Seriously Blizzard, you stink like a pair of stale and crappy pants. I wanted an enchant for my weapon that required Maelstrom Crystals. I wasn't willing to pay the insane amounts of gold that they were going for on the auction houses, so I just finished levelling a mage with alchemy and enchanting in order to disenchant the alchemist stones so I could at least get 1 crystal to enchant my weapon with and help provide my guild with a few they could use themselves. No sooner is she capable of producing them you go and break it!
You've left us at the mercy of running raids whether we like them or not, hoping we got an enchanter in the group, hoping that the raid leader isn't gonna bark out "epic crystals reserved", and that we'll get lucky in winning the roll for it, or paying a hefty amount of gold for one off the auction house.
Good going Blizzard, not. You've ruined this game totally for casual players. I'm gonna go back on the hunt for a more entertaining game. This expansion has taken all the fun out of the game and made it into one limiting and tiresome grind, and I'm obviously not the only player who feels the burn and frustration from this expansion.