Has anyone else seemed to receive bad service since the layoffs. Before Blizzard laidoff 600 employees i had put in a ticket regarding an error in LFR and it was dealt with within an hour. The last two ticket I put in one regarding a quest bug and the other regarding an error with a in game item purchase took more than 24hrs and I was not satisfied with the answer i received. Basically for the quest bug I was told "ya we know about it try questing elsewhere." very unhelpful for someone going for the zone achieve - now impossible due to linear quest lines.
My boyfriend also had an issue with a bugged quest in Deepholm. He is now unable to complete the quest lines that will give him access to the Terazane and cannot get the shoulder inscriptions. He has since been forced to train into inscription because the GM sent him a message saying "check wowhead". The problem is there are no quests for him to get in the zone.. he somehow lost a quest that isn't given by an NPC (one given after you complete a quest out of thin air). Wowhead cannot fix that.
I understand that they are likely dealing with a lot of bugs due to the beta (which wasn't out when my quest error happened) but many subscribers as well as myself still pay for the regular Cataclysm/WoW service. I understand having to wait a "little" longer but given no solution and not being told when, if or how I will be able to continue working on my achievement is a little bit of a pain.
Basically I would like to know if this level of service is going to continue for the future - past Beta and Pandaria's release. I know it was said that the jobs were not lost in the development areas but customer service may have been hit.
Edit: And yes before anyone asks, I did fill out the survey.