...if you're not actually going to answer anything or provide any real insight. Honestly. I'm usually not one to come down hard on the Blues, and I don't want to sound G.N.E.R.D.-rage-y here, but these things are just a mess.
There is very little information given, and if any is at all it's convoluted and hard to pick out. Basically what we're getting is "if all the devs sat around a coffee table and gave their personal summaries of certain aspects of the game."
For example, "What do you think of Warlock survivability in PVP?"
"See, Warlocks are this super-cool class. They have like, fears, n stuff, and all kindsa dots, and just.. it's crazy! Oh plus we're nerfing shadow priests so it's all good."
Or how about, "What's the deal with everything being instant-cast these days? I remember when casters had to... y'know... cast."
"Yeah I know, right? Pretty much everybody uses insta-casts now. I dunno what we're gonna do about this, but it's gonna have to be BIG. I mean REALLY big! Maybe, like, we could make insta-casts less effective or something. I dunno, really. We'll think about it later."
You guys either need to say "Hey, this sucks, we're going to fix it, here are a few possible solutions we're kicking around/oh wow, we're actually going to take one of the hundreds of great suggestions from the non-trolls in the forums," or just stop making the posts. Many, MANY response posts I read (both on these forums and on MMO champion) think these Q&A's are poorly done and uninformative.
Sorry, blues. Not everything you do is golden.