Seriously, why am I unable to buy honor gear prior to hitting 85 with my alts. They earned that honor just like everyone else and it was much harder earned since low level honor rewards are so much lower. Its unreasonable for me to be unable to spend it on end game honor rewards that I can then equip when I hit 85.
I would love one solid reason for why I'm not allowed to do this other than "but then what would you do when you hit 85?" |
What Aarschott explained to you does make sense. Level-85 PvP gear is intended to be earned and awarded to level-85 players. There is too much potential to "game" the system and stockpile really powerful gear so that you're fully equipped when you hit 85, if we were to allow you to buy level-85 gear with Honor you earned below the level cap. The same applies for PvE gear. If you want powerful endgame items, you need to earn them via playing through endgame content. |
There are crafted items available to level-85 players which will help them substantially when first setting foot into Battlegrounds or Tol Barad. Getting a hold of this gear isn't too difficult. The fact is that endgame progression is its own experience. Leveling is a very direct and obvious act of progression, but that changes when players hit the cap. Progression then trends much more toward itemization -- you have to participate in the endgame experience to get more powerful gear. But as I said, there is underrated entry-level crafting gear which can be very useful for helping to ease PvP-oriented players into level-85 Battlegrounds. |
No, that's exactly the point of the design. If you enjoy doing some leveling via Battlegrounds, you're afforded the opportunity to buy up to two pieces of epic item level 371 PvP gear when you hit 85. You can then use gold and/or crafting materials to fill out just about every other slot, plus use enchantments, gems, and reforging to get your character into a competitive state for collecting additional epic Honor gear. |