Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
January 8, 2021
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Condemn (Venthyr Ability) to incorrectly display as Execute when switching into a talent specialization with the Massacre talent chosen.
Fixed an issue where players would be unable to see Forgelite Prime Mikanikos during the quest "A Partner for Eternity."
Fixed an issue where players could be unable to see enemies during the quest "Compassion, Blade of Humility."
Night Fae
Fixed an issue with the size of the Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) nameplate when engaged in combat with enemy players.
[With regional restarts] The Ember Court scenario lockout now occurs when Stage 1 ends or the first surprise event is triggered, whichever occurs first (was at the start of the scenario).
Developers’ note: We want to reduce the likelihood that connectivity issues could cause frustrations for players during Ember Court scenario, without encouraging players to replay the scenario repeatedly to get the "perfect" run each week. We hope this hits a nice middle ground, which should allow players experiencing those issues to continue attempting without losing their weekly fun. Party on, dudes.
Creatures and NPCs
Soured-Flesh Growth is now immune to Control Undead.
Dungeons and Raids
De Other Side
The Manastorms
Resolved an issue in where Millhouse and Millificent Manastorm could forget how to fight like the devious masterminds that they truly are.
Items and Rewards
Reduced the frequency of the dialogue from the Battlecry of Krexus toy.
The Rapier of the Fearless treasure now respawns more often.
Fixed a number of issues with receiving the pet Dal.
Player versus Player
Players will now drop PvP flags and Orbs of Power if their Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) is triggered.
Reaching Rank 2 of a Legendary specialized armor or jewelry recipe no longer removes the recipe from Favorites and it can once again be favorited.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Fixed a rare issue that could cause Empowered floor guardians to permanently evade.
Fixed an issue where the Twisting Corridors reward list would appear duplicated on the Layer selection screen.
Maw of the Maw's health and damage lowered by 10%.
Maw of the Maw’s Devour Obleron Armaments cooldown increased to 10 seconds (was 5 seconds) and no longer affects the increased maximum health Anima Power, Obleron Endurance. Maw of the Maw will still return all Obleron Armaments upon leaving combat or dying.
World Quests
Fixed an issue where players could unintentionally enter the Necrotic Wake dungeon during the world quest "Air Supremacy."
January 7, 2021
Hunters can now feed their pets Shadowlands meats.
Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the flight in the quest "Aerial Reconnaissance" would not have a map marker directing them back to Kleia to restart the flight.
Fixed an issue where Nuuminuuru could fail to give credit for the quest "Path of Ascension: Nuuminuuru."
Fixed an issue where other players' Dismantled debuffs would be visible on the Forsworn Colossus in the Eternal Forge. We found the issue, and promptly dismantled it.
Fixed an issue where eligible players could fail to receive the Sundancer mount in Bastion after completing the event.
There are now more enemies available for the quest "Compassion, Blade of Humility."
Night Fae
Fixed an issue where defeating the dungeon boss on Mythic Keystone difficulty wouldn’t provide credit for “A Rare and Unusual Spirit.”
While seeking Feather Caps for “Ember Court: Mushroom Surprise!”, players will now be able to use Grappling Growths as expected.
The preferences of every guest are now always displayed in the Guest List, even before you've discovered them for the first time.
Developers’ note: This change should make it faster and easier to build a guest list that has compatible guests with similar preferences.
The guests Grandmaster Vole and Choofa will no longer appear on the Guest List if you don't have the required reputation to unlock them.
Developers' note: This change does not remove them from existing Guest Lists, but you can revoke their invitation and they will not reappear on the list until you are able to unlock them.
Dungeons and Raids
Margrave Stradama
Plague Rot can no longer be interrupted.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue where the Splintered Heart of Al'ar trinket would fail to trigger after suffering a lethal blow.
Sinful Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak now counts as part of the Sinful Gladiator's Elite transmog sets.
PvP items upgraded to Item Level 226 will now display their Elite appearance.
The disguise from the Acolyte's Guise toy no longer cancels when teleporting.
The Maw
Fixed some issues with missing spawns and incomplete stage progressions in The Beastwarrens Hunts.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
You can now obtain the quest items for “Signs of the Lion” from higher layers of Twisting Corridors.
World Quests
Increased The Undying Army reputation rewarded from Maldraxxus Elite world quests.
January 6, 2021
Wild Spirits (Night Fae Ability) is now briefly visible to the Hunter's allies (was hidden entirely).
Fixed an issue during the Kyrian campaign quest "Aerial Advantage" where the Battlesewn Rocs could display a parachute visual.
While on the Campaign Chapter: Confronting Sin, Blackbale Overseers will now also drop the item that starts the quest "Maldraxxian Weapons."
The required animals to rescue for “Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds” has been lowered to 10 (was 15).
Niya now moves slightly faster and she can access her speed boost and leap ability more often during “Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds.”
Developers’ note: We’ve felt that the Glimpse of the Wilds event was taking a little too long to complete. To give you some breathing room for tackling other surprises at your Ember Court, we wanted to speed it up to be more in line with other events. We have more changes coming in the future to improve the clarity of Ember Court objectives and bonuses like Tubbins's Lucky Teapot, so in the meantime, we wanted to make these smaller changes to improve the experience. When in doubt, take a peek at your map!
The size of the tools near Tulipnose have been increased to make them easier to locate for “Party Pests.”
Your Dredger Butler will now join the Ember Court and awaits your orders near the starting location. He's eager to learn more about etiquette from friendly guests!
Dungeons and Raids
Margrave Stradama
Fixed an issue where the door to her location could remain closed and lock players out after a wipe.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue where players could not use the Eternal Gateway in Purity's Pinnacle after looting the Penitence of Purity treasure.
Construct Disguise now only allows players to be recognized as a construct within the House of Constructs in Maldraxxus, as originally stated by the item. The disguises’ visual appearance is still usable outside the area, but it will no longer fool enemies outside the House of Constructs.
The Philosopher bow now sheathes correctly.
Soul Igniter and Empyreal Ordnance trinkets no longer break crowd controlled enemies or enemies that are out of combat.
Players should once again be able to use Skaggldrynk while on the Alchemy quest "The Price of the Black Market."
Fixed an issue where enemies in the Temple of Humility would respawn at inconsistent rates for various quests.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Enemies should be less likely to link together in overly large groups when tower forces and prisoners are engaged in combat.
Anima Powers
Decayfly Hatchlings summoned by Pulsing Rot-hive should be less aggressive in seeking out new targets.
Whirling Stormgem has been removed.
World Quests
The clouds are now more reliable during the Bastion world quest "Flight School: Up and Away!"
January 5, 2021
Fixed an issue to make it easier for multiple players in the area to receive credit properly during the quest "Succumbing to Pride."
Alexandros Mograine will once again properly assist players during the quest "Pursuit of Justice."
Fixed an issue where players who abandoned the quest "The Blue Seed" would be unable to exit the cave to destroy the bramble wall after accepting the quest again.
Fixed an issue where the point of interest indicator on the map for “Through Glass” could be in the wrong location for characters that died and released.
