As you may have noticed, right now both the Alliance and the Horde are dealing with a bit of disarray on the leadership level. In World of Warcraft: Legion, you’ll need to step up and find new ways to band together against the invasion that threatens all of Azeroth. As you venture into the Broken Isles, you’ll join forces with other heroes of your class—no matter what faction they may be from—to make a stand and save everyone from annihilation. Every class needs a place to call home—a special retreat where support can be found, and a war room in which plans can be made. In Legion, this refuge is known as your Class Hall, a unique-to-your-class place where the champions of Warcraft will work with you to meet the challenges that you face in the Broken Isles. Death Knight—AcherusAcherus, also known as the Ebon Hold, was once a Scourge necropolis. It now provides everything a Death Knight might need, including a forge, a runeforge, and a soul forge. Where: Floating above the Broken ShoreHow to get there: Death Gate Notable denizens: Lord Thorval, Dread Commander Thalanor, Siouxsie the Banshee Take a 360-degree look at Archerus on Facebook. Demon Hunter—The Fel HammerThe Fel Hammer will be immediately recognizable to Demon Hunters—your starting experience in Mardum brought you here. Where: MardumHow to get there: Teleport Notable Demon Hunters: Allari the Souleater, Altruis the Sufferer, Kayn Sunfury Take a 360-degree look at The Fel Hammer on Facebook. Druid—The DreamgroveAcross from Black Rook Hold, a thick forest provides a refuge known as the Dreamgrove. From here, the Emerald Dreamway is accessible, providing rapid travel to other points of interest to Druids. Where: Val’sharahHow to get there: Once unlocked, use Dreamwalk to teleport to the Dreamgrove. Notable Druids: Keeper Remulos, Lunara, Malfurion Stormrage Take a 360-degree look at The Dreamgrove on Facebook. Hunter—Trueshot LodgeTrueshot Lodge provides a unique set of flight paths that only Hunters will use. Here you’ll join Farstriders, rangers, and dark rangers as you put your survival skills and wilderness expertise to the ultimate test. Where: Highmountain Take a 360-degree look at Trueshot Lodge on Facebook. Mage—Hall of the GuardiansThe Hall of the Guardians is a tower in which mages of all stripes are working together to reform the Tirisgarde in Azeroth’s time of need. Where: DalaranHow to get there: Teleport Notable denizens: Edirah, High Sorcerer Andromath, Meryl Felstorm, Marud Take a 360-degree look at Hall of the Guardians on Facebook. Monk—Hall of the SeasonsThe Hall of the Seasons, which comprises the Temple of Five Dawns and Mandori Village, gives refuge to Monks from all races. Where: Wandering IsleHow to get there: Zen Pilgrimage Notable denizens: Chen Stormstout, Ji Firepaw, Li Li Stormstout, Aysa Cloudsinger Take a 360-degree look at Hall of the Seasons on Facebook. Paladin—The Sanctum of LightThe Sanctum of Light is where the Knights of the Silver Hand have been restored in their unity, bringing together the Sunwalkers, the Hand of Argus, and Blood Knights, among others. Where: Beneath Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands Take a 360-degree look at The Sanctum of Light on Facebook. Priest—Netherlight TempleNetherlight Temple brings together a wide array of priestly practitioners, including high priests, priestesses of Elune, and shadow priests. Where: KaraborHow to get there: Take the portal in Dalaran found in your faction’s area. Notable Priests: Prophet Velen, High Priestess Ishanah, Calia Menethil Take a 360-degree look at Netherlight Temple on Facebook. Rogue—The Hall of ShadowsThe Hall of Shadows brings together Rogues from groups as varied as the Shattered Hand, SI:7, and the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Where: Dalaran UnderbellyHow to get there: Enter a gate that only Rogues may pass through. Notable Rogues: Vanessa VanCleef, Garona Halforcen, Valeera Sanguinar Take a 360-degree look at The Hall of Shadows on Facebook. Shaman—Heart of AzerothThe Heart of Azeroth is a rugged and beautiful spot overlooking the Maelstrom itself. Here you’ll join the Earthen Ring and call upon the elements for aid in battle. Where: The MaelstromHow to get there: Teleport Notable Shamans: Rehgar Earthfury, Aggra, Stormcaller Mylra, Thrall Take a 360-degree look at Heart of Azeroth on Facebook. Warlock—Dreadscar RiftDreadscar Rift is its own place—a strange world that was very recently inhabited by the Burning Legion. Where: Dreadscar RiftHow to get there: Teleport Notable denizens: Calydus, Jubeka Shadowbreaker, Ritssyn Flamescowl Take a 360-degree look at Dreadscar Rift on Facebook. Warrior—SkyholdSkyhold is a section of Halls of Valor where val’kyr bring great heroes who have been nearly lost on the fields of battle. Where: Stormheim How to get there: Teleport Notable denizens: Aurylia, Odyn, Hodir Take a 360-degree look at Halls of Valor on Facebook. See More Wowhead has a preview video of every Class Hall on their Youtube page. To learn more about Artifacts and Class Halls, check out the Legion Q&A with Craig Amai from July 7. |