Account Action: Warning
Offense: Naming Policy Violation - Inappropriate
This category includes both clear and masked names which:
* Are mildly inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions
* Are references to illegal drugs or activities
* Have neutral or positive racial/ethnic/national connotations
* Have any connotations of major religions or religious figures (i.e. Jesus, Christianity, Buddha)
* Include names of World of Warcraft realms, zones, or names of major characters from Warcraft lore
* Are otherwise considered inappropriate for the game world
What i'm confused is
*Not a bodily function or anatomy.
*It is legal
*Has nothing to do w/ any "type" of people
*Religions have opinions on it but nothing to do w/ figures.
*not a WoW naming conflict
In conclusion i believe the gm that forced the name change used their personal ideologies and is trying to force them on me!