I feel a bit miffed right now. Nah, make that livid. During the final boss on my first run of Zul'Gurub a chat window from GM "Iakali" popped up, and I was unable to reply in a timely fashion due to a whole lot of stuff going on at the time (I did try, but my character just said my reply in white text three times). Then I got kicked of Battle.net and when I tried to log back in was greated with a character name change "request." I lost my wife nearly 10 years ago, and my first toon on this server was made to look like her as much as possible and given her maiden name, %#*@skaya. It is a Russian/Ukrainian surname, not common, but not exactly obscure either; i.e.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%#*@skaya [EDIT: If you care not to figure that one out, try: http://www.isufs.org/bios/isufs00000256.htm]
I have seen many, many character names that are tongue-in-cheek and wink-wink-nudge-nudge but this is not one of them. And now I am forced to change my character's name by a company that produces a game rife with sexual innuendo, homophobic stereotypes, and an NPC hanging from a chain in a cave that had the gall to call me an "!@#-hunter". Thank you, kind sirs, for reopening an old wound.
Jim Ellington, operator of newly-named Arcane Mage "Mydeadwife"