"We understand that some players think there's too little incentive to run normal dungeons at level 85 -- especially when it comes to Justice Points. While players can earn points by completing the normal random daily, it's not a huge amount, and many of you feel that this is not an adequate reward for the time and effort you invest.
This is feedback we've taken to heart, and in patch 4.0.6 we've made some changes that should hopefully make running normal dungeons at level cap more appealing:
Dungeon bosses from normal Grim Batol, Halls of Origination, and Lost City of the Tol'Vir will grant 30 Justice Points each when killed.
The first random daily normal dungeon quest will reward 140 Justice Points, up from 70 Justice Points."
This means that running 2 Normal Dungeons (one of which must be Grim, Halls, and Lost City) per day should grant an average of 350 Justice Points- give or take 30
This will make gearing for heroics much easier. Thank you Blizzard!
"Honey, I feel that tonight we really need to spend some time together. No games, just a nice romantic movie and a night together."
Do you: 1. "Yes dear" and all night think about Cataclysm and what race/class you're going to be. 2. "But honey.... Cataclysm just came out" and risk the cold shoulder for a few days 3. "You manipulative wench! You did this on purpose just to evoke a reaction from me so you could spin your sob story again and use me as a focal point for your internal frustrations" and risk sleeping on the couch for the next week. 4. "Hey, how about I give you $100 to go shopping! Just because I love you so much and I think you need some girl time!" |