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Huge Changes in 6.2 With No Explanation

blizz -> wysłany:
How does Blizzard justify making such huge class changes in 6.2 with no communication with the players, and think that that's just okay? The changes to Windwalkers and Brewmasters aren't just number tweaks. They greatly impact how the class will function after the next patch. Why wouldn't you take the time to explain why you're gutting Brewmasters the way that you are?

We're just supposed to go on the ptrs to find that maybe with the new raid trinket, legendary ring and set bonuses, our DPS will remain acceptable? This is just bad game design and I'm not pleased at all with the way that Blizzard is handling class balance.
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 04:17 PMPosted by Kaijomi
How does Blizzard justify making such huge class changes in 6.2 with no communication with the players, and think that that's just okay? The changes to Windwalkers and Brewmasters aren't just number tweaks. They greatly impact how the class will function after the next patch. Why wouldn't you take the time to explain why you're gutting Brewmasters the way that you are?

We're just supposed to go on the ptrs to find that maybe with the new raid trinket, legendary ring and set bonuses, our DPS will remain acceptable? This is just bad game design and I'm not pleased at all with the way that Blizzard is handling class balance.

There's a reason we have a healthy testing phase for large content patches. Our goal is to share more on our design philosophy after further feedback gathering, testing, and tweaking, prior to these changes actually going live.

It's not realistic for us to explain our intent behind every design decision or new feature that's to come in a future patch, as so many details are ironed out over the course of testing. It's understandable that people love to scrutinize patch notes, but there's not much to gain from getting too upset over the first iteration of PTR patch notes.
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 07:05 PMPosted by Masamune
04/15/2015 06:58 PMPosted by Zarhym
There's a reason we have a healthy testing phase for large content patches. Our goal is to share more on our design philosophy after further feedback gathering, testing, and tweaking, prior to these changes actually going live.

It's not realistic for us to explain our intent behind every design decision or new feature that's to come in a future patch, as so many details are ironed out over the course of testing. It's understandable that people love to scrutinize patch notes, but there's not much to gain from getting too upset over the first iteration of PTR patch notes.

Do you guys realize how many people your going to lose if you go through with these changes? I really don't think you do.

I realize I've heard that sorta thing every patch for 10 years now.
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 07:17 PMPosted by Cyclowar
04/15/2015 07:14 PMPosted by Cocoa
If it's true, how is it negative or condescending?

It's coming across as if we have no idea what we're talking about and his comment does nothing to put a positive note on all of the concerns.

This is not a real concern, nor is it indicative of anyone knowing what they're talking about:

04/15/2015 07:05 PMPosted by Masamune
Do you guys realize how many people your going to lose if you go through with these changes? I really don't think you do.

For those who are sharing actual concerns about specific aspects of the 6.2 test environment and notes, we're listening.
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 07:18 PMPosted by Jondarbonus
It also baffles me that Blizz, with all the resources they have at their disposal, can't hire someone to post on the forums for 2-3 hours a day addressing these things when they get released.

Sometimes I wish it were that simple! Providing official responses in somewhat knee-jerk fashion to knee-jerk feedback is oftentimes not beneficial, and can easily make matters worse. Effective communication is about much more than transparency and acknowledgement.
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 07:20 PMPosted by Astore
See everyone? Don't you understand?

Blizzard is making decisions based on nebulous feedback from nebulous other people (definitely not you) and doing what is clearly best for the game.

But don't worry, because you don't really need to give feedback now! Because if you wait you can look forward to... Your concerns being dismissed because the decision has already been made.

Honest question, having been through this nonsense for a bunch of major changes I didn't like. If I'm not supposed to complain when the idea is presented, am I supposed to complain during beta/testing? If I'm not supposed to complain during beta/testing, am I supposed to complain when the decision is already made?

That wasn't really my point. You can complain whenever you want, ideally with the understanding that the timing of your complaints doesn't inherently make your feedback more or less useful.
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 07:31 PMPosted by Reith
This is not a real concern, nor is it indicative of anyone knowing what they're talking about:

For those who are sharing actual concerns about specific aspects of the 6.2 test environment and notes, we're listening.

Concern: Blackout Kick isn't as important as it should be on PTR, in my opinion

Solution: add 5% stagger increase to Blackout Kick instead on 0

I should've clarified that, in this instance, feedback like that is better left on the appropriate PTR forum.
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 07:35 PMPosted by Dinivas
04/15/2015 07:28 PMPosted by Zarhym
Sometimes I wish it were that simple! Providing official responses in somewhat knee-jerk fashion to knee-jerk feedback is oftentimes not beneficial, and can easily make matters worse. Effective communication is about much more than transparency and acknowledgement.

You get knee-jerk feedback because you make boneheaded knee-jerk buffs and nerfs which often comes with no explanation. Effective communication has to come from both sides. If you guys want effective communication from the player base, start making the effort yourselves.

I was referring to us when talking about effective communication in that context. Of course we're far from perfect in that regard. And we never will be when nearly all of our communications are subject to the court of public opinion. But I understand your point. :)
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 07:37 PMPosted by Jondarbonus
04/15/2015 07:28 PMPosted by Zarhym
Sometimes I wish it were that simple! Providing official responses in somewhat knee-jerk fashion to knee-jerk feedback is oftentimes not beneficial, and can easily make matters worse. Effective communication is about much more than transparency and acknowledgement.

Can't be that hard to filter through and find the productive responses to reply to though, no?

Hell, get em to hire me and I'll do it. I spend most of my spare time on a computer anyway. I'll even do it cheap - $10 an hour for a minimum of 2 hours a day! Just link me to a flow chart of appropriate responses and I'm on it.

I've been in this role for 8 years and I still feel like I have a lot to learn. It ain't easy bein' blue. :p
blizz -> wysłany:
04/15/2015 08:16 PMPosted by Mordeth
Notice how Zar stopped posting when asked direct questions that were stated without rage and anger? Responds sarcastically to non important posts without giving any real answers then when confronted with real questions he's silent.

Typical Blizzard.

I'm catching up on this thread today. For the record I went home last night and that's why I stopped responding. (I do get to go home sometimes!)

I did also point out in a previous post that feedback about specific aspects of the PTR updates/notes/changes should be posted in the relevant PTR forums -- Feedback or Bug Report. The point wasn't to open up this exact thread to any and all questions about class changes in 6.2.

This thread is a discussion about changes being made without enough communication or context on our part, which is a fair topic. :)