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Order Hall sets: what a WASTE

blizz -> wysłany:
I started off like everyone else and the first thing I saw in the Hall was the vendor..looked at the set pieces and the bonuses and thought, finally, some gear I can use for levelling.

Wait. No. What?

Then see "cant be used till 110"..why?

The Order Hall set is perfect for new toons and is gated in such a way that by the time you can use it, its mog gear...I literally dont understand this.

The set bonuses are perfect for levellng or for new 110's, it could scale 100-110 the same way as looms do with the set bonuses intact, but I dont get how or why this iteration with the order hall gear came to being.

One of the set pieces cant be bought till you are Nightfallen EXALTED??

I am at a loss to get the logic in this, here we have an order hall set, which is literally tailor made for levelling toons or for new 110's, and with the rep locks and other pre requisites, it's redundant and worthless because you either get better gear from world quests..or cant use it for weeks after you hit 110 and by that time you dont need it anyway.

Why was such a well designed set reduced to total uselessness??

Why not make this available at 100??

Why not make the entire set available at 110?

The set could be designed to get one piece per Pillar of Creation, another when you complete your Order Hall campaign (a higher ilevel piece)..what I am confused about is why this set was created...and then restricted in such a way as to make it little more than mog gear with set bonuses.

It had huge potential....and by the time you can use's worthless.

blizz -> wysłany:
Hey all,

Thanks for your feedback so far on this set. I've passed it along to Team 2, and I've got a couple of things to share here.

With the launch of 7.2, the opening quest for Broken Shore, along with various Broken Shore World Quests, will reward tokens to upgrade your Class Order Set to item level 860.

It's worth noting that the intention with this set is more on the introductory side, with the aim of helping folks get geared up for content, rather than being a sole "end" set for any particular style of play.

If you're the kind of player who only does World Quests and World Bosses, this upgrade should help complement your armor roster, and may provide a few pieces of gear for you. If you're leveling alts, this upgrade will provide a good way to boost your character's item level once you hit 110 and jump into 7.2 content.

Let us know if you have any feedback or questions on this!
blizz -> wysłany:
02/01/2017 02:46 PMPosted by Rothulian
860 isnt very good gear. Why not 875?
Again, the purpose of this set is not to be an answer to not raiding. 860 will keep you afloat, and should be acceptable to get into normal modes for most 7.0-7.1.5 raids, with a bit of a bump needed for something like normal Nighthold.

02/01/2017 02:52 PMPosted by Targas
02/01/2017 02:41 PMPosted by Ornyx
If you're the kind of player who only does World Quests and World Bosses, this upgrade should help complement your armor roster, and may provide a few pieces of gear for you. If you're leveling alts, this upgrade will provide a good way to boost your character's item level once you hit 110 and jump into 7.2 content.

Let us know if you have any feedback or questions on this!

How are they useful for alts? I just leveled another one, who could take advantage of the set right now, except that the restrictions on the gear are a major roadblock. Is there a way I'm totally missing for us to remove those restrictions so they could actually be useful?

It is good that this armor set is an (expensive) bad luck protection to guarantee us an 860 piece (next patch) if we haven't been able to fill a slot or two. But there is an awfully big gap between that and being useful for alts. The previous alt I bought the crafted set and upgraded a piece or two all the way with oblit to get my ilvl high enough to lift me into the 840 bracket of wqs. That isn't possible with the class set.
Understandable. I can check and see if any of that gating is changing, as I'm not sure off-hand. There are several pieces that are -not- locked behind Exalted, however, so those pieces will at least be able to get you a quick boost.

Again, and it's worth noting, it's not supposed to be an end-all answer to high-level gear.
blizz -> wysłany:
02/01/2017 02:57 PMPosted by Yonbi
02/01/2017 02:53 PMPosted by Ornyx
There are several pieces that are -not- locked behind Exalted, however, so those pieces will at least be able to get you a quick boost.

Again, and it's worth noting, it's not supposed to be an end-all answer to high-level gear.

I think you fundamentally miss the point.

The point isn't that the ilvl was too low, its that the items take so long to acquire they are useless before you can get them.

Exalted rep is just one example.
No, I understand that it does take effort to unlock the full set of gear, but again, it's not meant to be an absolute answer to every slot, but more something to better compliment your gear curve as you work through content.

You can easily unlock the helm, wrist, and chest shortly after hitting 110, with the leggings being the next easiest, followed by the belt and gloves. The shoulders and feet take longer, and I understand that concern (hence why I said I'll check on the gating).

