I don't think you quite thought this through very well Blizz, no offense.
Players have to be already geared to enter these new 5 mans for the chance to get extremely minor gear upgrades.
Raiders will have no interest since the loot is all inferior to there old teir raid gear so..........
Who exactly are these new 5 mans designed for?
Once we run them a couple times for the fun factor, I'm afraid that's it. We'll be done with these places.
The upgrades for 5 man content players will be so small since they can't enter untill they are already massively geared. I just don't think you really thought this through well at all Blizzard.
This disapoints me cause I'm on your side, I want to see the QQ reduced, but sadly I think your philosophy here is just going to add to the rage of an already angry player base.
I predict massive boredom QQ in the forums 30 days after the release of these new dungeons.
I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.