...if you're not actually going to answer anything or provide any real insight. Honestly. I'm usually not one to come down hard on the Blues, and I don't want to sound G.N.E.R.D.-rage-y here, but these things are just a mess.
There is very little information given, and if any is at all it's convoluted and hard to pick out. Basically what we're getting is "if all the devs sat around a coffee table and gave their personal summaries of certain aspects of the game."
For example, "What do you think of Warlock survivability in PVP?"
"See, Warlocks are this super-cool class. They have like, fears, n stuff, and all kindsa dots, and just.. it's crazy! Oh plus we're nerfing shadow priests so it's all good."
Or how about, "What's the deal with everything being instant-cast these days? I remember when casters had to... y'know... cast."
"Yeah I know, right? Pretty much everybody uses insta-casts now. I dunno what we're gonna do about this, but it's gonna have to be BIG. I mean REALLY big! Maybe, like, we could make insta-casts less effective or something. I dunno, really. We'll think about it later."
You guys either need to say "Hey, this sucks, we're going to fix it, here are a few possible solutions we're kicking around/oh wow, we're actually going to take one of the hundreds of great suggestions from the non-trolls in the forums," or just stop making the posts. Many, MANY response posts I read (both on these forums and on MMO champion) think these Q&A's are poorly done and uninformative.
Sorry, blues. Not everything you do is golden.
Yea, we know. That's why we're answering questions on the fly. If we don't have an elegant solution for a concern a player is raising, we'll admit that. We'd rather let you into the discussion and hear our thought process than close the door though. What's the great harm in that? You'd really prefer we just stop fielding your questions? Sorry, Pawstruck. Not everything we say is golden. |