We are pretty happy with raid utility for all specs. Every class asks for more to guarantee a raid spot. But we don't want guaranteed raid spots, and overall raid comp diversity is satisfactory for us.
That's a ridiculous statement. Absolutely ridiculous. It implies skill-based competition for raid spots would be magically eliminated if Hunters had more raid utility. We're not asking to stop "bringing the player" - we're asking to have a fair competition for our raid spot.
You give DKs Grip and Warlocks Portals (portal nerf only makes guilds stack more Locks, FYI) which really are guaranteed raid spots - to the point where guilds will take less-skilled players of those classe simply to build a comp... yet when Hunters ask for utility, suddenly we're the ones breaking the game for "guaranteed raid spots"?
That's INSULTING. I, for one, won't tolerate it.
Stampede was never intended to provide utility. It's a DPS cooldown.
Until June 10th, when you nerfed it into the ground. Have you ever actually played a Hunter in a high-end raiding guild? Do you just rely on your broken internal sims? You took us from a functional (finally) class in 5.3 after months of being useless... to being dead in the water again with the June 10th nerfs.
Silencing Shot is tough. As a talent, it will always get chosen. But hunters don't need more CC so we don't want to bake it in.
Cool. So when Mages can interrupt and spellsteal, when every other class in the raid can help throw that "oh crap he's casting, someone interrupt" and Hunters literally bring NOTHING, yeah that's cool. That's not at all ever going to result in a situation, especially in 10, where a Hunter gets benched because "we want to have someone who can backup interrupt".
Wait. Had to turn my sarcasm machine off. It's totally going to result in a situation where you say "sorry, can't take a Hunter, need a backup interruptor".
Readiness we are still iterating on. Removing offense or removing the ability both still on the table.
Where is this table? It needs to be thrown out a window. It's a bad table and it probably wobbles. I mean, I guess the designers shouldn't have cut one of the legs off, but what can you do, the PVPers were mad, right?
Stop neutering the class every time a 1200-bracket PVPer gets mad that a pet killed them.
Pet survivability we can look at, but pets aren't supposed to be free DPS with no management either.
So when my pet, which is being actively micromanaged to maximize DPS, falls through the world because your pathing goes 5 yards under the floor, that's "working as intended"? When you have a boss like Durumu where the pathing is upside-down so my pet *tries to eat his non-existent feet and falls off the world*... "working as intended"?
Let me kill my pet and eat its heart to gain its strength. I'll be freaking glad not to have one - but you continue to insist that I should have a pet, yet refuse to make them function correctly. Blink Strikes -is- pretty funny though, I love watching my pet blink to a target 50 yards in the air and start claw-humping it.
So, I think it's time the entire CS team grabbed GC and forced him to play a raiding Hunter, with the requirement that he pass trial as a Hunter in a US 50 or better guild before he be allowed to touch the class design again. Give that a shot before you start saying we "have enough utility", call us an "echo chamber" when we point out our DPS - especially for SV and Marks, is god-awful, or that we're having numerous issues, bugs and quality-of-life so low many of us now quality for federal relief grants.