Continued here-
6:00 a.m. PST Realms in the Americas and Oceanic regions continue to be stable and are performing well. We will continue to monitor performance. EU realms likewise continue to be stable and performing very well. Select high population realms continue to experience queues due to the high demand by players who are excited to play Warlords of Draenor. We are continuing to monitor performance. ----- 5:00 a.m. PST We are continuing to monitor realm stability and performance for the Americas and Oceanic realms as well as those for the EU region. We've seen an increase in performance overall for these regions though continue to see queues for select realms in EU. We'll provide another update in approximately one hour. ----- 4:00 a.m. PST Rolling restarts for all Americas and Oceania realms have completed. We are continuing to monitor realm stability and performance for these realms and those for the EU region. We'll provide another update in approximately one hour. ----- 3:00 a.m. PST We're beginning rolling restarts for all Americas and Oceania realms. This is a requirement for certain hotfixes that have already been applied to EU realms during rolling restarts earlier today. We continue to monitor server stability and the gameplay experience very closely. ----- 2:00 a.m. PST At this time, we are monitoring performance in all EU realms following hotfixes that were applied during rolling restarts a few hours ago. These same hotfixes will be deployed to the Americas and Oceania realms during rolling restarts that are set to begin in about an hour. Please note that other hotfixes have been applied to address gameplay issues you may have encountered. We are working diligently to identify further issues in-game that can be addressed in this fashion. 1:00 a.m. PST Following rolling restarts that were successfully completed on all EU realms a couple of hours ago, we are now preparing to deploy the same hotfixes to our Americas and Oceania realms, starting in about two hours at 3:00 a.m. PST. ----- 12:00 a.m. PST At this time, we continue to monitor all realms. Our Quality Assurance and Reliability Engineers are working on further hotfixes to the game, and analysis of increases in maximum number of players per realm that we made earlier is ongoing. ----- 11:00 p.m. PST Rolling restarts of all of our EU realms have proceeded through the last hour. We are currently bringing up the last group of EU realms that were restarted. We continue to deploy new hotfixes to the game. These hotfixes are aimed at addressing gameplay issues. The Americas and Oceania realms will undergo rolling restarts in four hours, at 3:00 a.m. PST. 10:00 p.m. PST We have begun rolling restarts for all EU realms. We anticipate EU realms to be available again shortly. We have scheduled all Americas and Oceania realms for rolling restarts at 3:00 a.m. PST. This is to apply hotfixes that require a realm restart. 9:00 p.m. PST We are currently working hard to address a recent issue that impacted the game service for some EU realms. We are in the process of restarting the affected realms. We will be initiating scheduled rolling restarts for all EU realms, starting in an hour at 7:00 a.m. CET. Additionally, we are scheduling all Americas and Oceania realms for rolling restarts at 3:00 a.m. PST. 8:00 p.m. PST Over the last hour, we've temporarily raised the maximum population cap on the Lightbringer (US) realm. We're closely monitoring all realms, and Lightbringer (US) in particular, with the intention of continuing to allow in as many players as we can support. Several hotfixes aimed at improving server and gameplay issues, and specifically addressing Garrison issues, are set to be deployed. These particular hotfixes require rolling restarts to apply, and we are going to start by applying them to the EU realms. We have scheduled rolling restarts for all EU realms to begin in approximately two hours at 7:00 a.m. CET. 7:00 p.m. PST We continue to monitor performance and population in North America following the increase of maximum realm population that we applied earlier. Additionally, we’ve developed a number of hotfixes to improve server and gameplay issues, with a focus on Garrison performance. These particular hotfixes require rolling restarts to apply, and we are going to start by applying them to the EU realms. We have scheduled rolling restarts for all EU realms to begin at 7:00 a.m. CET. 6:00 p.m. PST All realms in North America, Oceania, and Europe have now had their temporary population cap increases applied. We’re continuing to work on developing and applying hotfixes for performance and gameplay issues. A number of these have already been applied and can be found here. We’ll have more updates in approximately an hour. 5:00 p.m. PST We’ve begun the process of temporarily increasing population caps on European realms. As with the North American and Oceanic realms, we’re rolling out the increase a few realms at a time so we can monitor the results. We also have some additional performance increase hotfixes in production, which we are planning to try out shortly on the North American realm Lightbringer. We will have another update in approximately an hour. 