Night Fae
Soothing Voice (Dreamweaver Soulbind) can now be removed by effects such as Hand of Freedom.
The starting location for “Searching the Grove” now has a point of interest indicator and should now be easier to see on the map.
Fixed an issue that caused the quest "Sanctum Upgrade: Mirror Network" to display twice for players who had completed Laurent’s rescue mission.
Fixed an issue with the Campaign Chapter progress text requesting players to rescue Laurent from the Ember Ward instead of the correct requirements to complete the chapter.
Creatures and NPCs
Resolved an issue that could cause players to be unable to loot Shadowlands' World Bosses if the boss is defeated while the player is offline.
Iceshatters’ Pulsing Shards now deal appropriate damage.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
[For realms in the NA region only] Resolved an issue that could prevent the door leading towards Artificer Xy’mox from opening after defeating Sun King's Salvation in Raid Finder Wing 2, “Reliquary of Opulence.”
De Other Side
Resolved an issue where Crushed Soul damage was higher than intended on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Lowered the amount of loot per person in Timewalking raids to better match Shadowlands raid drop rates.
Items and Rewards
Covenant set bonuses now fade immediately when the armor granting the set bonus is removed.
The Path of Greed effect gained when opening certain Revendreth Treasures can now be removed by right clicking the effect’s icon.
Pet Battles
Certain low-level pet battle quests are no longer suppressed for characters that have not done the introductory quests to Battle for Azeroth.
Fixed an issue where some Threads of Fate players were unable to use the Sinfall Flight Master.
Fixed an issue where the Tithelord could sometimes become stuck during the first phase of the quest "The Tithelord."
Fixed an issue where level 50 characters could not accept the Twilight Highlands quest "Twilight Shores."
Fixed an issue where the quest "Light Camera Action" would be unavailable to certain characters.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
[Live on NA realms. With regional restarts for other regions] Removed some of the weekly delays between certain Bolvar Fordragon Torghast storyline quests.
Anima Powers
Fixed an issue where Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Monk and Rogue class-specific anima powers were not appearing in Plundered Anima Cells.
Death Knight
The Horsemen's Call now resets the cooldown of Death Gate when ascending floors.
World Quests
Fixed an issue during the Bastion world quest "Things Remembered" where players could fail to receive credit for Kalisthene's portion of the achievement, What Bastion Remembered.
The enemies required for "Allay Their Fears" now respawn faster.
January 4, 2021
Players can once again earn the achievement Stay Chill from the Conclave of Wind encounter in Throne of the Four Winds.
Fixed an issue where Kynthia would not take off smoothly during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Trouble on the Western Front."
Fixed an issue where Xandria was visible in two places at once during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Stronger Together."
Willowblossom is once again present for players who abandoned the quest "Evil Grubbies."
Fixed an issue where the Anima Conductor daily quests in Maldraxxus were granting an incorrect amount of anima. The anima rewards are now equivalent to the other covenants Anima Conductor daily quests.
Players can no longer be seen fighting an invisible creature during the quest "Face Your Fears."
A portal to Oribos will now appear next to the Sinfall Flightmaster once the third tier of the Venthyr Travel Network has been unlocked.
Creatures and NPCs
Resolved an issue where the debuff from Corpse Ticklers in Maldraxxus could not be removed for some players.
Ta'xera in Revendreth now has her correct voice.
Dungeons and Raids
De Other Side
The Manastorms
Resolved an issue where Millhouse Manastorm's Power Overwhelming debuff was missing its text description.
Resolved an issue where player immunities (e.g. Divine Shield and Ice Block) could inadvertently cause Stellar Clouds to spawn on Mueh'zala's active platform.
Resolved an issue where the death of Mueh'zala could be delayed if he's channeling Master of Death right before he reaches 10% health.
Items and Rewards
Covenant armor sets can no longer be disenchanted if the item is acquired from covenant vendors.
The Memory of Past Sins trinket now appears within the Castle Nathria Adventure Guide for Enhancement Shaman.
Fixed an issue that allowed some benefits from Inscrutable Quantum Device to persist after the trinket was unequipped.
Fixed an issue with Pocket Portals stacking incorrectly.
Pet Battles
Pet battles have been temporarily disabled in Castle Nathria.
Threads of Fate characters who are level 60 are now eligible for the quests "Return to Oribos" in each zone.
“Bet on Yourself” now displays with a blue daily quest icon.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Resonant Misery no longer drops Stygia.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Anima Powers
Bonus damage from Painbreaker Psalm will no longer cause Shadow Word: Death to deal increased backlash damage to the player.
Mawsworn Flametender and Empowered Mawsworn Flametender’s Inner Flames now begins its cooldown at the start of the cast (was upon cast completion) and the time between casts increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
December 22, 2020
Resolved an issue where some players that interacted with Anima Crystal Shards in Bastion were not receiving credit towards Shard Labor.
Auction House
Fixed an issue where Favorited items would disappear after a sudden disconnect.
Death Knight
Heartstop Aura (PvP Talent) will no longer affect the cooldown of Gladiator's Medallion.
Fixed an issue with Flow of Time (Conduit) not reducing the Shimmer (Talent) cooldown by the appropriate amount at higher item levels.
Night Fae
The enemies required for “Minions of Mueh’zala” now respawn faster.
Creatures and NPCs
Larion Treats can no longer be used in instances, nor can the larions aid you in instances.
Corrupted Cloudfeathers can no longer be skinned.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
[With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where players couldn’t summon party members with a Warlock portal inside Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Artificer Xy’mox
Resolved an issue where abilities would change their sequence if Artificer Xy’mox changes phases before casting Dimensional Tear.
Glyph of Destruction now applies to targets that are not in line of sight.
Lady Inerva Darkvein
Warrior's Spell Reflect will no longer negate the Expose Desires ability.
Council of Blood
Fixed an issue preventing Dancing Fever from being reapplied properly on Mythic difficulty.
Sire Denathrius
Fixed an issue where Dusk Elegy was not correctly reducing incoming healing.
De Other Side
Increased the time to complete the dungeon by 2 minutes on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
The Necrotic Wake
The damage against enemies with Flesh Crafter’s Throw Cleaver no longer increases with stacks of Bolster from the Bolstering Affix on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Sanguine Depths
Executor Tarvold
Castigate now inflicts damage every 1 second (was 0.75 seconds).
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue with Sephuz's Proclamation (Legendary Effect) granting its buff regardless of whether the crowd controlling ability was successful or not.
Player versus Player
Vanndar Stormpike peered across the Alterac Valley battleground and saw that his adversary's health was 20% higher than his own. Not to be outdone, Vanndar has put in the work and increased his own health by 20%.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Anima Powers
Multiple Elethium anima powers will no longer appear in the same Anima Cell. In addition, their elemental damage and healing penalties have been reduced to -25% (was -75%).
WoW Classic
Rogue's Bonescythe 8-Set bonus effect is now always consumed when Hemorrhage is used.
December 21, 2020
The weekly quests "Return Lost Souls" and "Replenish the Reservoir" will now display as a part of players' Covenant Campaigns to better highlight their importance.
