The World we inherited from Warcraft 3 during the start of WoW is getting further away with each passing day.
The new content is great, no doubt about it. But I find it harder and harder to believe the World my character is living in. With the death of Arthas, we have ruptured our link with the memories of Warcraft 3 and the Frozen Throne forever.
One of the charms of playing WoW was to play in the World we learned to see through an omniscient RTS point of view. But now, we have almost consumed everything that was built or constructed through the memories of Warcraft 3, and almost everything from Warcraft 1 and 2.
No matter how much content is put before me, I cannot help but feel the need to see Lore like we saw it in the RTS games, to then truly enjoy seeing its interpreation and representation in the MMO version of the universe were dealing with.
What saddens me, is that there will be very probably no more Warcraft RTS game, and that the universe we learned to love will end it's storyline (after 3 more expansions probably) in only one form : The MMO form.
After that, the ''World'' of Warcraft, in all the meanings of the term, will be over, and this franchise will remain a memory that will no more develop.
Blizzard is preparing WoW's death, as a game, but also as a franchise. Project Titan (MMOFPS project from Blizzard), is financed through WoW's funding. It will reemplace the aging franchise of Warcraft, and eventually, gently bring it to it's tomb, by no longer making it active or evolving. Titan will reemplace WoW, most probably.
What do you think? What are your feelings about this and this perspective? Let me know.
Everyone are of course free to guess and speculate on the future of Warcraft, but no one can be entirely certain of what the future has in store for us. Will we see Warcraft 4 one day? Or perhaps some other Warcraft related game? Nobody can say at this point in time, but one should never say never. It is never fun to think about the end of the things that we like, but everything must come to an end one day... even Warcraft. But that one day is not today, and it is very likely not tomorrow either. There is still plenty of places and lore left in the Warcraft universe to explore, so the story is going to keep growing for a while still :-) |