Some people claim there is no sexism in this game, and others say it's built into the game. I've noticed issues with this in my own realm quite a bit. Often times in trade chat this "girls don't play wow" conversation starts up. It's pretty much just a trolling trick to get girls to pipe up and say "I'm a girl and I play", and then they get flamed in trade. And I've heard of guilds that won't allow women in them to prevent drama.
But onto MY issue. I hate that it's automatically assumed that I'm a guy. So, in the realm forums I call people on it. And now, I'm getting flamed for saying that I'm a girl. Like saying it automatically means I'm looking for handouts. I wrote this long post in the realm forum which gives more detail about this issue.
Anyway, how do others feel about this? Have you experienced or witnessed similar situations?
I'm sorry Kairia, but I'm closing this thread due to these types of threads easily getting off track with arguments and harassing/defamatory language.
Since I am a female gamer myself (and have been nearly my whole life (the gamer part that is)) I completely commiserate with your questions and feelings. I think though, that posting on these forums about it, isn't the best means of going about changing how people think. You're going to have to do it one person at a time and one experience at a time unfortunately. I can reassure you though, that it has become far better over the years than it once was. Just know, that your concerns are understood and not everyone will react that way toward you and if they do, it's on them, not you. It can be very frustrating as a female to be referred to as something you are not (male) because it's a part of your identity even if gender does not factor into whether or not you're a capable gamer. I'll end here and wish you the best. |