I don't think you quite thought this through very well Blizz, no offense.
Players have to be already geared to enter these new 5 mans for the chance to get extremely minor gear upgrades.
Raiders will have no interest since the loot is all inferior to there old teir raid gear so..........
Who exactly are these new 5 mans designed for?
Once we run them a couple times for the fun factor, I'm afraid that's it. We'll be done with these places.
The upgrades for 5 man content players will be so small since they can't enter untill they are already massively geared. I just don't think you really thought this through well at all Blizzard.
This disapoints me cause I'm on your side, I want to see the QQ reduced, but sadly I think your philosophy here is just going to add to the rage of an already angry player base.
I predict massive boredom QQ in the forums 30 days after the release of these new dungeons.
I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
We did think it through substantially. We decided that the most useful approach to implementing these two new five-player dungeons, in terms of progression, was to make them Heroic only and in between the current Heroics and first tier of Cataclysm raids. Level 353 items are still going to provide noticeable improvements over Heroic gear. For end game progression it's a good step.
Also, one important piece of information to glean from this content preview is that we've focused a lot of Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub itemization toward giving players items for hard-to-fill slots. There are scores of players out there who have run the current Heroics extensively and still can't quite flesh out their Character sheets with ilevel 346+ gear. This is going to be a fun mini-tier (if you will) of content, but rest assured patch 4.2 will come hot on its heels. For those just hitting 85 and trying to catch up, these two new Heroic dungeons will be a good way for them to get more raid ready if they so choose. Otherwise, it's another tier of 5-player progression for those carefully jumping from normal, to Heroic, to Rise of the Zandalari. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/2514161 |
I'm kinda sad you only quote that section and not my last sentence:
Don't tell me we only care about those interested in raiding when your proof is that we're adding more 5-player content. Even more 5-player content is coming in this expansion beyond Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub, so these two dungeons will provide a great tier of progression for level-85 players throughout the life of the expansion, particularly for those who come late or don't keep up with content releases (believe it or not, that's a huge number of players). If you don't want to raid, awesome. Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman will provide you with more content and better loot so you can continue to advance. I don't think we're out of line to expect that you'd eventually want to advance out of normal difficultly 5-player content though. Maybe we just fundamentally disagree there, but there wasn't a good place to insert normal difficulty Rise of the Zandalari content. We had thought about it, but ultimately the jump from normal to Heroic is not as rough as it was earlier on in the expansion. You'll do fine in Heroic dungeons at this point if you're in the low 330 average item level range. |