4:00 p.m. PST All North American and Oceanic realms have now had their population caps increased. We are continuing to monitor realm stability, and plan to begin testing the increase on European realms soon. In addition, we’re making progress towards correcting an issue that would occasionally cause players to get stuck on flight paths when flying to their Garrison. Our next update will occur in roughly one hour. 3:00 p.m. PST Our initial tests to increase realm capacity were successful, so we’ve continued to roll out our testing of increased population caps to additional North American and Oceanic realms. We’re also making steady progress to resolve the issues causing instance, world, and Garrison server crashes in Europe. We’ll provide another update approximately one hour from now. 2:10 p.m. PST After carefully monitoring server performance for the last few hours, we are now testing raising realm capacity above normal population caps. We’re going to temporarily increase the population cap on a few realms in North America, and observe them closely. Our next update will be in approximately an hour. - - - 1:00 p.m. PST We are continuing to optimize servers and address additional performance issues. Realms appear stable with the increased population caps. We are monitoring server stability as Europe continues through peak play time and populations increase in the Americas. We’ll provide further updates in approximately one hour. - - - 12:00 p.m. PST As previously posted, both Europe and the Americas/Oceanic realms went into an off-peak maintenance to upgrade realm hardware, and implement a new Draenor-wide instancing tech to improve game performance. Both regions’ maintenances concluded successfully, and so far we’ve seen very positive results, allowing us to dramatically raise the realm population caps for all realms. We’re going to continue optimizing the in-game experience, focus on the new instancing tech, and hotfix gameplay issues as they come up. We’re currently seeing a very high demand on the game and game services due to the exceptionally large number of people excited to play Warlords of Draenor. We’re focusing on a few specific issues, one of which is a group of realms in Europe that are seeing increased instance, world, and Garrison server crashes. That’s being addressed as an isolated issue and we’re investigating the cause to ensure it doesn’t occur elsewhere. We’ll be looking into the possibility of Free Character Transfers for our highest population realms, but first we need to get the service to a place where we feel it’s also able to process a potentially large number of transfers while not adversely affecting service stability. Our next steps are to continue working on the few performance issues we’re tracking in Europe, and continue maintaining and improving the level of service in the Americas and Oceania. We’ll provide another update in an hour. - - - 11:00 a.m. PST We’re working to mitigate some localized instance and Garrison server crashes in Europe. We’re still seeing what we would expect to see in the Americas/Oceanic region for high queues on very populace realms, and for Europe there are queues across the majority of realms during their peak play time. We’ll provide a more comprehensive update in an hour on where the service currently stands as a whole, and what else we’re working on. - - - 10:00 a.m. PST We’re continuing to monitor the realms post-maintenance. Realms are being maintained at their raised population caps, and while many realms no longer have queues, we do expect that high population realms will still see a wait to log in. We’ll continue to provide updates throughout the day. - - - 9:00 a.m. PST We’re continuing to monitor realms and track any individual issues as they occur. We’re still seeing some issues occurring now that Europe is in their peak playtime, but with greatly reduced frequency compared to before maintenance. All realms are now set back up to their normal population caps. Queues being experienced now are due to demand beyond what the realms are normally capable of handling, and we’ll be looking into how to reduce them further. - - - 8:02 a.m. PST All Americas and Oceanic realms are live. We are continuing to monitor these realms for reports of any ongoing stability issues. The EU website and forums issues are being investigated as are reports of "World Server Down" issues and Garrison accessibility. Thank you for your continued patience and ongoing reports. 7:10 a.m. PST All Americas and Oceanic realms are now live. We will continue to monitor these realms closely. Thank you for your continued patience and ongoing reports. 7:00 a.m. PST We are in the process of marking all Americas and Oceanic realms live and will continue to monitor for reports of any additional stability issues. All EU realms are live and currently stable. We are continuing to monitor them for any additional reports stability issues. 