wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     
Nikandra spełnił kryterium Loot 200,000 gold osiągnięcia Got My Mind On My Money.     
Tooly zdobył Fairweather Helm.     
Muattin zdobył osiągnięcie The Dirty Five.     
Yoozku zdobył Parrotfeather Cloak.     
Mlody89 zdobył Royal Apothecary Drape.     
Weakness zabił Dazar, The First King (Mythic King's Rest) po raz 6.     
liq spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Osiol spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Wuntu zabił Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth (Heroic Uldir) po raz 1.     
Olsa zabił Vectis (Heroic Uldir) po raz 6.     
Sarenus spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
kajtasus zdobył osiągnięcie Come Sail Away.     
ossir spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
mcpablo spełnił kryterium Alliance players slain. osiągnięcia Frontline Slayer.     
Emmm zabił Taloc (Heroic Uldir) po raz 17.     
AsaGorth spełnił kryterium Big-Mouth Clam osiągnięcia The Oceanographer.     


Darkmoon Rabbit” wysłany:
Initially I want to say, I like the idea of a boss that randomly spawns and massacres your whole raid group at random, and then gives an achievment and a pet once you kill him.

What I don't like, is the fact that the people who spend their time sitting at the cave for days, get out rolled by someone who just joined the raid because they needed more people to kill it. I really like the idea that only a few people should get the pet, but I just spent two complete days waiting for this spawn to get beaten by someone we just invited, who will most likely just sell the pet. Shouldn't there be some kind of reward for thoughs people who litterally spent their whole day waiting for this creature to spawn? Because now I feel like I sat at that cave for the past two days, for absolutely nothing, when someone just has to listen to trade to know when someone found it for them.