Initially I want to say, I like the idea of a boss that randomly spawns and massacres your whole raid group at random, and then gives an achievment and a pet once you kill him.
What I don't like, is the fact that the people who spend their time sitting at the cave for days, get out rolled by someone who just joined the raid because they needed more people to kill it. I really like the idea that only a few people should get the pet, but I just spent two complete days waiting for this spawn to get beaten by someone we just invited, who will most likely just sell the pet. Shouldn't there be some kind of reward for thoughs people who litterally spent their whole day waiting for this creature to spawn? Because now I feel like I sat at that cave for the past two days, for absolutely nothing, when someone just has to listen to trade to know when someone found it for them.
So... you're basically mad because you can't dictate who wins a pet. I don't think that's fair... the majority of the game is built around controlled environments (instances) giving out tha loots in specific and controlled ways. When almost everything the game presents (systems-wise) is countered by the rather loose mechanics of a rare spawn, it might seem like it's unfair, or maybe even like it's breaking the intent of how loot is (or should be) distributed in the game. Given how the majority of the game functions, I think that expectation is at least understandable. While we may be challenging some of what people believe the formula of the game is... these kinds of things can be fun because we may be challenging some of what people believe the formula of the game is. It seems to me like one of those thing that at some point in the future you'll look back fondly on the crazy shenanigans that took place - although it doesn't seem like it now. Whether it be an outdoor raid boss or some world-PvP... just from my personal outlook I'd say this expansion is a bit looser and looking to create more of the backdrops where those spontaneous situations can occur, and long-lasting memories will be made. I think that's pretty exciting. Or at least I'm excited. |