How does Blizzard justify making such huge class changes in 6.2 with no communication with the players, and think that that's just okay? The changes to Windwalkers and Brewmasters aren't just number tweaks. They greatly impact how the class will function after the next patch. Why wouldn't you take the time to explain why you're gutting Brewmasters the way that you are?
We're just supposed to go on the ptrs to find that maybe with the new raid trinket, legendary ring and set bonuses, our DPS will remain acceptable? This is just bad game design and I'm not pleased at all with the way that Blizzard is handling class balance.
We're just supposed to go on the ptrs to find that maybe with the new raid trinket, legendary ring and set bonuses, our DPS will remain acceptable? This is just bad game design and I'm not pleased at all with the way that Blizzard is handling class balance.