Soulbind abilities that generate loot such as Nature's Splendor (Niya Soulbind) can no longer generate loot from enemies that don't drop loot, such as summoned enemies.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Stone Legion Generals
Anima Orbs and Massive Anima Orbs can no longer be picked up by players with Anima Injection, Anima Infection, Volatile Anima Injection or Volatile Anima Infection.
Resolved an issue where Wicked Blade was not following the targeted players correctly on Normal difficulty.
Stone Legion Skirmisher’s now cast Wicked Slaughter every 10 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 8 seconds).
Stone Legion Commando’s Volatile Stone Shell absorb shield has been reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
Fungalmancer’s Binding Fungus can now be interrupted and has a cast time of 3 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Fen Hatchling’s Clinging Infestation damage reduced by 50% per stack.
Fungi Stormer’s Fungistorm damage reduced by 20%.
Brood Ambusher’s Enveloping Webbing can now be interrupted.
Health reduced by 10% on all difficulties.
Reduced the health of Slimy Smorgasbord by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
Spires of Ascension
Forsworn Goliath health reduced by 25%.
Kyrian Dark-Praetor health reduced by 30%.
Etherdiver no longer use the Maw-Touched Spittle ability.
Forsworn Helion no longer use the Crescendo ability.
The Intimidated and Oppression debuffs are removed more quickly after the casting Lieutenant (Klotos, Lakesis or Astronos) has been defeated.
The Necrotic Wake
Tortured Echoes now expires after 30 seconds (was permanent), and its damage has been increased by 100% on Mythic difficulty.
Theater of Pain
Grasping Hands now correctly appears at two locations.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused only one soul to become bound by Grasping Hands while two players stood at the spectral hands' location.
Mordretha, the Endless Empress
Echoes of Carnage periodic damage reduced by 50% on Mythic difficulty.
Dark Devastation cast time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds) and increased the size of the casting visual effect to be more noticeable.
Ghostly Charge cast time increased to 3.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
Items and Rewards
The Battle for Azeroth mission "Present Yourself" now awards the correct version of Stolen Present.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Anima Powers
Death Knight
[With regional restarts] New Anima Power: Hungerstone – Death Strike heals for an additional 10% of your maximum health over 5 seconds. Can be obtained 3 times.
[With regional restarts] Blightstone has been redesigned – Now increases the damage of your Blood Plague, Frost Fever, and Virulent Plague by 15%. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Creeping Decay now also reduces the damage enemies deal to you while inside Death and Decay by 10%. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Necromantic Bile has been redesigned – Now increases the damage of your Heart Strike, Obliterate, and Scourge Strike by 15%. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Skull Bloomer damage increased to 75% (was 50%) and now also increases the damage of Frost Strike and Death Strike. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Blood-tinged Poker now also increases the damage of Sacrificial Pact by 300%.
[With regional restarts] Slick Ice has been removed.
[With regional restarts] Maw-Darkened Slippers damage increased by 20% and now only deals damage when Rolling (was jumping and Rolling).
[With regional restarts] Dowsing Rod has been redesigned – Standing in your Faeline Stomp reduces the damage you and your allies take by 10%, but Faeline Stomp’s length is reduced.
[With regional restarts] Ever-tumbling Stone has been redesigned – When you activate this power, and whenever you change floors in Torghast, Roll grants immunity to all damage for 1 second per yard traveled.
December 18, 2020
While Anduin Wrynn and Baine Bloodhoof are somewhere in the Shadowlands, their criteria has been removed from the BB King Feast of Winter Veil achievement.
Forest Shriekers now correctly display as melee.
Touch of the Magi will no longer replicate increased damage taken bonuses from the target.
Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) while talented into Spirit Shell will now properly extend Atonements while other Discipline Priests are present in the group.
Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) while talented into Spirit Shell will now extend Atonements that were applied right before casting Spirit Shell.
Cardinal Mending’s (PvP Talent) healing on pets and NPCs can no longer exceed the caster’s maximum health.
Focused Malignancy (Conduit) will now provide its damage increase when selecting the Rampant Afflictions talent.
Fixed an issue where characters who swapped to the Kyrian Covenant would be told to complete the quest "A Calling in Bastion," but be unable to complete the quest.
Fixed an issue where Xandria could phase out while on the Kyrian Campaign quest "A Perilous Journey" while she still offered a Calling quest.
Fixed an issue where Kyrian players who disconnected, summoned, or otherwise left the vehicle during the quest "Fight and Flight" would not be placed near Xandria and may be unable to interact with her.
Night Fae
Soulbound Spectre’s now deal appropriate damage and absorption during the quest “Cleansing the Forest.”
Fixed an issue where a small number of players were unable to see Featherlight for the quests "Break a Leg", "The Fourth Wall, er, War", and "What's My Motivation?"
Stock: Appetizers now unlocks when reaching Friendly with the Ember Court. This upgrade grants you an additional 2 minutes in the Ember Court once you complete the quest chain that starts from Picky Stefan, your refreshment coordinator.
Developers’ note: While we are seeing people successfully making their guests happy, we want to give players a little more time to explore and try new guest combinations to help them prepare for when they unlock 3 guests in a few weeks.
Creatures and NPCs
Corrected an issue that could cause players to have reduced combat bonuses against level 40 and lower enemies (notably legacy raid and dungeon content) when leveling past 50.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Huntsman Altimor
Fixed an issue that caused Huntsman Altimor to not be afflicted with Broken Bond after Hecutis was defeated.
Sun King’s Salvation
Smoldering Remnants now wait 1.5 seconds before starting to inflict damage on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Reduced the damage of Smoldering Remnants by 10% on Normal difficulty.
Council of Blood
Fixed an issue that would prevent Veteran Stoneguard from being attackable during Danse Macabre.
Stone Legion Generals
Anima Infusion, Anima Infection, Volatile Anima Infusion, and Volatile Anima Infection can no longer be removed by immunities.
Fixed issue that caused Wicked Blade to sometimes hit moving players twice.
Fixed issue sometimes causing 2 Wicked Blades to be launched simultaneously.
Mythic Keystone Dungeons
Holy Priests will now have their deaths count against the dungeon timer.
Spires of Ascension
Fixed an issue preventing certain charge abilities from working on Forsworn Justicar.
Overhead Slash now only strikes her primary target and its damage has been reduced by 40%. The tooltip will be updated in a future patch.
Increased the distance at which melee characters can attack Kin-Tara.
Theater of Pain
Adjusted Blighted Sludge-Spewers visual effects to easily distinguish them from Disgusting Refuse.
Items and Rewards
The Great Vault’s Stygia reward is now more detailed about how much Stygia it provides.
Corrected an issue that caused some item levels on rewards granted from World Quests to not keep pace with character progress correctly.
The "Glowing Gift" trinket claimed from defeating the Greench should now scale to a more appropriate item level.
Momentum Redistributor Boots has had its damage capped at 20% of the player’s health. It has also been given a 5 minute cooldown.
Player versus Player
[With regional restarts] Level 60 non-player enemies in Alterac Valley should now be appropriately powerful and dangerous.