6:00 a.m. PST All Americas and Oceanic realms maintenance and internal testing continues as scheduled. EU realm rolling restarts are in the process of being completed and we will continue to monitor reports for additional recurrences of realm stability issues. Thank you for your continued patience. Our next update here will be in approximately 1 hour. 5:00 a.m. PST All Americas and Oceanic realms are in maintenance and continue to progress as scheduled. We are working as quickly as possible to deploy hardware upgrades and code fixes that are intended to improve both access to the game and experience while playing. Across our EU realms, we're monitoring reports of scattered stability issues and have been performing restarts to pick up hotfixes. We continue to deploy hotfixes for specific gameplay issues through the night. These are often fixes for quests that are not working correctly or not completing, as well as unexpected behavior of various game elements. Thank you for your continued patience. Our next update here will be in 1 hour, unless there is an urgent need. ----- 3:00 a.m. PST All Americas and Oceanic realms are now in maintenance. We are working as quickly as possible to deploy hardware upgrades and code fixes that are intended to improve both access to the game and experience while playing. Across our EU realms, we're monitoring reports of scattered stability issues. We've seen further "world server down" issues, and are working to correct that. We continue to deploy hotfixes for specific gameplay issues through the night. These are often fixes for quests that are not working correctly or not completing, as well as unexpected behavior of various game elements. Thank you for your continued patience. Our next update here will be in 2-3 hours, unless there is an urgent need. ----- 2:00 a.m. PST Our EU realms have been up with maintenance completed, and players logged in and playing, for over an hour. We've gotten reports of some 'world server down' issues during that time, and we're looking into the situation. We will begin maintenance on our Americas and Oceanic realms in one hour, at 3:00 a.m. PST. 1:00 a.m. PST A few minutes ago, we brought our EU realms out of maintenance. The game is live for all European realms. We will be closely monitoring the performance of our EU servers as we prepare to perform maintenance on our Americas and Oceanic realms starting in about two hours at 3:00 a.m. PST. 12:00 a.m. PST We’re entering our fourth hour of scheduled maintenance on our European realms. On our North American realms, queues continue to decrease as we move past ‘prime time’. We’re also making ongoing settings adjustments in order to improve realm stability. Over the last hour, a number of new hotfixes have been deployed to address in-game issues. All Americas and Oceania realms will undergo scheduled maintenance starting in three hours at 3:00 a.m. PST, with the game unavailable until approximately 9:00 a.m. PST. 11:00 p.m. PST For three hours now, our European realms have been undergoing maintenance that includes hardware upgrades intended to improve the user experience. This maintenance period was previously scheduled to end in about three hours at 11:00 a.m. CET. As we’re now past the ‘prime time’ of a peak number of players on our North American realms, the number of realms experiencing queues and the size of queues have begun to decrease. We continue to identify issues and deploy hotfixes to the game. As a reminder, all Americas and Oceania realms will undergo scheduled maintenance starting in four hours at 3:00 a.m. PST, with the game unavailable until approximately 9:00 a.m. PST. 10:00 p.m. PST Maintenance on our European realms has continued for two hours, with hardware upgrades proceeding as planned. In North America and Oceania, we’ve been making adjustments to realms settings in order to improve performance and stability. Regarding gameplay issues, we continue to deploy hotfixes to the game. Our Customer Support team is updating known issues threads here. 9:00 p.m. PST Our Europe maintenance has been underway for an hour, with progress being made to upgrade that region’s hardware. In North America, we’re continuing to test the phasing tech that may allow us to expand capacity by a significant amount on busy realms. We continue to deploy hotfixes to address a number of issues. You can take a look at many of these hotfixes in this blog post, but please note that we will not be posting updates to the blog overnight. We appreciate your continued patience. If you're a Twitter user, you can follow @BlizzardCS and @Warcraft for updates. We will continue to provide regular updates here throughout the night. Update 8:06 p.m. PST We’re beginning work on the Europe hardware upgrades now that realms have been brought down for maintenance. In addition we’re pushing out code hotfixes we’ve been testing to the Americas and Oceanic realms, and we’ll be applying those same fixes to Europe realms during their maintenance. We’ll continue providing regular updates, but please be aware that most of our efforts are now focused on the Europe and Americas/Oceanic hardware upgrades. - - - Update 7:07 p.m. PST We’re making preparations for the Europe maintenance beginning in just an hour, and along with hardware upgrades we will be implementing some of the performance improvements we’ve been testing. One of these is a fairly large change to the way the game world is run by the servers—expanding the phasing