Model Five is the kind of rhetorical question you could go back in time and ask before WoW launched, but not the kind of thing we could change today without taking an enormous amount of effort, to say nothing of the irate players who would feel bamboozled that we were so dramatically changing their character out from under them. I try to never say never, but this model isn't the kind of change you make in a mature game. It's here only for completeness and because I suspect some of you will bring it up.
This quote really infuriates me, because that's exactly what they've done to the Druid Feral spec. Since I've played feral I've opted for the tank/dps hybrid. It's how I've played since I started raiding in BC, about 6 years ago.
The quote is referring to what would happen if they made every class have only one DPS spec. But it is apropos here because the irateness I'm feeling at having my character so dramatically changed out from under me is the same.
My playstyle is to DPS mainly, and tank when needed during a fight, or take over tanking if a tank dies. It's a challenging and incredibly fun playstyle, and it will be completely removed in MoP.
It makes me wonder if GC even realizes that he's already instituted the kind of change he claims that one does not make in a game like this.
If I don't buy MoP and let my subscription lapse, this is why.