I've been a lot of things over the years Blizzard.
I've been a fan, I've been an early support, I've been a shareholder.
I've been a vocal minority, I've been in the majority.
I've been a casual, a hardcore, and a raider.
But the one thing I've never been is someone who was deeply disappointed. The development team promised mechanical fixes to the Hunter class. We got weeks of blue posts suggesting something was actually going to be done. We made suggestions despite fears that we'd simply get the lazy approach, finally, after a year, the devs got it and something was coming.
And today we find that you'd rather push out 5.4 with Hunters in an unplayable mechanical state for the third tier in a row.
So y'know what Lore? GC? I'm something worse than mad - I'm disappointed. You're capable of better. You're choosing to deliver a broken tier, and leave the Hunter class in a shoddy state. We need a real overhaul, and we need it by 5.4... next expansion is too late, putting us through another 8 months of being miserable, hurting our friends progression, feeling frustrated at our place in raiding... is not acceptable.
We're your customers too, so why do you keep disappointing us?
Hunters have had issues with key abilities (Bestial Wrath) since the MoP Beta, which continue to be bugged on Live. We've received no fix or response to these abilities for almost a year at this point.
Hunters have pet pathing and bugs in Throne of Thunder since T15 Beta, which continue to be bugged to this day. We've received no fix or response for these issues for several months at this point. When we create topics expressing our frustration and anger, you call them "non-constructive" and lock them, without giving any details on what you will actually do to address the problem: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9377139216?page=2#25 http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9377369281?page=4#61 The topics you tell us are constructive only receive "wait and see" responses, which we've heard for almost a year at this point - and yet for the past two tiers, Hunters have been underpowered and buggy during the serious progression portion of the tier: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9377368613?page=10#193 When we intentionally create purely constructive topics, with none of our emotional concerns, frustration, etc... they get completely ignored: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9377139798?page=1 You stand accused of ignoring Hunter concerns and using moderation (moderation that isn't targeted, btw, at the dozens and dozens of posters who try to troll us in our threads) to silence anyone who has genuine frustration at the situation. We play a class that, at the start of every tier, feels like a liability to our raid teams. We're raiders, we're playing in competitive guilds and have to do what's best for our teams. Give us an answer. Don't make us sit here and pray that this PTR maybe, just maybe, you'll buff us before Live. That's not fair to us, your customers, and it's not fair to our raid teams. We've been dealing with the same bug being in the game for a year, the same persistent issues tier-after-tier, the same problem of being consistently underpowered until the +0.1 patch... why do we have to do it in T16? We're not the enemy. We're your customers who are passionate enough about the game to hope that you share our passion and want to work with us to make this class work. Let us in on the conversation - even if you're uncertain - we can help and make Hunters fun again. |
There aren't several great threads Lore. And we ARE being ignored, silenced and hated on by the dev team because of general ignorance or simple refusal to listen and actually *think about our ideas* before dismissing them outright. The core issues with PVE Hunters have been completely ignored this entire Xpac. Since MoP Beta, Bestial Wrath has had a bug where it will not apply to Kill Command if KC is used immediately after popping BW. There is a slight delay before it will properly apply - has yet to be fixed. Pet pathing is still broken on some T14 bosses, causing pets to despawn. Pet pathing is still currently broken on Megara and Durumu. Explosive Shot procs were changed to roll into each other (so as to not "waste" procs) yet we still have to hold procs, because they snapshot on the latest, meaning if we have a buff about to fall off, we still sit and wait. Yet Serpent Sting does not snapshot properly - meaning our dot behavior is completely inconsistent. Pet control is consistently broken, and along with broken pathing at the start (and lately... the entirety) of tiers makes it nightmarish to DPS on certain fights. Combined with ever-changing rules for what pets do (and don't) trigger... such as on Spirit Kings... and it's a mess. We've dealt with arbitrary, unexplained nerfs that are later given a huge post full of nothing but PVP reasons, and we're expected to eat it, with the promise of "more sustained damage", in an expansion where burst damage is vital for PVE progression. We've sat near the bottom of the meters in every tier, waiting for the +0.1 patch to make us viable, often too late for those of us in high-end progression guilds. - You HAVE ignored us. You call us an "echo chamber", you say we're demanding buffs only to get a raid spot. You tell us Marks is okay, when it's the worst ranged spec in the game. You tell us that "we'll get around to numbers, it's not time yet" - in the same day you tell Mages, Warlocks and Paladins exactly how they'll be compensated so they can figure out for themselves if additional changes will be needed. The PVE Hunter class is absolutely a third-class citizen in the dev's eyes, and those of us who speak out and point out the obvious and gaping problems with the class get, at best, a snarky twitter answer from GC telling us we're wrong (despite mountains of data and real-world experience on our side). I tell you to actually play a Hunter not to snark back at you - but to open your eyes. I challenge a dev on the team to *play a Hunter in a high-end 25-man raiding guild*. Look at your position. Think about where Hunters would be if we were Int Cloth users. Literally the only reason we have raid spots right now, at all, is that we're on an underutilized armor type (Agi Mail), and BM Hunters with BiS gear are useful on H. Lei Shen. There's no guarantee we'll have the saving grace of being good on an end-boss next tier, and being carried for 13 bosses doesn't sound particularly enticing either. Look at the class. Look at its problems with cleave fights. Look at its struggles on spread out multidot fights. Look at how the gear scales, or how we struggle at the start of the tier. Please. It's getting old, and I really don't want to have to reroll just to get some respect or a dev who feels that we deserve an answer with regard to our PVE performance. Greg said "don't expect an overhaul" - but there is no other class in the game that I've played (mage, paladin, priest, druid and my latest... warlock) that is so desperately in need of one. |
