I don't like this. My ilvl is being artificially (for lack of a better phrasing) lowered because I have such a strong slant towards crit. It's also just not intuitive for how the game has worked since ilvl was officially exposed.
Nazjatar Manapearl Ring
Item Level 845
+1,045 Stamina
+721 Versatility
+1,081 Mastery
[ ] Socket
Rough-Hammered Silver Ring
Item Level 825
+867 Stamina
+1,099 Critical Strike
+573 Mastery
The top item is worse by a fair margin. I like to think this is because of a lack of main stat and not just that fire mages favor crit too much. Having intellect on this and less emphasis on the secondaries would probably ensure the top one is better.
Note: Yes, I used a sim to determine this but the difference is so high I'm inclined to believe it. And, dropping 4% crit is just massive for a single item. I can't remember anymore but I don't think dropping 4% of a stat was possible in Warlords.
Nazjatar Manapearl Ring
Item Level 845
+1,045 Stamina
+721 Versatility
+1,081 Mastery
[ ] Socket
Rough-Hammered Silver Ring
Item Level 825
+867 Stamina
+1,099 Critical Strike
+573 Mastery
The top item is worse by a fair margin. I like to think this is because of a lack of main stat and not just that fire mages favor crit too much. Having intellect on this and less emphasis on the secondaries would probably ensure the top one is better.
Note: Yes, I used a sim to determine this but the difference is so high I'm inclined to believe it. And, dropping 4% crit is just massive for a single item. I can't remember anymore but I don't think dropping 4% of a stat was possible in Warlords.