Account Action: Warning
Offense: Naming Policy Violation - Inappropriate
This category includes both clear and masked names which:
* Are mildly inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions
* Are references to illegal drugs or activities
* Have neutral or positive racial/ethnic/national connotations
* Have any connotations of major religions or religious figures (i.e. Jesus, Christianity, Buddha)
* Include names of World of Warcraft realms, zones, or names of major characters from Warcraft lore
* Are otherwise considered inappropriate for the game world
What i'm confused is
*Not a bodily function or anatomy.
*It is legal
*Has nothing to do w/ any "type" of people
*Religions have opinions on it but nothing to do w/ figures.
*not a WoW naming conflict
In conclusion i believe the gm that forced the name change used their personal ideologies and is trying to force them on me!
This thread has gone on long enough at this point and has been locked.
The reason why you have been required to change the name has nothing to do with politics. We do not go searching for inappropriate names in our game; they are reported to us by other players. The name of the character was reported. The action we took was based on our policies, not the personal views of the Game Master who addressed the issue. This is not the first time you have been forced to change the name of one of your characters. I highly suggest you begin following the Naming Policy and selecting names for your characters that fall within those guidelines. If you would like to dispute the force name change you may email [email protected]. They will gladly take a look once again and come to a final decision concerning the name in question. |