Extended Maintenance.
Over the course of the years of gaming in WoW, Blizzard has extended maintenance time and time again...
Taking into account that you perform extended maintenance at least twice a month every month, that means paying customers are losing, on average, 48 hours a month of their paid subscriptions.
This amounts to 24 days a year of lost subscription time.
So, by paying 12 months of subscriptions, we actually are only getting 11 months and 6 days.
The rest of that additional months time is just gone.
I think it's time Blizzard starts either getting their job done on time, every time, or start paying us back for our lost time.
Now some of you will say... "But it's only a couple of hours."
While, at the time, that may very well be true, but then if you look at the bigger picture, that statement is very untrue.
24 days of lost time is hardly a "couple of hours".
So, let's talk reimbursement.
How about it Blizzard?
Will you start finishing on time, or are you going to start giving back to your paying customers for the time you keep taking from us without proper explaination?
Please help us consolidate discussion regarding this by posting in our sticky thread:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7004017485 UPDATE: Maintenance has been extended until 3:00pm PST. Thanks again for your continued patience. |