Oh don't worry. I'm going to be transmogrified myself in the next few months. |
See, there's your mistake right there. You're flouncing around Stormwind. Try flouncing around Orgrimmar. Now that's the right place to have some serious fun flouncing. |
You will not be able to transmogrify using a legendary item as either the source or the recipient of a change. |
This system is going to launch with fairly conservative rules, so that we can get it up and running as soon as possible and make fun improvements down the road. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that we’ll eventually allow transmogrification to use the twill set or [insert your favorite item here], but probably not for the initial launch of the feature. |
That is intended to be the original, not-legendary Sulfuras. |
We would like to offer some alternative ways to get favorite items that are no longer available, such as perhaps the dungeon tier sets or the DK start gear. This is something we will expand over time – not every favorite item will be immediately available at launch. But we’ll keep a list of items that get requested by the players and work to get them in someday. |
You're correct. He should be wielding ![]() ![]() ![]() |
No, it's necessary to have both the item you want to make look like something else, and the item you're using the 'look' of.
You can swap around the looks of items as much as you want. There's a gold cost associated with using it, so that's your only limitation (aside from which specific items can be used in the process).
I'm not sure what you're asking? Will there be "free presets" to choose from? No you must own the physical item you're using the look from. Whether that's completing a quest, killing a boss, or buying it from a vendor. |