I do think that players should expect to have to put in effort to obtain items, but it's still accurate to say that if you plan on playing and committing to an alt, you can still use these pieces as pretty large upgrades as your acquire other gear.
blizz -> wysłany:
I'll put this as diplomatically as I can:

Why do the developers have so poor an understanding of their own reward structure that they think 860, an item level that is considered too low 7.0 content, is in any way a reasonable starting point for 7.2 content?
We never said this set was intended to get you into 7.2 raids - and that would be silly if it were. But it should be fine for getting into Mythics, the 7.2 dungeon, world quests, etc.
blizz -> wysłany:
02/01/2017 03:46 PMPosted by Shamandchees
Hey all,

Thanks for your feedback so far on this set. I've passed it along to the development team, and I've got a couple of things to share here.

With the launch of 7.2, the opening quest for Broken Shore, along with various Broken Shore World Quests, will reward tokens to upgrade your Class Order Set to item level 860.

It's worth noting that the intention with this set is more on the introductory side, with the aim of helping folks get geared up for content, rather than being a sole "end" set for any particular style of play.

If you're the kind of player who only does World Quests and World Bosses, this upgrade should help complement your armor roster, and may provide a few pieces of gear for you. If you're leveling alts, this upgrade will provide a good way to boost your character's item level once you hit 110 and jump into 7.2 content.

Let us know if you have any feedback or questions on this!

By the time 7.2 comes out ilvl 860 will be worthless as well. Admit it, it was another poor design choice and implemented terribly
You (and other individual players) are not representative of every one of the players in this game. For you, sure, this may not be helpful at all - but for some people, this will be a good way to boost a couple of slots, and that's where the intent for this lies.

Again, this is not an intended answer for every avenue of play style.


I appreciate the feedback on this update, everyone. Again, I'll ask about the gating and see what we plan to do about addressing it.
blizz -> wysłany:
02/01/2017 04:05 PMPosted by Ripptorn

from your replies, it's apparent you're missing the point here. The order hall sets are mostly useless by time you get them. When I dinged 110 was getting 805 WQ gear. By time I rand a few heroics and thus got better WQ gear, the few 820 pieces were outclassed.

Dont get me wrong it was nice to grab some 820s as I hit 110 etc. but their useful life was VERY VERY short. Once you start getting 835 WQ gear, the OH gear isn't useful. So, we have a situation where you can't use these pieces to help leveling and you can only really benefit from the for a week or two after hitting 110.

Having them be 860 will be nice, but again, for those of us playing now we'll likely have almost everything at 860 anyway and for newly dinged toons it might be too much bother to do everything needed to get the 860 versions vs simply playing the game and getting gear the normal way.
I don't think I'm missing the point. I understand people think the gear is useless because they out level it compared to the curve you have to climb to get the gear.

I'm just saying that there are cases that this gear will be useful, and if you have a few slots open that match the pieces you have, that are sub-860, then great, you have a use for it. 860 is not instantly obsolete gear unless you're raiding. It's on level with Nighthold raidfinder, which seems fine as an introductory step.

Like I said, I'm going to ask about the gating. If that comes down at all, then I could see this being more widely useful.
blizz -> wysłany:
02/01/2017 02:41 PMPosted by Ornyx
Hey all,

Thanks for your feedback so far on this set. I've passed it along to development team, and I've got a couple of things to share here.

With the launch of 7.2, the opening quest for Broken Shore, along with various Broken Shore World Quests, will reward tokens to upgrade your Class Order Set to item level 860.

It's worth noting that the intention with this set is more on the introductory side, with the aim of helping folks get geared up for content, rather than being a sole "end" set for any particular style of play.

If you're the kind of player who only does World Quests and World Bosses, this upgrade should help complement your armor roster, and may provide a few pieces of gear for you. If you're leveling alts, this upgrade will provide a good way to boost your character's item level once you hit 110 and jump into 7.2 content.

Let us know if you have any feedback or questions on this!

Just dinged 110 on a new toon the other day and would have loved having those 860 tokens. The AH is expensive, LOL. Wanna level a new toon, but 7.2 is so far away. Wish those tokens came in a minipatch or whatever. Anyway good change for me.

((I just do WQ, LFR and Reg Mythics, btw.


Who are these people LOL . Even the most casual player, of which I am, has no need for this gear. It was poorly designed and poorly implemented. The cost of upgrading the gear is just not worth it . FFace it it was a really bad decision , one of many in the last 3 expansions

You submitted that just before me. I am fine with the gear. Like i said, i just do lower level stuff. When I do mythics, I often make my own groups which are usually lower ilvl people.
Yep. The target for something like this is not players who are raiding, doing high-end mythics, etc. Casual players who are just world questing, came in late to the game, etc. can see some use from this.

Glad you understand this - wish we could get 'em to you sooner! ;P

02/01/2017 04:13 PMPosted by Imaginary

You submitted that just before me. I am fine with the gear. Like i said, i just do lower level stuff. When I do mythics, I often make my own groups which are usually lower ilvl people.

I don't even do mythics (or heroics) and I generally replace all of the easily unlocked pieces of this set within a few days of played time at max level.
In the current environment, sure. The point here is the 860 tokens coming next patch.