Fixed an issue where “Field Seance" couldn’t be accepted while in a group.
Fixed an issue where defeating Thulsketha the Binder would not provide credit for the quest “A Swift Intervention.”
Players can now complete "Witch's Satchel" while “Terrors in Tirna Scithe” World Quest is active.
Players on or eligible for the Bastion quest "Fruit of the Gods" can now see Elios in Hero's Rest.
Threads of Fate
The quests "Bolstering Bastion", "Rallying Maldraxxus", "Support the Court", and "Reinforcing Revendreth" will now be pushed to players in Threads of Fate mode who enter the appropriate corresponding level-up dungeon.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Fixed an issue that could prevent the respawn of feeding rituals during the Shadehounds Hunt to not respawn.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Refuge of the Damned and Shrouded buffs now have a stealth visual effect.
Empowered Imperial Consular's Shadow Bolt Volley damage decreased by 40%.
The starting Anima Cell can now be reset after clearing the first floor (was after killing the final boss on the layer).
Anima Powers
Death Knight
Twisted Hellchoker is no longer strong enough to charm The Tarragrue.
Resolved an issue that prevented Stroke of Elegance from reducing the cooldown of Celestial Brew.
December 17, 2020
Fixed an issue where Hunting Party credit was not earned after the Hunt scenario was completed.
Shifting Power’s (Night Fae Ability) visual effects now appear much smaller for friendly players.
Resolved an issue that caused Clouded Focus (Legendary Effect) to provide its bonus while Soothing Mist is not active.
Bonedust Brew (Necrolord Ability) will no longer deal greatly increased damage against enemies that take increased damage.
Thoughtsteal (PvP Talent) no longer plays a misleading error sound when trying to cast the stolen spell.
Divine Ascension (PvP Talent) is now considered a Holy spell.
Unfurling Darkness (Talent) will no longer display on raid frames.
Corrected an issue where some raid encounter abilities were incorrectly triggering the bonus mana restoration of Water Shield.
Fixed an issue where some players who swapped to the Kyrian covenant would be unable to interact with Haephus for the quest "It's All Coming Together."
Players who have left the Kyrian Covenant should no longer be able to loot Path of Ascension crafting materials.
Glenzu will be more careful to make his Glenzu Original only available to the person that paid him for it during the quest "Ember Court: Mortal Reminders."
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Council of Blood
Dutiful Attendants should no longer become stuck evading.
Mythic Keystone Dungeons
Level 10 Keystone end-of-run chest items have returned back to item level 203.
Fixed an issue where the Bursting Affix was not inflicting an appropriate amount of damage for Shadowlands Mythic dungeons.
Fixed an issue that caused the Storming Affix to inflict more damage than intended.
Theater of Pain
Xav the Unfallen
Resolved an issue that prevented players targeted by Blood and Glory from landing in the dueling arena.
Mists of Tirna Scithe
Mistveil Nightblossom now casts Triple Bite less often and its poison duration has been lowered.
Margrave Stradama
Plague Crash tentacles now hit a wider area, and their placement has been adjusted accordingly.
The Necrotic Wake
Abominations will now only cast Tenderize and Mutilate on their current target.
Tenderize now increases Physical damage taken by 12% per stack (was 15%).
Mutilate damage reduced by 15%.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue that prevented the Infinitely Divisible Ooze trinket from scaling with some player stats.
Periodic heals present prior to Consumptive Infusion’s effect triggering will no longer consume the trinket’s effect.
The point of interest indicator for “Kivarr's Den” should now be easier to see on the map.
The point of interest indicators for “Fight and Flight” should now be easier to see on the map.
Battle for Azeroth
The quests "An Unwelcome Advisor" and "Return of the Black Prince" should now be automatically provided to eligible players in Boralus Harbor and Zuldazar.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Quests with a weekly reset in The Maw no longer erroneously claim to be daily quests in the quest log and are now displayed with a yellow quest icon.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
For all classes, major cooldowns will now reset when you transition to a new floor.
Developers’ note: This functionality should mirror the way cooldowns reset at the end of a raid encounter, or when starting a Mythic Keystone dungeon, affecting most abilities with a cooldown of 3 minutes or longer.
Health and damage of all creatures in Torghast reduced by 6% at Layer 1, increasing to 26% at Layer 8.
Developers’ note: The net effect should be that Layer 8 is now roughly as difficult as Layer 6 was prior to this change, with other Layers’ difficulty is reduced proportionally.
Health of all creatures reduced for players in groups by up to 25%.
Damage of all creatures reduced for 4- and 5-player groups by up to 20%.
The Jailer's Directive in the Upper Reaches now increases health by 10% (was 50%).
Some friendly NPCs in Torghast can no longer be found using /target or similar macros.
Anima Powers
The starting Anima Cell in Torghast now offers a stronger selection of Anima powers.
Anima Cells dropped by rare creatures within Torghast now always have at least 3 choices to choose from.
The chance for an Anima Cell to drop from a creature on any given floor has been increased.
Unnatural Power no longer provides immunity to crowd controlling effects at 10 stacks.
Corrected an issue where the Terror-laden Slumbersand was incorrectly breaking the Sap effect from enemies.
Elder Longbranch’s Bounty of the Forest cast time increased to 4 seconds (was 2 seconds), time between casts increased to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds), and Hardened Shell now only requires 6 attacks or skills to remove (was 9 attacks).
Decayspeaker’s Hardened Shell now only requires 6 attacks or skills to remove (was 9 attacks).
Massive Crusher’s Armor Plating cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 1 second) and can be interrupted and/or dispelled. Recast time increased to 16 seconds (was 8 seconds).
Tower Sentinel’s Oppressive Aura haste reduction and slow now scales up to 10% (was 25%).
Deadsoul Chorus’s Death Blast now reduces healing received by 15% and stacks 5 times (was 25% and stacks 4 times).
Skeletal Remains and Lumbering Creation’s Bone Shrapnel now marks the ground and then explodes after 2 seconds, giving players time to move away (was instant).
Deadsoul Stalker now fades away after 15 melee attacks (was 7) and remains hidden for 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Deadsoul Devil now reincarnates with 15% health remaining (was at 40% health).
Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus now begin their timer when you leave combat.
Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus enemies have had their health and damage reduced by 50%.
Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus now increase assassin health by 5% per stack (was 10%).
WoW Classic
Wielders of the Corrupted Ashbringer will once again hear the whispers of Alexandros Mograine...
December 16, 2020
Baine can now be targeted by snowballs in Oribos for the Scrooge achievement. Happy Winter's Veil!
While progressing through the Adventures campaign, certain Maw Adventures now have fixed difficulty and availability.
Unstable Affliction's damage is now increased by Shadow Embrace and Haunt (Talent).
Fixed an issue where training dummies in covenant sanctums would keep players in combat for too long.
Fixed an issue where Alexandros Mograine could fail to appear during the Kyrian Campaign quest "An Expected Visitor."
Night Fae
A cinematic now plays when earning Dreamweaver as a Soulbind.
