Some people claim there is no sexism in this game, and others say it's built into the game. I've noticed issues with this in my own realm quite a bit. Often times in trade chat this "girls don't play wow" conversation starts up. It's pretty much just a trolling trick to get girls to pipe up and say "I'm a girl and I play", and then they get flamed in trade. And I've heard of guilds that won't allow women in them to prevent drama.
But onto MY issue. I hate that it's automatically assumed that I'm a guy. So, in the realm forums I call people on it. And now, I'm getting flamed for saying that I'm a girl. Like saying it automatically means I'm looking for handouts. I wrote this long post in the realm forum which gives more detail about this issue.
Anyway, how do others feel about this? Have you experienced or witnessed similar situations?