Would LFR be better if the changed the amount of bosses got reduced for that raid?
For example: MSV -> instead of LFR allowing you to kill every boss, let it be only the first 3.
- New players discover what the basic principles of raiding are.
- Players don't see the entire raids of a new patch in less then 2 hours, but instead they get a feel for how the new raid feels and what it looks like, and incase they want to discover the other part they are encouraged to join a raiding guild and really get into the game.
- Less gear; This is again an encouragement for players to join raiding guilds. If they want to be in full PVE epics they have to join a raiding guild. I don't think with the current LFR difficulty LFR players should be able to be able to have full tier and full epic gear just by running LFR (this isn't a special snowflake thing by any means, but I do believe it removes the "Epic" feeling when seeing a player in full tier gear [LFR looks the same, just some color changes])
- I think players would also feel less "forced" to run LFR since it's only the first 50% of the bosses (= less gear obtainable). I don't know how strong the LFR gear will be in 5.2 but I do think the guilds that raid normal modes and those that are just stepping into heroic modes (which I think is the majority of the raiding guilds) will find many upgrades there, and incase they want to bring their A-game for the guild it would be very benefical for them to run 5.2 LFR, even if they don't want to.
- More pugs: Players who can't join a raiding guild due to IRL would be encouraged to create a pug when they have the time for it, this increase the amount of pugs, which is good for other players like them or player who like to gear up alts etc, and this could also be good for the realm community as you get to learn other players.
- Some players would not be able to see the entire content
- Gearing up alts would be harder, as you can't receive full BIS LFR gear anymore.
This was just an Idea that I feel would improve the implementation of LFR, feel free to throw some ideas of your own and disccus!