I am sure this has been mentioned before and as far as I can remember the devs have said `we ignore downvotes`. But I believe trolls actually cause some people to not post their opinions due to people down voting just to be a %@#!!%%*/troll.
We all know they thrive on attention and ignoring them is the best path of action. However I believe the down vote has no place here and therfore should be removed. This ofcourse is my opinion you might not share it. It's not constructive and doesn't help the community. It also doesn't give any counter argument as to why or how and thus doesn't help the person in question further educate themselves either. As an up vote simply means `I agree` which would save a double post. A counter argument could be upvoted equally resulting in have no need for the down vote anyway.
Just my 2c
We all know they thrive on attention and ignoring them is the best path of action. However I believe the down vote has no place here and therfore should be removed. This ofcourse is my opinion you might not share it. It's not constructive and doesn't help the community. It also doesn't give any counter argument as to why or how and thus doesn't help the person in question further educate themselves either. As an up vote simply means `I agree` which would save a double post. A counter argument could be upvoted equally resulting in have no need for the down vote anyway.
Just my 2c