tech used for the Tanaan intro experience to the entire continent of Draenor. This will allow us to run multiple copies of Draenor simultaneously, spreading out server population, while attempting to keep guilds and parties within the same copy. We’re currently running tests of this tech on a few North American realms, and have found we’re able to raise realm capacity by a significant amount. We’ll continue to provide updates as we progress through the Europe maintenance, and prepare to apply the same changes on the Americas and Oceanic realms. - - - Update 6:00 p.m. PST We’re continuing to work on improving realm and login stability, reducing Character Not Found errors, and hotfixing in-game issues. We’re making progress ahead of maintenance on a couple performance improvements, and we’re in the process of testing those improvements now on a few realms. Maintenance is beginning for our Europe realms in just a couple hours, and we’ll continue providing regular updates here throughout the night. - - - Thank you again to everyone for your patience while we continue to work around the clock to address performance issues. Last night we scheduled maintenance for Europe to implement server changes to help improve realm performance, and scheduled the same for the Americas/Oceanic realms today. With the maintenance in EU we experimented with raising population caps, and we’re continuing to make adjustments up and down to ensure a smoother game experience. Today we’re continuing to hotfix in-game issues, address any login and authentication issues occurring from the high number of players attempting to play, and make any changes and adjustments we can while the game is live. While these changes have made a marked improvement for the in-game experience, we still have a lot of work ahead of us. As most of you are aware, the demand on the game is extremely high right now, leading to increased queue times on many realms. We’re also seeing some login errors as a result. This is compounded by us needing to temporarily lower the population caps on all realms to help assist in realm stability issues due to a number of in-game factors that are putting greater than normal strain on the game servers. For those in-game now we’re seeing fairly stable gameplay, but with some continued issues when phasing into the Garrison. Even with lowered population caps we’re not seeing performance where it needs to be. We've been working toward much larger and longer term service improvements, which we’ll be implementing with off-peak maintenance tonight. A large portion of this extended maintenance will be upgrades to server hardware to help cope with the increased demand we’re seeing. We’re optimistic that hardware upgrades as well as some additional fixes and changes will resolve the in-game issues primarily centered around accessing Garrisons. We’re also continuing to test and implement new performance improvements whenever and wherever possible. We appreciate your continued patience, and we’ll be providing updates here as work progresses. If you use Twitter, we recommend following @BlizzardCS and @Warcraft for updates as well. |
Update 7:07 p.m. PST
We’re making preparations for the Europe maintenance beginning in just an hour, and along with hardware upgrades we will be implementing some of the performance improvements we’ve been testing. One of these is a fairly large change to the way the game world is run by the servers—expanding the phasing tech used for the Tanaan intro experience to the entire continent of Draenor. This will allow us to run multiple copies of Draenor simultaneously, spreading out server population, while attempting to keep guilds and parties within the same copy. We’re currently running tests of this tech on a few North American realms, and have found we’re able to raise realm capacity by a significant amount. We’ll continue to provide updates as we progress through the Europe maintenance, and prepare to apply the same changes on the Americas and Oceanic realms. |
Oh, we're reading and watching. |
We've been taking it all in shifts so that people can catch a bit of sleep where they can. That said, we're here with everyone and doing what we can whether some think it's enough or not. I know people want lots of additional answers to things, but we need to take things a step at a time so we can fully assess each step we need to take to get things back to where everyone can play happily. |
I'm not a GM so I can't help you with specific account issues or tickets. Sorry. The best place to communicate with CS is on the CS Forums here, on Twitter @BlizzardCS, or via the ticket you said you submitted already. |
We've done many Tuesdays in which there was no maintenance or just rolling restarts. I can't predict what will need to be done Tuesday, but it seems likely it will be a normal maintenance since we're continuing to resolve a variety of issues people have been having. We shall see though. I don't want to put the horse before the cart here. |
Have you reported this to Customer Service? It may be something they can help with. I'll forward this issue along on my end just in case. |
12:00 p.m. PST
