I feel a bit miffed right now. Nah, make that livid. During the final boss on my first run of Zul'Gurub a chat window from GM "Iakali" popped up, and I was unable to reply in a timely fashion due to a whole lot of stuff going on at the time (I did try, but my character just said my reply in white text three times). Then I got kicked of Battle.net and when I tried to log back in was greated with a character name change "request." I lost my wife nearly 10 years ago, and my first toon on this server was made to look like her as much as possible and given her maiden name, %#*@skaya. It is a Russian/Ukrainian surname, not common, but not exactly obscure either; i.e.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%#*@skaya [EDIT: If you care not to figure that one out, try: http://www.isufs.org/bios/isufs00000256.htm]
I have seen many, many character names that are tongue-in-cheek and wink-wink-nudge-nudge but this is not one of them. And now I am forced to change my character's name by a company that produces a game rife with sexual innuendo, homophobic stereotypes, and an NPC hanging from a chain in a cave that had the gall to call me an "!@#-hunter". Thank you, kind sirs, for reopening an old wound.
Jim Ellington, operator of newly-named Arcane Mage "Mydeadwife"
I am sorry for what hardships the recent actions may cause you, Mydeadwife. Unfortunately, while your intentions behind the name may be entirely noble and benign, our In-Game Support staff must look at all interpretations of a character name. Even ones that you may not have intended to be there.
Well no. We're the video game company that is adhering to specific guidelines to maintain a Teen Rating.
We do so because we have control over what we add to it. Additionally, those who purchase games with a Teen rating, for themselves or their minor children, usually have a reasonable expectation about the language and subject matter found in it. That any player generated language and subject matter found in those games, would be maintained to the best of the companies ability. While we cannot entirely prevent the use of such language, we can respond to reports made and take appropriate action to address any violations of those policies and hopefully curb any further violation. If you wish to dispute the name change you are welcome to do so through the Support Site. https://us.battle.net/support/en/ticket/submit Good luck to you. |