Rogues are so ridiculous on the PTR that it's not even worth testing anymore. I was talking to a gladiator mage last night on the PTR that I did some 3s game with this weekend. It's impossible to peel them off a caster. They have more uptime then warriors or ferals do on live, and their openers are beyond ridiculous.
The problem is even during the 3-4 seconds you have to get them off you they seem to be doing incredible amounts of range damage.
Double cloak from prep, on top of a lowered vanish cooldown from the previous patch, on top of shadowstep, and retardo opening burst has push them back to season 11 status. They don't have the same survival but it doesn't matter when they can pretty much keep a caster from being able to do anything, and can kill anyone lacking a flat out immunity cooldown in the opener.
This season is going to be terrible.