We are pretty happy with raid utility for all specs. Every class asks for more to guarantee a raid spot. But we don't want guaranteed raid spots, and overall raid comp diversity is satisfactory for us. That's a ridiculous statement. Absolutely ridiculous. It implies skill-based competition for raid spots would be magically eliminated if Hunters had more raid utility. We're not asking to stop "bringing the player" - we're asking to have a fair competition for our raid spot. You give DKs Grip and Warlocks Portals (portal nerf only makes guilds stack more Locks, FYI) which really are guaranteed raid spots - to the point where guilds will take less-skilled players of those classe simply to build a comp... yet when Hunters ask for utility, suddenly we're the ones breaking the game for "guaranteed raid spots"? That's INSULTING. I, for one, won't tolerate it. - Stampede was never intended to provide utility. It's a DPS cooldown. Until June 10th, when you nerfed it into the ground. Have you ever actually played a Hunter in a high-end raiding guild? Do you just rely on your broken internal sims? You took us from a functional (finally) class in 5.3 after months of being useless... to being dead in the water again with the June 10th nerfs. - Silencing Shot is tough. As a talent, it will always get chosen. But hunters don't need more CC so we don't want to bake it in. Cool. So when Mages can interrupt and spellsteal, when every other class in the raid can help throw that "oh crap he's casting, someone interrupt" and Hunters literally bring NOTHING, yeah that's cool. That's not at all ever going to result in a situation, especially in 10, where a Hunter gets benched because "we want to have someone who can backup interrupt". Wait. Had to turn my sarcasm machine off. It's totally going to result in a situation where you say "sorry, can't take a Hunter, need a backup interruptor". - Readiness we are still iterating on. Removing offense or removing the ability both still on the table. Where is this table? It needs to be thrown out a window. It's a bad table and it probably wobbles. I mean, I guess the designers shouldn't have cut one of the legs off, but what can you do, the PVPers were mad, right? Stop neutering the class every time a 1200-bracket PVPer gets mad that a pet killed them. - Pet survivability we can look at, but pets aren't supposed to be free DPS with no management either. So when my pet, which is being actively micromanaged to maximize DPS, falls through the world because your pathing goes 5 yards under the floor, that's "working as intended"? When you have a boss like Durumu where the pathing is upside-down so my pet *tries to eat his non-existent feet and falls off the world*... "working as intended"? Let me kill my pet and eat its heart to gain its strength. I'll be freaking glad not to have one - but you continue to insist that I should have a pet, yet refuse to make them function correctly. Blink Strikes -is- pretty funny though, I love watching my pet blink to a target 50 yards in the air and start claw-humping it. - - So, I think it's time the entire CS team grabbed GC and forced him to play a raiding Hunter, with the requirement that he pass trial as a Hunter in a US 50 or better guild before he be allowed to touch the class design again. Give that a shot before you start saying we "have enough utility", call us an "echo chamber" when we point out our DPS - especially for SV and Marks, is god-awful, or that we're having numerous issues, bugs and quality-of-life so low many of us now quality for federal relief grants. |
My parrot keeps yelling while I play WoW. I couldn't figure out why, but now I suspect he's trying to talk to my character in-game, because when I logged out, he stared at the character select screen and started doing this head-bobbing thing.
So I think my parrot has a crush on my avatar. Suggestions? |
The only reason that BADS can walk into raids these days, are even ATTEMPTING raids that they should not be doing, is that it's extremely easy to gear a character. You can go from "fresh 85" to "fully 346 / 353 / 359 geared" in two weeks.
The reason for this IS FOR CASUAL RAIDERS (not "casual players" where people actually mean BADS, people who won't take 15 minutes to go on elitist jerks and refuse to use proper add-ons, screw up interrupts and put out mediocre DPS) to be able to keep up. It's also designed so that HARDCORE RAIDING GUILDS can quickly gear up new recruits, it makes it so that HIGHLY SKILLED PLAYERS who return to, or start, the game can quickly work on current-tier content. NONE OF THESE DESIGNS EXIST SO SKILL-LESS, TALENT-LESS BADS CAN RAID. Raiding takes work, it takes dedication. Do you think Paragon just walks into content and 1-shots it? No, they sit there for 4+ hours wiping on the same boss, then do it again the next night. They are good BECAUSE they have put in their time to get good, to learn fights, to improve their abilities. They sit on the PTR learning fights before they even come out, so they can compete for world-first boss kills. Players who don't ACTIVELY ATTEMPT TO IMPROVE (sitting there and playing your toon IS NOT practice and IS NOT improvement, you must actively be looking for opportunities to eek out more DPS, to time interrupts better, to move faster, to improve mana usage, etc) should not expect to beat the last boss of any current tier. Period. Please, stop using the fact that you can get the same gear as top players as an excuse for expecting to be in the same content as top players ("but there should be an easy mode" - there is, it's called NORMAL MODE, if you can't handle it, then what you're really complaining about is that it takes wipes to complete a fight. IT SHOULD, if it wasn't a challenge it wouldn't be a boss fight) Blizzard rightfully didn't make a months long grind just to catch up to current tier content. They did this so that guilds which lost players wouldn't be stuck going "well I guess we can't raid until next expansion, because there's no way to catch up a new player in time". They did this so people who are new, but dedicated, can get into the HEAVILY SKILL BASED raiding Blizzard was going for, over simply being stuck behind arbitrary gear requirement and unwarranted elitism. Stop being BAD if you want to be in current tier raiding, but don't view being GEAR-ACCESSIBLE as meaning it should also cater to LOW-SKILL, that's not how a successful game works. |