I've been told we need to spam the forums more about the condition on Al'akir in order to fix it.
At first people just faction changed to the Horde.
These days the Horde on Al'akir is no longer know for there epic pvp..
Thats why more and more people transfer from Al'akir to realms like Outlands because thats where the long log-in queue's are!
I have no idea why people leave to be really honest. Al'akir is a nice little realm at least on Alliance. Most people know each other in one way or another.
Its great until you start thinking about the amount of active Alliance players.
Its sad, frightening even.. When you log on to horde, Ogrimmar is overwhelmed with players doing there thing. When you are in Stormwind on the otherhand its quiet hardly and players most of the times there are more horde in Stormwind then there are alliance in any other major city.
There are some numbers on the internet about the population on Al'akir
Warcraftrealms says:
Total Characters: 6,298
Total Alliance: 201 - 3%
Total Horde: 6,097 - 97%
A to H Ratio: 1 : 30.3
Activity Ratio: 1 : 18.8
9 : 15*
* Number of entries in last 30 days
wowrealmstatus says:
% Horde % Alliance
74.04 % 25.96 %
Its a bit lower then that really since the past couple of days about 10 of the most active Alliance players ragequit and transfered to Outlands.
I bet loads of horde transfer from horde aswell.
Al'akir is dying...
I beg Blizzard to give Al'Akir Free Faction Changes or Free Transfers to Al'akir Alliance.
If you agree please reply