Fixed an issue where Night Fae players who abandon the quest "The Garden of Night" would be unable to see Qadarin to accept it again.
Fixed an issue during the Night Fae campaign quest "Broken Webs" where Qadarin would not be near the player after relogging.
Fixed an issue where Qadarin would be unavailable to turn in the Night Fae quest "Spriggan Snares" if players had turned in "A Little Pruning" and "Broken Webs" first.
Creatures and NPCs
Oranomonos the Everbranching's Dirge of the Fallen Sanctum ability no longer hits players who are not in combat with it.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Lady Inerva Darkvein
Fixed an issue that prevented the UI Widget from displaying how many Anima Containers are open.
Fixed an issue where Chain Slam would sometimes hit players twice.
Fixed an issue where Giant Fists would sometimes not hit the closest player to Sludgefist’s melee target.
Sire Denathrius
Fixed an issue where Druids could cancel their shapeshift forms to escape the reduced movement speed effect from March of the Penitent.
Fixed an issue where Plaguebound Devoted could sometimes fail to contribute to the Enemy Forces requirements on Mythic Keystone difficulty
Sanguine Depths
General Kaal
Fixed an issue where Piercing Blur images could turn and dash in an unintended direction.
Items and Rewards
Puremind Piercer now has appropriate secondary stats.
Increased the healing from Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage and Shrouded Cloth Bandage.
Fixed an issue that was causing the Decanter of Anima-Charged Winds trinket from hitting physically large enemies.
The Unbound Changeling trinket now triggers more reliably.
Players can now change the stats of Unbound Changeling as many times as they like, but they still have one chance per day to get the all stats transformation.
"The Great Vault" quest can now be completed while in a raid group.
The quest "Lead the Way" will no longer become blocked by members of the opposite faction.
Fixed an issue where progress would not display for the quest "Observing Arenas."
Skaggldrynk can once again be used by players in Vault of the Wardens to complete the quest "Vault of the Wardens: Demon's Bile", regardless of their level.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Adjusted the per-player health scaling on Soulsteel Colossus to bring his overall combat duration down to a reasonable level.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Corrected an issue that could cause actors in a flashback scene triggered by returning the Runecarver's memories to fail to display correctly.
Empowered enemies at the end of a floor now have more delay in between their basic magic damage spells.
Reduced the amount of damage some area of effect spells were doing to party sizes greater than 1.
Reduced the maximum number of targets a Deadsoul Echo can fire Discordant Barrage at.
Reduced the visual clutter intensity of Discordant Barrage.
Goxul the Devourer
Time between casts of Mass Devour increased to 36 seconds (was 18 seconds).
Health and damage reduced by 10%.
World Quests
The Tea Tales series of World Quests in Revendreth should now correctly continue to appear for players who have completed all 4 characters' tales. Theotar apologizes profusely for his inadvertent rudeness in neglecting your previous invitations.
WoW Classic
Fixed an issue that caused the Cryptstalker 4-Set bonus effect to sometimes place the Hunter back in combat after using Feign Death.
Warlock's Plagueheart 4-Set bonus effect now properly affects Corruption damage.
Mage's Enigma 5-Set bonus effect now activates when Arcane Missiles are resisted.
Mage's Enigma 3-Set bonus effect now always functions while talented into Arcane Concentration.
December 15, 2020
Demon Hunter
Unnatural Malice (Night Fae Conduit) has its effect reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
Chaos Strike (Rank 3) now correctly affects Annihilation.
Corrected an issue where the main hand portion of Chaos Strike was dealing too little damage.
Fixed an issue preventing Vengeance Demon Hunters from casting Elysian Decree (Kyrian ability) outside of the Shadowlands when talented into Concentrated Sigils.
Kindred Spirits (Kyrian Ability) added damage will no longer incorrectly remove Spell Reflection from the target.
Casting Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) while under the effects of Mass Invisibility will now cause Mass Invisibility to drop.
Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) will no longer target totems.
Starfall no longer damages a target that was crowd controlled immediately before the star lands.
Frenzied Regeneration provided with Guardian Affinity (Talent) is no longer incorrectly put on cooldown when Heart of the Wild (Talent) ends.
Dash no longer incorrectly removes Stampeding Roar.
Twin Moons (Talent) will no longer cast the second Moonfire at totems.
Zandalari Trolls will no longer display a duplicate visual effect when casting Celestial Alignment.
Divine Image (Legendary Effect) will no longer cause other pets and guardians such as your Steward to attempt to cast spells.
Fixed an issue where some quests in the Kyrian Covenant Campaign chapter "Among the Kyrian" would display as incomplete for players who joined the Kyrian from another covenant and did not do certain optional quests. Players in this state should visit Oribos to have their status updated.
Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the Kyrian Campaign quests "Aerial Advantage" and "Trouble on the Western Front" would fall to their deaths on login.
Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the Kyrian Campaign quest "Stronger Together" would be unable to reach the Zerekriss.
Fixed an issue where players could not get back to the Zerekriss to accept the Kyrian Campaign quest "Fight and Flight" if they left the area.
Fixed an issue where voice over narrations would overlap with a nearby World Quest during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Stronger Together."
Fixed an issue where players who changed covenants to join the Necrolords could be unable to turn in certain quests to Draka.
Night Fae
Fixed an issue during the Night Fae Campaign in the "Night Warrior's Curse" chapter where players would be unable to accept both "Broken Webs" after accepting "A Little Pruning" from Qadarin.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Huntsman Altimor
Increased the distance of Spreadshot on all difficulties.
Artificer Xy’mox
Resolved an issue in which Artificer Xy'mox's door may remain closed during a soft reset scenario.
Council of Blood
Fixed an issue where Danse Macabre’s spotlight visual effect would sometimes not appear.
Fixed an issue where Sludgefist's Giant Fists were not hitting the secondary target for the correct amount of damage.
Sludgefist's melee attack damage has been decreased by 18% on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Stone Legion Generals
Ravenous Feast no longer targets players afflicted with Wicked Mark unless there are no other options.
Wicked Blade no longer targets players stunned by Ravenous Feast unless there are no other options.
Halls of Atonement
Inquisitor Sigar has earned more experience from all the Tormented Souls he communed with and is now level 61 (was level 60).
Venomous Snipers no longer have the Venompiercer ability.
Developers’ note: This change was targeted at lowering the complexity and difficulty of the mechanics near Domina Venomblade's platform, particularly for melee roles.
Spires of Ascension
Fixed an issue where players could fail to force Devos back down out of her air phase when she’s flying on the far left or right.
Fixed an issue where players could cause Devos to enter combat before Oryphrion is defeated.
Shadowhirls now provide additional warning before activating during the encounter.
Items and Rewards
Max-level vendor water and Mage conjured Mana Buns ramp up mana regeneration faster so they’re consistent with other types of max-level water.
The Raw Dream Silk will no longer be hidden if the Ardenweald World Quest "Spriggan Riot" is active.
Fixed an issue which allowed Charm of Eternal Winter’s mind control effect to work on shapeshifted Druids.
Increased the Physical damage from the Viscera of Coalesced Hatred trinket by 43%.
