I was told by a GM to post on the forums of my discrepancies i have with the looting system in heroic dungeons. I think should be some kind of MS>OS system put into effect, if i go into a dungeon as a specific role should another player of a different role win the gear that is best for my role?
Also these Zandalari dungeons there are way to many player that are geting in due to pvp gear and using overall ilvl instead of equipped ilvl the repair bills from these kind of groups are overwhelming just to have someone need on gear that doesn't necessarily need it, just wanting to bring ilvl up.Well hope you read this and reply.
A faithfu lpaying customer.
every time i try to go into my wow client it is saying "YOUR GAME INSTALLATION DAMAGED. PLEASE RUN REPAIR" im not sure what to do can any one help me out?