I believe Blizzard had good intentions with this new system, however, players have made it an utter failure.
While it was a good idea to bribe tanks and healers to come and do heroics more, this has essentially made doing heroics 1,000,000,000% more irritating.
Well, as a result of bribery from Blizzard, the million and one bad players who currently are dps come out from under their non-descript rocks and claim to be tanks and healers.
The result is an average failure rate of 9 out of 10 heroics because the so-called tank or healer is simply not even close to being mentally, nor gear-wise, prepared to take on these roles, resulting in almost always failing to complete the heroic.As a secondary result, I am completing far less dungeons a day than before this change.
While I do hate long queue times, I also hate being in queue a hundred times to complete one dungeon.
You really need to set some standard by which tanks and healers are chosen based on their actual gear and talents, and skill.
As a dps, I feel it necessary to tell Blizzard they have failed me and many others who are pure dps classes...
We can't complete dungeons because you have opened the flood gates to the masses of under-geared, clueless, slober-drooling, window-lickers who think they can tank or heal.
Please change it back to how it was...
I can accept the long queue times in exchange for real tanks and healers.
Bribing people will not work.
Due to the overwhelming focus on my statistics rather than the content of the thread, I have adjusted it to more accurately reflect my intentions.
The title is as intended... Call To Armed Failure
I spelled it this way purposely.
Thanks for your bumps informing me you think I spelled it wrong.
Great Posts:
I believe Blizzard had good intentions with this new system, however, players have made it an utter failure.
While it was a good idea to bribe tanks and healers to come and do heroics more, this has essentially made doing heroics 1,000,000,000% more irritating.
Well, as a result of bribery from Blizzard, the million and one bad players who currently are dps come out from under their non-descript rocks and claim to be tanks and healers.
The result is an average failure rate of about 98% on each and every heroic because the so-called tank or healer is simply not even close to being mentally, nor gear-wise, prepared to take on these roles, resulting in always failing to complete the heroic.
As a secondary result, I am completing far less dungeons a day than before this change.
How inconvenient! :p
I understand your concern to an extent, but isn't there a point where you concede that people need to get their feet wet before learning how to swim? Perhaps players inexperienced with the roles of tanking or healing are giving it a try for a chance at some good rewards and lower queue times. Why not see how Call to Arms changes the trends of group successes/failures and queue times over a period of time slightly longer than 48 hours? The patch has been out two days. I don't think you can adequately say your experiences since the release of 4.1 are indicative of how this feature affects Dungeon Finder groups in the long run. :)
I understand your concern to an extent, but isn't there a point where you concede that people need to get their feet wet before learning how to swim?
The problem that the players are reporting is that they feel you've left no lifeguards on duty. There's a big difference between learning to swim and drowning, no matter how similar these actions may look at first glance.
If there's some guidance or instruction offered to them, which some players have suggested adding, perhaps then we can honestly call it "learning to swim."
How inconvenient! :p
I understand your concern to an extent, but isn't there a point where you concede that people need to get their feet wet before learning how to swim? Perhaps players inexperienced with the roles of tanking or healing are giving it a try for a chance at some good rewards and lower queue times. Why not see how Call to Arms changes the trends of group successes/failures and queue times over a period of time slightly longer than 48 hours? The patch has been out two days. I don't think you can adequately say your experiences since the release of 4.1 are indicative of how this feature affects Dungeon Finder groups in the long run. :)
What? Why would it ever be appropriate for players to "get their feet wet" in the hardest 5-player content available? If that were the case, these (or similar, lesser) rewards would be available in non-heoric dungeons.
How inconvenient! :p
I understand your concern to an extent, but isn't there a point where you concede that people need to get their feet wet before learning how to swim? Perhaps players inexperienced with the roles of tanking or healing are giving it a try for a chance at some good rewards and lower queue times. Why not see how Call to Arms changes the trends of group successes/failures and queue times over a period of time slightly longer than 48 hours? The patch has been out two days. I don't think you can adequately say your experiences since the release of 4.1 are indicative of how this feature affects Dungeon Finder groups in the long run. :)
They shouldn't be learning these roles in Heroics. Reg Dungeons are there for that crap. It's really irritating to those of us who have been tanking/healing for years, and may have even leveled in those specs to see people in heroics, barely wearing high enough iLevel gear with only half of it being appropriate for the spec, trying to learn at a significant expense to others.
Zarhym (sp?), while I'm inclined to agree with you about getting "their feet wet before learning how to swim.", I don't really think heroics are the place for that. If anything, they should start in the kiddie pool (regulars), before going into the grown up pool (heroics). Perhaps, CtA would have been better served in regulars to inspire people to learn how to tank and/or heal? That way, they are motivated, and there is a bit less damage they can do to a group's morale as it seems to be universally understood that regulars are where we start to learn cata mechanics.
If I'm in a reg, I'm content to teach people what's what and give them tips and pointers. When I see them in a heroic, I expect them to know what the hell they are doing and step up and do it right (ZA and ZG excluded of course as there are no regular versions of those). If I find I'm grouped with a healer that can't keep up or dps that are just stupid (pulling for me, standing in crap, etc.), I leave. Better to eat the 30 minute debuff than run up my repair costs and stress level.
Well then, how long is a "fair" amount of time to wait? Since you claim that 2 days isn't enough a sample time, how long then? 1 month? 6 months? A year? Or, is the plan, assuming that this does end up being a failure, to leave this amazing perk in for tanks and sometimes healers even though, hypothetically, it isn't working.
I feel like it should be at it's tip top best right at launch, and dwindle later. If it's not working as intended now, what then are you going to wait for?
How inconvenient! :p
I understand your concern to an extent, but isn't there a point where you concede that people need to get their feet wet before learning how to swim? Perhaps players inexperienced with the roles of tanking or healing are giving it a try for a chance at some good rewards and lower queue times. Why not see how Call to Arms changes the trends of group successes/failures and queue times over a period of time slightly longer than 48 hours? The patch has been out two days. I don't think you can adequately say your experiences since the release of 4.1 are indicative of how this feature affects Dungeon Finder groups in the long run. :)
The problem as I see it, is tanks, such as myself, who are experienced, have gotten 0 rewards and no call to arms bags even when we signed up for the call to arms.
Why? IF one player leaves the group and we have to re-queue to finish the dungeon we're screwed.
3 times now. As far as I'm concerned I'm owed 3 bags. It's literally made me want to stop random queuing solo. I did get 1 bag... out of the 4 times I queued up for the CtA feature.
I tank.. My skills out way my gear by far, not the best geared but the 15% buff from randoms helps a bit. I put an effort into getting SOME Epics via Rep/Crafted. I have been doing the Call to Arms now for a day or so, even when the Call for tanks is not up, just for for rep and more gear, as this is an alt and hit 85 Monday night.
I'm have seen more dps/healers with literally gear just bought from the pvp/rep, the wrong ones with NO gems/enchants.. pulling 2.. maybe 5k dps at the most and that's pushing it, my self healing doing more then the healers. Lack of knowledge is also a downfall. Today I had a druid who never used lifebloom, a pali that did not know what a cleanse was and that's just the simple problems. Sometime I think its just trolling but when they don't dispell them self to get into the right zone before they die to an AoE, I die a little more inside.
I thought it was a great idea, leveled this toon just to tank and get a bag every once in awhile, but a 4 hours heroic cycling threw 5-6 healers/dps is frustrating and a waste of time.