Player versus Player
Battle for Azeroth Assaults no longer award Conquest.
Resolved an issue where the stairway to complete the quest "Sustain, In Vain" was blocked off.
Reduced Entropic Cascade’s visual effects during the Lightforged Draenei Allied Race quest “The Lightforged.”
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
If you return to life in Torghast, the enemies that previously caused your demise will let you take the first swing before attacking you.
WoW Classic
Fixed an issue that caused the Crystalline Tear required for the quest “Long Forgotten Memories” to sometimes become unresponsive after a player previously on the quest did not complete the quest event correctly.
December 14, 2020
Death Knight
[With regional restarts] Mastery: Dreadblade effectiveness reduced by 20%.
[With regional restarts] Balance of all Things (Legendary Effect) now causes Eclipse to increase your critical strike chance with Arcane or Nature spells by 40%, decreasing by 8% every 1 second (was 50% crit, decreasing by 10% per second).
[With regional restarts] Starfall damage reduced by 6%.
[With regional restarts] The damage of Aimed Shot has been reduced by 5%.
[With regional restarts] The damage of Arcane Shot has been reduced by 5%.
[With regional restarts] Arcane Harmony (Legendary Effect) now gains up to 10 stacks in PvP (was 15).
Faeline Stomp (Night Fae Ability) now correctly fades from view for friendly players other than the casting Monk.
Resolved an issue that could cause Summon Jade Serpent Statue (Talent) from casting Soothing Mist.
[With regional restarts] Reverberation (Kyrian Conduit) effectiveness reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 30%).
[With regional restarts] Echoing Reprimand (Kyrian Ability) initial damage reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
[With regional restarts] Nightstalker (Talent) increases damage dealt while Stealth is active by 25% (was 50%).
[With regional restarts] Cold Blood (PvP Talent) damage is now properly reduced by effects such as Versatility.
[With regional restarts] Nightstalker (Talent) increases damage dealt while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active by 8% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 12%).
[With regional restarts] Shadow Blades now deals an additional 30% damage against enemy players (was 40%).
Echoes of Great Sundering (Legendary Effect) buff duration increased to 25 seconds (was 15 seconds).
[With regional restarts] Combat Meditation (Pelagos Soulbind) Mastery value reduced by 50% in PvP and duration increased by 50% in PvP.
[With regional restarts] Nemea has finished rearing a new generation of larions who have taken up residence in areas near Elysian Hold in Bastion to provide flight to and from the hold for Kyrian Covenant members.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Sun King's Salvation
Fixed an issue where the encounter would sometimes not complete correctly.
Sire Denathrius
Fixed an issue where Remornia's Massacre ability had a very small chance to fail.
De Other Side
Improved the readability on Skeletal Warlord's Undying Rage.
Decreased the size of the Enraged Spirit's Enraged Mask, the gameplay remains the same.
Added a visual effect for Night Fae players to denote the radius of the Haunted Urn.
Resolved an issue where Mojo Infusion was being affected by a player's Haste when freeing Bwonsamdi from Primeval Grasp.
Sanguine Depths
General Kaal
Fixed an issue where the door to her platform could become stuck and lock players out after a wipe.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue which caused the Force Multiplier weapon enchant to increase in power as a player's level increased from 50 to 60. This enchant's strength is now correctly capped at level 50.
Fixed an issue that caused some players who didn’t join the Venthyr covenant to receive Ember Court items from the Revendreth Calling tribute, Favor of the Court.
Increased the visibility of the posed Venthyr dancers created from Macabre Sheet Music.
Player versus Player
[With regional restarts] Battle for Azeroth Call to Arms quests award reduced Honor.
Due to the relatively increased pace of PvP combat in Shadowlands, Dampening will no longer begin at 20% in 2v2 Arena. Dampening is applied immediately in 2v2 and after 5 minutes in 3v3.
Threads of Fate
Fixed an issue where the turn-in marker for the quest "Support the Court" would be in the wrong location for Night Fae players who completed the quest at level 60.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
The Lingering Cloak of Ve'nari buff has been limited to War Mode only.
Altered the visuals attached to Lingering Cloak of Ve'nari and Edict of the Eternal Ones to make them less overwhelming when they are active.
Resolved an issue where Hunts could sometimes not progress to the next stage.
Fixed an issue where players were being redirected to a far graveyard when releasing their spirit within Perdition Hold.
The sounds associated with entering The Maw from Oribos are now an optional experience.
[With regional restarts] Particularly puny creatures in the Maw no longer d
Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.
January 8, 2021
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Condemn (Venthyr Ability) to incorrectly display as Execute when switching into a talent specialization with the Massacre talent chosen.
Fixed an issue where players would be unable to see Forgelite Prime Mikanikos during the quest "A Partner for Eternity."
Fixed an issue where players could be unable to see enemies during the quest "Compassion, Blade of Humility."
Night Fae
Fixed an issue with the size of the Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) nameplate when engaged in combat with enemy players.
[With regional restarts] The Ember Court scenario lockout now occurs when Stage 1 ends or the first surprise event is triggered, whichever occurs first (was at the start of the scenario).
Developers’ note: We want to reduce the likelihood that connectivity issues could cause frustrations for players during Ember Court scenario, without encouraging players to replay the scenario repeatedly to get the "perfect" run each week. We hope this hits a nice middle ground, which should allow players experiencing those issues to continue attempting without losing their weekly fun. Party on, dudes.
Creatures and NPCs
Soured-Flesh Growth is now immune to Control Undead.
Dungeons and Raids
De Other Side
The Manastorms
Resolved an issue in where Millhouse and Millificent Manastorm could forget how to fight like the devious masterminds that they truly are.
Items and Rewards
Reduced the frequency of the dialogue from the Battlecry of Krexus toy.
The Rapier of the Fearless treasure now respawns more often.
Fixed a number of issues with receiving the pet Dal.
Player versus Player
Players will now drop PvP flags and Orbs of Power if their Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) is triggered.
Reaching Rank 2 of a Legendary specialized armor or jewelry recipe no longer removes the recipe from Favorites and it can once again be favorited.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Fixed a rare issue that could cause Empowered floor guardians to permanently evade.
Fixed an issue where the Twisting Corridors reward list would appear duplicated on the Layer selection screen.
Maw of the Maw's health and damage lowered by 10%.
Maw of the Maw’s Devour Obleron Armaments cooldown increased to 10 seconds (was 5 seconds) and no longer affects the increased maximum health Anima Power, Obleron Endurance. Maw of the Maw will still return all Obleron Armaments upon leaving combat or dying.
World Quests
Fixed an issue where players could unintentionally enter the Necrotic Wake dungeon during the world quest "Air Supremacy."
January 7, 2021
Hunters can now feed their pets Shadowlands meats.
Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the flight in the quest "Aerial Reconnaissance" would not have a map marker directing them back to Kleia to restart the flight.
Fixed an issue where Nuuminuuru could fail to give credit for the quest "Path of Ascension: Nuuminuuru."
Fixed an issue where other players' Dismantled debuffs would be visible on the Forsworn Colossus in the Eternal Forge. We found the issue, and promptly dismantled it.
