We’re currently tracking an issue that can cause players to “lose” World Quests when grouping with other players cross-realm. Correcting this issue is a top priority for us, and we’re working hard on a fix, but wanted to share some workarounds for this issue in the meantime.
You can tell if you’re experiencing this issue by checking the quest tracker (which, by default, at the right side of your screen. If you don’t see the World Quest there, it’s not currently active for you. You can re-activate it by doing one of the following:
Additionally, if you plan to join a cross-realm group to do a World Quest, you can avoid this issue by joining that group before you arrive at the World Quest area. Note that this issue only occurs when using cross-realm grouping. Again, we’re hard at work on a fix for the issue, but the above workarounds should allow you to complete World Quests properly until that fix is in place. |