But I feel we're missing the main issue here! Gnome rights!
For too long the long legger races have looked down upon us as nothing more than pests, vermin... All because we have no home of our own because we can't chase out some low level elites!
Well there's a lot of them OK, we could clear them out but it would take far too long!
The growing instances of gnomeist remarks and violence is on the rise, gnomes shouldn't have to tolerate this gnomeism. Perhaps it's because us gnomes, we're close to proving that all long leggers devolve into horde races... Yes, you, the bearded ones... You're going to be a cow soon.
You, dwarf... You're gonna become a goblin!
I'll prove my findings and publish them to the world!
You said it! Sing it brother sing it, while I prepare the mind control satellites and explosive chickens! We shall prevail if not by merit alone then by force and a 99.6% success rate!