"Honey, I feel that tonight we really need to spend some time together. No games, just a nice romantic movie and a night together."
Do you:
1. "Yes dear" and all night think about Cataclysm and what race/class you're going to be.
2. "But honey.... Cataclysm just came out" and risk the cold shoulder for a few days
3. "You manipulative wench! You did this on purpose just to evoke a reaction from me so you could spin your sob story again and use me as a focal point for your internal frustrations" and risk sleeping on the couch for the next week.
4. "Hey, how about I give you $100 to go shopping! Just because I love you so much and I think you need some girl time!"
12/03/2010 6:09 PMPosted by Zarhym"Honey, I'm working a crazy overnight shift. Sure a goblin might be involved, but this is all about my career, baby." Your use of pet names makes my insides churn, darling. |