I'd like to dedicate a thread of thanks to all GMs out there, who spend countless hours answering petty problems that players can normally look up.
For answering countless of stupid problems
For answering coutnelss complicated problems
For answering countless strange problems
For answering countless normal problems
For answering countless of stupid problems
For answering countless of funny problems
For having great senses of humor while answering problems
For not blowing up in people's faces for easily solved problems that they don't understand
For making jokes and funn references to lighten the mood
For not telling me that I'm a complete retard and need to quit life
For helping me through the most frustrating problems
For telling me that they can't help me because it is a spoiler... wait, ignore that one
For hinting about unique experiences that have some type of interesting reward
For throwing zombie parades on Halloween (you know who I'm referring to, unless you're not him)
For funny intros and exit themes
For telling me to clear my cache and game data ever single time (maybe not everytime...)
For telling me to reinstall WoW and waste a couple of hours (again, maybe not everytime...)
For bearing with idiocy on failure to recognize why we should perform those functions
For accepting our ungiven thanks when their advice works, but we still mock it
For not smiting me down with your mighty powers of Blizzard employeeship
And for anything else I forget to mention...