I took a short break from running Cata heroics because I had all the gear I wanted from them and they weren't really fun to play anymore. I came back for the two new ones; so far I've queued twice in Zul'G and spent almost 6 hours trying to beat it, close to five hours alone on just the final boss. I have not succeeded.
Both times, I sat through a revolving door of well-geared players who got frustrated and left - until, after hours of dying, I also finally said goodbye. I never kicked; I am not rude. I helped explain things and tried to guide other players and did my absolute best according to my role. I tried and tried and tried and tried. We died again and again. I have spent well over 100g in repairs. I've died on that boss over 20 times. Maybe more. Why is this fun?
If I enjoyed this style of play I would be raiding. If I enjoyed dying over and over I would PvP. I don't do either of those things because that's not what I enjoy; I like playing heroics, which are claimed to be the end-game content for "the rest of us". Heroics used to be fun because they didn't take as much to be successful and they still let me progress a little; you had a reasonable chance to succeed and while you never got best-in-slot gear, you could get nice gear for a reasonable time commitment, and it was fun. This style of play no longer reflects this expectation.
(For those who want to be "helpful" and solve the problem of what went wrong, please don't. For those who insist on ignoring that statement, I have ilevel 352 equipped and know what I'm doing; pretty much everyone else out of the 20 or 30 people who also died on that boss with me knew what they were doing and also were well-geared. These deaths were all this week - not when the content first debuted and no one knew it. And I haven't been able to get a guild run together because it's still hard to get everyone together at the same time to do anything. At this point I don't know why I'd bother, anyway.)
In the end, I guess this is sort of an existential question more to the game designers than anyone else. So: why is this fun?
Because so far, my answer is: it isn't.