Fixed an issue where eligible players could fail to receive the Sundancer mount in Bastion after completing the event.
There are now more enemies available for the quest "Compassion, Blade of Humility."
Night Fae
Fixed an issue where defeating the dungeon boss on Mythic Keystone difficulty wouldn’t provide credit for “A Rare and Unusual Spirit.”
While seeking Feather Caps for “Ember Court: Mushroom Surprise!”, players will now be able to use Grappling Growths as expected.
The preferences of every guest are now always displayed in the Guest List, even before you've discovered them for the first time.
Developers’ note: This change should make it faster and easier to build a guest list that has compatible guests with similar preferences.
The guests Grandmaster Vole and Choofa will no longer appear on the Guest List if you don't have the required reputation to unlock them.
Developers' note: This change does not remove them from existing Guest Lists, but you can revoke their invitation and they will not reappear on the list until you are able to unlock them.
Dungeons and Raids
Margrave Stradama
Plague Rot can no longer be interrupted.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue where the Splintered Heart of Al'ar trinket would fail to trigger after suffering a lethal blow.
Sinful Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak now counts as part of the Sinful Gladiator's Elite transmog sets.
PvP items upgraded to Item Level 226 will now display their Elite appearance.
The disguise from the Acolyte's Guise toy no longer cancels when teleporting.
The Maw
Fixed some issues with missing spawns and incomplete stage progressions in The Beastwarrens Hunts.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
You can now obtain the quest items for “Signs of the Lion” from higher layers of Twisting Corridors.
World Quests
Increased The Undying Army reputation rewarded from Maldraxxus Elite world quests.
January 6, 2021
Wild Spirits (Night Fae Ability) is now briefly visible to the Hunter's allies (was hidden entirely).
Fixed an issue during the Kyrian campaign quest "Aerial Advantage" where the Battlesewn Rocs could display a parachute visual.
While on the Campaign Chapter: Confronting Sin, Blackbale Overseers will now also drop the item that starts the quest "Maldraxxian Weapons."
The required animals to rescue for “Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds” has been lowered to 10 (was 15).
Niya now moves slightly faster and she can access her speed boost and leap ability more often during “Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds.”
Developers’ note: We’ve felt that the Glimpse of the Wilds event was taking a little too long to complete. To give you some breathing room for tackling other surprises at your Ember Court, we wanted to speed it up to be more in line with other events. We have more changes coming in the future to improve the clarity of Ember Court objectives and bonuses like Tubbins's Lucky Teapot, so in the meantime, we wanted to make these smaller changes to improve the experience. When in doubt, take a peek at your map!
The size of the tools near Tulipnose have been increased to make them easier to locate for “Party Pests.”
Your Dredger Butler will now join the Ember Court and awaits your orders near the starting location. He's eager to learn more about etiquette from friendly guests!
Dungeons and Raids
Margrave Stradama
Fixed an issue where the door to her location could remain closed and lock players out after a wipe.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue where players could not use the Eternal Gateway in Purity's Pinnacle after looting the Penitence of Purity treasure.
Construct Disguise now only allows players to be recognized as a construct within the House of Constructs in Maldraxxus, as originally stated by the item. The disguises’ visual appearance is still usable outside the area, but it will no longer fool enemies outside the House of Constructs.
The Philosopher bow now sheathes correctly.
Soul Igniter and Empyreal Ordnance trinkets no longer break crowd controlled enemies or enemies that are out of combat.
Players should once again be able to use Skaggldrynk while on the Alchemy quest "The Price of the Black Market."
Fixed an issue where enemies in the Temple of Humility would respawn at inconsistent rates for various quests.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Enemies should be less likely to link together in overly large groups when tower forces and prisoners are engaged in combat.
Anima Powers
Decayfly Hatchlings summoned by Pulsing Rot-hive should be less aggressive in seeking out new targets.
Whirling Stormgem has been removed.
World Quests
The clouds are now more reliable during the Bastion world quest "Flight School: Up and Away!"
January 5, 2021
Fixed an issue to make it easier for multiple players in the area to receive credit properly during the quest "Succumbing to Pride."
Alexandros Mograine will once again properly assist players during the quest "Pursuit of Justice."
Fixed an issue where players who abandoned the quest "The Blue Seed" would be unable to exit the cave to destroy the bramble wall after accepting the quest again.
Fixed an issue where the point of interest indicator on the map for “Through Glass” could be in the wrong location for characters that died and released.
Night Fae
Soothing Voice (Dreamweaver Soulbind) can now be removed by effects such as Hand of Freedom.
The starting location for “Searching the Grove” now has a point of interest indicator and should now be easier to see on the map.
Fixed an issue that caused the quest "Sanctum Upgrade: Mirror Network" to display twice for players who had completed Laurent’s rescue mission.
Fixed an issue with the Campaign Chapter progress text requesting players to rescue Laurent from the Ember Ward instead of the correct requirements to complete the chapter.
Creatures and NPCs
Resolved an issue that could cause players to be unable to loot Shadowlands' World Bosses if the boss is defeated while the player is offline.
Iceshatters’ Pulsing Shards now deal appropriate damage.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
[For realms in the NA region only] Resolved an issue that could prevent the door leading towards Artificer Xy’mox from opening after defeating Sun King's Salvation in Raid Finder Wing 2, “Reliquary of Opulence.”
De Other Side
Resolved an issue where Crushed Soul damage was higher than intended on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Lowered the amount of loot per person in Timewalking raids to better match Shadowlands raid drop rates.
Items and Rewards
Covenant set bonuses now fade immediately when the armor granting the set bonus is removed.
The Path of Greed effect gained when opening certain Revendreth Treasures can now be removed by right clicking the effect’s icon.
Pet Battles
Certain low-level pet battle quests are no longer suppressed for characters that have not done the introductory quests to Battle for Azeroth.
Fixed an issue where some Threads of Fate players were unable to use the Sinfall Flight Master.
Fixed an issue where the Tithelord could sometimes become stuck during the first phase of the quest "The Tithelord."
Fixed an issue where level 50 characters could not accept the Twilight Highlands quest "Twilight Shores."
Fixed an issue where the quest "Light Camera Action" would be unavailable to certain characters.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
[Live on NA realms. With regional restarts for other regions] Removed some of the weekly delays between certain Bolvar Fordragon Torghast storyline quests.
Anima Powers
Fixed an issue where Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Monk and Rogue class-specific anima powers were not appearing in Plundered Anima Cells.
Death Knight
The Horsemen's Call now resets the cooldown of Death Gate when ascending floors.
World Quests
Fixed an issue during the Bastion world quest "Things Remembered" where players could fail to receive credit for Kalisthene's portion of the achievement, What Bastion Remembered.
The enemies required for "Allay Their Fears" now respawn faster.
January 4, 2021
Players can once again earn the achievement Stay Chill from the Conclave of Wind encounter in Throne of the Four Winds.
Fixed an issue where Kynthia would not take off smoothly during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Trouble on the Western Front."
