So I know Blizz said they were working on a solution, but I just got this message in answer to my ticket.
I looked into your issue and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. I have sent you a gold reward for this LFR that will be waiting for you in your mailbox. Again truely sorry regarding this issue. This issue has been hotfixed and you will no longer have any more issues regarding lockout.
Game Master *removed*
Customer Service
The issue that arises, however, is I (supposedly) won gear from my encounter. For me personally this is a non-issue and I have closed the ticket. The reason it is a non-issue is because the gear I would have gotten is not an upgrade. While I might have made a little more cash if I could have sold the gear, it isn't worth the effort.
What I DO take issue with is not everyone is in the same boat as myself. It means a lot more to other people who got screwed over and while I have been blessed by the RNG gods in LFR (6 freakin helms!), it is just wrong to let it slide for those others who have not had my luck.
If this was just a case of showing gear for everyone, I understand the problem. However it was a bug that showed gear that SHOULD have been won (as I understand it anyway). What to do? I don't have a clue. I would suggest giving the gear shown but from the slow response I can see that is probably not going to happen for a reason I hope is explained (though I imagine it has to do with logs). If that is not possible a few elder charms would be nice along with the gold reward. However, I just can't, in good conscience, set back and say nothing just because it wasn't a big deal to me.
"Thank you for reporting this issue to us. Our developers have recently pushed a hotfix for this issue and it should now be resolved. You should now be able to run Looking for Raid again this week and be eligible for loot." Unfortunately, there was some misunderstanding about what the hotfix would be able to accomplish and the reply that was originally sent out was based on that information. The response that is going out has since been corrected but there are a number of folks who already received the original response. I apologize for the confusion. I'm sorry to say that this encounter could not be reset nor is our In-game Support able award loot that you may have received otherwise. The overall issue has been resolved but you will not be eligible for loot until resets next week. Any additional options will likely come from Development. As stated in the thread in the General Discussion forum, they will provide an update as soon as possible. |
I'm sorry, Irridiae, while we entirely understand your frustration that does not change the fact that CS will be unable to assist in this matter. As I stated in my last post: Any additional options will likely come from Development. As stated in the thread in the General Discussion forum, they will provide an update as soon as possible. |
Yes, Rekcufox, since I am the one responding to these threads and there really isn't any reason to find twenty different ways to say the exact same thing I am quoting my previous responses. As mentioned before, any additional updates will be posted in the General Discussion forum. Any feedback you have regarding the matter can be posted there. Please remember to remain constructive and abide by the code of conduct. |