What determines which Blue posts show up under "latest Blizzard posts"? You know - if you click on the "forums" link, the banner across the top highlights recent Blizzard posts. And there's also a link to "view all". But even that view all link does not list them all.
I'm not talking about the blue posts in the customer service/bug report forums. I get why they don't show up.
But for example, Neth posted about Tyrande's voice actor in a General Discussions thread about 22 hours ago, and that post is not listed neither in the banner nor under "view all".
I know it's not a time-based issue because Bashiok has more recently posted a message that has show up and that was only 10 hours ago.
So, why would some blue posts not show up, even under the "view all" list?
You can search/see our posts the same as you can anyone else on the forums. |