As previously posted, both Europe and the Americas/Oceanic realms went into an off-peak maintenance to upgrade realm hardware, and implement a new Draenor-wide instancing tech to improve game performance. Both regions’ maintenances concluded successfully, and so far we’ve seen very positive results, allowing us to dramatically raise the realm population caps for all realms. We’re going to continue optimizing the in-game experience, focus on the new instancing tech, and hotfix gameplay issues as they come up. We’re currently seeing a very high demand on the game and game services due to the exceptionally large number of people excited to play Warlords of Draenor. We’re focusing on a few specific issues, one of which is a group of realms in Europe that are seeing increased instance, world, and Garrison server crashes. That’s being addressed as an isolated issue and we’re investigating the cause to ensure it doesn’t occur elsewhere. We’ll be looking into the possibility of Free Character Transfers for our highest population realms, but first we need to get the service to a place where we feel it’s also able to process a potentially large number of transfers while not adversely affecting service stability. Our next steps are to continue working on the few performance issues we’re tracking in Europe, and continue maintaining and improving the level of service in the Americas and Oceania. We’ll provide another update in an hour. (Apologies, forgot to post this as a separate reply in the thread.) |
1:00 p.m. PST
We are continuing to optimize servers and address additional performance issues. Realms appear stable with the increased population caps. We are monitoring server stability as Europe continues through peak play time and populations increase in the Americas. We’ll provide further updates in approximately one hour. |
2:10 p.m. PST
After carefully monitoring server performance for the last few hours, we are now testing raising realm capacity above normal population caps. We’re going to temporarily increase the population cap on a few realms in North America, and observe them closely. Our next update will be in approximately an hour. |
3:00 p.m. PST
Our initial tests to increase realm capacity were successful, so we’ve continued to roll out our testing of increased population caps to additional North American and Oceanic realms. We’re also making steady progress to resolve the issues causing instance, world, and Garrison server crashes in Europe. We’ll provide another update approximately one hour from now. |
4:00 p.m. PST
All North American and Oceanic realms have now had their population caps increased. We are continuing to monitor realm stability, and plan to begin testing the increase on European realms soon. In addition, we’re making progress towards correcting an issue that would occasionally cause players to get stuck on flight paths when flying to their Garrison. Our next update will occur in roughly one hour. |
5:00 p.m. PST
We’ve begun the process of temporarily increasing population caps on European realms. As with the North American and Oceanic realms, we’re rolling out the increase a few realms at a time so we can monitor the results. We also have some additional performance increase hotfixes in production, which we are planning to try out shortly on the North American realm Lightbringer. We will have another update in approximately an hour. |
6:00 p.m. PST
All realms in North America, Oceania, and Europe have now had their temporary population cap increases applied. We’re continuing to work on developing and applying hotfixes for performance and gameplay issues. A number of these have already been applied and can be found here. We’ll have more updates in approximately an hour. |
7:00 p.m. PST
We continue to monitor performance and population in North America following the increase of maximum realm population that we applied earlier. Additionally, we’ve developed a number of hotfixes to improve server and gameplay issues, with a focus on Garrison performance. These particular hotfixes require rolling restarts to apply, and we are going to start by applying them to the EU realms. We have scheduled rolling restarts for all EU realms to begin at 7:00 a.m. CET. |
8:00 p.m. PST
Over the last hour, we've temporarily raised the maximum population cap on the Lightbringer (US) realm. We're closely monitoring all realms, and Lightbringer (US) in particular, with the intention of continuing to allow in as many players as we can support. Several hotfixes aimed at improving server and gameplay issues, and specifically addressing Garrison issues, are set to be deployed. These particular hotfixes require rolling restarts to apply, and we are going to start by applying them to the EU realms. We have scheduled rolling restarts for all EU realms to begin in approximately two hours at 7:00 a.m. CET. |
9:00 p.m. PST
We are currently working hard to address a recent issue that impacted the game service for some EU realms. We are in the process of restarting the affected realms. We will be initiating scheduled rolling restarts for all EU realms, starting in an hour at 7:00 a.m. CET. Additionally, we are scheduling all Americas and Oceania realms for rolling restarts at 3:00 a.m. PST. |