Has anyone else seemed to receive bad service since the layoffs. Before Blizzard laidoff 600 employees i had put in a ticket regarding an error in LFR and it was dealt with within an hour. The last two ticket I put in one regarding a quest bug and the other regarding an error with a in game item purchase took more than 24hrs and I was not satisfied with the answer i received. Basically for the quest bug I was told "ya we know about it try questing elsewhere." very unhelpful for someone going for the zone achieve - now impossible due to linear quest lines.
My boyfriend also had an issue with a bugged quest in Deepholm. He is now unable to complete the quest lines that will give him access to the Terazane and cannot get the shoulder inscriptions. He has since been forced to train into inscription because the GM sent him a message saying "check wowhead". The problem is there are no quests for him to get in the zone.. he somehow lost a quest that isn't given by an NPC (one given after you complete a quest out of thin air). Wowhead cannot fix that.
I understand that they are likely dealing with a lot of bugs due to the beta (which wasn't out when my quest error happened) but many subscribers as well as myself still pay for the regular Cataclysm/WoW service. I understand having to wait a "little" longer but given no solution and not being told when, if or how I will be able to continue working on my achievement is a little bit of a pain.
Basically I would like to know if this level of service is going to continue for the future - past Beta and Pandaria's release. I know it was said that the jobs were not lost in the development areas but customer service may have been hit.
Edit: And yes before anyone asks, I did fill out the survey.
Has anyone else seemed to receive bad service since the annoucnement. Before Blizzard laidoff 600 employees i had put in a ticket regarding an error in LFR and it was dealt with within an hour. The problem with perception is it is often based off limited, sometimes incorrect or incomplete information. I am not able to provide much specific information, though you can find more details in the announcement made by our CEO Mike Morhaime. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4079626833#1 What most people do not realize is that queue times after this, were optimal. Meaning that if you called or had submit a ticket they were answered very quickly. What happened was that we announced the new Scroll of Resurrection promotion. There was a great deal of interest in it, and that, coupled with a few hiccups with the program in the beginning, caused a massive influx of contacts. Shortly after that, while the interested in SoR remained high, and the "hiccups" were addressed, we announced the Diablo III pre-sale and shortly after the the Mists of Pandaria beta opened up. Keep in mind that those contacts are in addition to the normal level of contacts that we receive on a daily basis. Basically for the quest bug I was told "ya we know about it try questing elsewhere." very unhelpful for someone going for the zone achieve - now impossible due to linear quest lines. While our In-Game Support staff would like to help, they are sometimes limited by the issue you may be experiencing. We are not Developers or programmers, we are unable to "fix" a possible bug. We can only let you know that those who do work on these matters are aware of what you are reporting. My boyfriend also had an issue with a bugged quest in Deepholm. He is now unable to complete the quest lines that will give him access to the Terazane and cannot get the shoulder inscriptions. Often that has to do with either missing a quest that they were supposed to pick up or abandoning a quest and not recalling where to pick it up again. The problem is there are no quests for him to get in the zone.. he somehow lost a quest that isn't given by an NPC (one given after you complete a quest out of thin air). Wowhead cannot fix that. Though several Cataclysm quests can be completed and the next one obtained without returning to an NPC or other point to pick it up, they do often have NPC's associated with them. Wowhead and other associated sites can help by helping your boyfriend determine where they were in the questline and where to go to pick up that next quest.
In-Game Support has absolutely nothing to do with game development or bug testings. The delays with queue times have mostly to do with the areas I covered.
The trouble is, many people only have their own history to go by. If you have contacted In-Game Support while there weren't any big issues happening you would have received a response in very little time, as most do. If you are one of the unlikely ones that seem to experience an issue only when something is going on, you may have the impression that queue times are always days long. Queue times ebb and flow, based what is happening at the time and we are constantly improving our policies and procedures while updating our tools to make sure we can address every issue we receive as quickly as we can. The new changes to our reporting interface will hopefully help with that. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4427669553 |