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Tired of petulant PUGs? Help us fix it

blizz -> wysłany:
New link:

The fail train is a discord community (cross realm cross faction guild if you like) where people can clear content in a friendly and relaxed environment.

If you play wow and:

*You have anxiety issues or are just very shy
*You are tired of getting bashed in every group
*You are tired of how rude & antisocial the wow community is
*You are to busy or to rubbish to get into mythics or raids.
*You value doing the content with a fun and relaxed group
*You are tired of the "gogogo omfg hurry up &%#¤&" mentality
*You wanna try out new classes and specs but are unsure
*You want to see all the content but just the thought of mythics or raids make you all shaky.

Give us a chance. Wow can be fun, pugs can be fun. Even if you are inexperienced, bad, shy, can't find a guild why should that limit your ability to enjoy the game and see all aspects of the game?

What this community isn't:

*It's not a boosting group, if you wanna clear something, you get in there you don't afk, you do your best (whatever your abilities are), you wipe with us, you fail with us and you succeed with us.

*It's not for you who want to clear stuff as quickly as possible, for us the journey is important. (and that doesn't mean we lack ambition or dedication)

This is a group with a large blend of people, everyone from kids to 60, everyone from totally new players to highly experienced, everyone from those who strugle with a heroic 5 man to those that raid heroic. It is okay to be on different levels skill wise, its okay to have different ambitions in-game, it is okay to be shy, outwards, amazing, rubbish, totally silent or the one that talk in voice for hours and hours.

It's..just okay, and whoever you are you deserve to have just as much fun as the next guy, be treated just the same as the next guy.

The only requirement we have is don't be an !@#. If you think this is something for you, join us on this epic journey that wow actually is when you have nice people with you.
If this is for you, you can find us here:

Do not cancel your subsciption yet, wow is still fun.
blizz -> wysłany:
I think you should fully embrace the effort and call any potential guild/group the <Filthy Forum Casuals> so people know you're the real deal!

This is such a great initiative, it's nice to see player-driven communities come together like this. :) I look forward to seeing how it works out!
blizz -> wysłany:
Please see source post at for detail.
blizz -> wysłany:
Just dropping in to say I raised the cap on the thread. :) Great to see everyone's progress too!