Seriously, why am I unable to buy honor gear prior to hitting 85 with my alts. They earned that honor just like everyone else and it was much harder earned since low level honor rewards are so much lower. Its unreasonable for me to be unable to spend it on end game honor rewards that I can then equip when I hit 85.
I would love one solid reason for why I'm not allowed to do this other than "but then what would you do when you hit 85?"
I've been reading posts from people saying that those of us who miss world PvP are just griefers. They say we are afraid of real fights that are organized and fair. They say we lack the motivation to properly gear ourselves to compete against players who are prepared to fight us.
I say, So what? This is a PvP server. I play here so I can get ganked the whole time I level and then do the same thing to others. Is it really so difficult to understand that its fun to oneshot greys in bootybay? THIS IS A PVP SERVER! The entire idea of it is to have open pvp. Restricting that with guards that can oneshot you is stupid. Please, someone tell me what possible reason there is for playing on a PvP server other than to have the ability to kill anyone you want anywhere in the game? |