.
That doesn't align with a post from a while back from Bashiok which indicated the reason the daily quests ticket numbers were lowered was that it was intention the main source of darkmoon tickets should be from item turn-ins and profession weeklies. Ref: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657441916?page=25#485
If they are intended to be rare and not easily collectable within a preceding months time, then is it intended the ticket acquisition rate is meant to be extremely low? We were lead to believe last fair that the intent was the rarity of first fair should not carry over to 2nd once the acquisition of these items was still allowed in the 3 weeks preceding the next fair, that it should level out to be within reasonable acquisition to get them all every fair. This did not happen, in fact, with the hotfix to low level dungeon farming, it only got even harder to collect all the items within reason without a huge gold sink or many hours put in almost every day for entirety of the month. |
You are correct. I have fixed the typo in my post above. Thanks! |
you've been lucky, but assuming your luck. That's a 1.5% chance to get it assuming your drop rate, with a 1/5 chance to actually win it. That means that to, within reason, ensure you get one every month, it will take 66 dungeons. this is also just one item now. You may have to mix alternate dungeons into rotation for different items now that all 5 have to be gathered in level 85 instances. Since certain ones are off certain bosses. So 66 is just the minimum for 1 item, not the combination of farming all of them. If the design is to be gatherable within a weeks time, then that'd mean 9-10 dungeons a day. If it's within a month, then it'd be 2-3 dungeons a day every day. Only as the bare minimum. You have to assume even more for all 5.
A GM just gave me 10 tickets for the two items i could not turn in when referencing your post. Thank you :) |
I did not use the ingame ticket system, it's slower and less elaborate. I used the one he linked, the online ticket system through website. It's more efficent most of the time as it gets filtered and directed faster. @Ganomex, yeah that math seems to make more sense and uses a very large samplesize from wowhead client users, i was being very generous when i used a 7.5% droprate indicated by 3/40 from other poster. |