Fixed an issue where Xandria was visible in two places at once during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Stronger Together."
Willowblossom is once again present for players who abandoned the quest "Evil Grubbies."
Fixed an issue where the Anima Conductor daily quests in Maldraxxus were granting an incorrect amount of anima. The anima rewards are now equivalent to the other covenants Anima Conductor daily quests.
Players can no longer be seen fighting an invisible creature during the quest "Face Your Fears."
A portal to Oribos will now appear next to the Sinfall Flightmaster once the third tier of the Venthyr Travel Network has been unlocked.
Creatures and NPCs
Resolved an issue where the debuff from Corpse Ticklers in Maldraxxus could not be removed for some players.
Ta'xera in Revendreth now has her correct voice.
Dungeons and Raids
De Other Side
The Manastorms
Resolved an issue where Millhouse Manastorm's Power Overwhelming debuff was missing its text description.
Resolved an issue where player immunities (e.g. Divine Shield and Ice Block) could inadvertently cause Stellar Clouds to spawn on Mueh'zala's active platform.
Resolved an issue where the death of Mueh'zala could be delayed if he's channeling Master of Death right before he reaches 10% health.
Items and Rewards
Covenant armor sets can no longer be disenchanted if the item is acquired from covenant vendors.
The Memory of Past Sins trinket now appears within the Castle Nathria Adventure Guide for Enhancement Shaman.
Fixed an issue that allowed some benefits from Inscrutable Quantum Device to persist after the trinket was unequipped.
Fixed an issue with Pocket Portals stacking incorrectly.
Pet Battles
Pet battles have been temporarily disabled in Castle Nathria.
Threads of Fate characters who are level 60 are now eligible for the quests "Return to Oribos" in each zone.
“Bet on Yourself” now displays with a blue daily quest icon.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Resonant Misery no longer drops Stygia.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Anima Powers
Bonus damage from Painbreaker Psalm will no longer cause Shadow Word: Death to deal increased backlash damage to the player.
Mawsworn Flametender and Empowered Mawsworn Flametender’s Inner Flames now begins its cooldown at the start of the cast (was upon cast completion) and the time between casts increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
December 22, 2020
Resolved an issue where some players that interacted with Anima Crystal Shards in Bastion were not receiving credit towards Shard Labor.
Auction House
Fixed an issue where Favorited items would disappear after a sudden disconnect.
Death Knight
Heartstop Aura (PvP Talent) will no longer affect the cooldown of Gladiator's Medallion.
Fixed an issue with Flow of Time (Conduit) not reducing the Shimmer (Talent) cooldown by the appropriate amount at higher item levels.
Night Fae
The enemies required for “Minions of Mueh’zala” now respawn faster.
Creatures and NPCs
Larion Treats can no longer be used in instances, nor can the larions aid you in instances.
Corrupted Cloudfeathers can no longer be skinned.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
[With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where players couldn’t summon party members with a Warlock portal inside Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Artificer Xy’mox
Resolved an issue where abilities would change their sequence if Artificer Xy’mox changes phases before casting Dimensional Tear.
Glyph of Destruction now applies to targets that are not in line of sight.
Lady Inerva Darkvein
Warrior's Spell Reflect will no longer negate the Expose Desires ability.
Council of Blood
Fixed an issue preventing Dancing Fever from being reapplied properly on Mythic difficulty.
Sire Denathrius
Fixed an issue where Dusk Elegy was not correctly reducing incoming healing.
De Other Side
Increased the time to complete the dungeon by 2 minutes on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
The Necrotic Wake
The damage against enemies with Flesh Crafter’s Throw Cleaver no longer increases with stacks of Bolster from the Bolstering Affix on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Sanguine Depths
Executor Tarvold
Castigate now inflicts damage every 1 second (was 0.75 seconds).
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue with Sephuz's Proclamation (Legendary Effect) granting its buff regardless of whether the crowd controlling ability was successful or not.
Player versus Player
Vanndar Stormpike peered across the Alterac Valley battleground and saw that his adversary's health was 20% higher than his own. Not to be outdone, Vanndar has put in the work and increased his own health by 20%.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Anima Powers
Multiple Elethium anima powers will no longer appear in the same Anima Cell. In addition, their elemental damage and healing penalties have been reduced to -25% (was -75%).
WoW Classic
Rogue's Bonescythe 8-Set bonus effect is now always consumed when Hemorrhage is used.
December 21, 2020
The weekly quests "Return Lost Souls" and "Replenish the Reservoir" will now display as a part of players' Covenant Campaigns to better highlight their importance.
Soulbind abilities that generate loot such as Nature's Splendor (Niya Soulbind) can no longer generate loot from enemies that don't drop loot, such as summoned enemies.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Stone Legion Generals
Anima Orbs and Massive Anima Orbs can no longer be picked up by players with Anima Injection, Anima Infection, Volatile Anima Injection or Volatile Anima Infection.
Resolved an issue where Wicked Blade was not following the targeted players correctly on Normal difficulty.
Stone Legion Skirmisher’s now cast Wicked Slaughter every 10 seconds on Mythic difficulty (was 8 seconds).
Stone Legion Commando’s Volatile Stone Shell absorb shield has been reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
Fungalmancer’s Binding Fungus can now be interrupted and has a cast time of 3 seconds (was 6 seconds).
Fen Hatchling’s Clinging Infestation damage reduced by 50% per stack.
Fungi Stormer’s Fungistorm damage reduced by 20%.
Brood Ambusher’s Enveloping Webbing can now be interrupted.
Health reduced by 10% on all difficulties.
Reduced the health of Slimy Smorgasbord by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
Spires of Ascension
Forsworn Goliath health reduced by 25%.
Kyrian Dark-Praetor health reduced by 30%.
Etherdiver no longer use the Maw-Touched Spittle ability.
Forsworn Helion no longer use the Crescendo ability.
The Intimidated and Oppression debuffs are removed more quickly after the casting Lieutenant (Klotos, Lakesis or Astronos) has been defeated.
The Necrotic Wake
Tortured Echoes now expires after 30 seconds (was permanent), and its damage has been increased by 100% on Mythic difficulty.
Theater of Pain
Grasping Hands now correctly appears at two locations.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused only one soul to become bound by Grasping Hands while two players stood at the spectral hands' location.
Mordretha, the Endless Empress
Echoes of Carnage periodic damage reduced by 50% on Mythic difficulty.
Dark Devastation cast time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds) and increased the size of the casting visual effect to be more noticeable.
Ghostly Charge cast time increased to 3.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
Items and Rewards
The Battle for Azeroth mission "Present Yourself" now awards the correct version of Stolen Present.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Anima Powers
Death Knight
[With regional restarts] New Anima Power: Hungerstone – Death Strike heals for an additional 10% of your maximum health over 5 seconds. Can be obtained 3 times.
[With regional restarts] Blightstone has been redesigned – Now increases the damage of your Blood Plague, Frost Fever, and Virulent Plague by 15%. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Creeping Decay now also reduces the damage enemies deal to you while inside Death and Decay by 10%. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Necromantic Bile has been redesigned – Now increases the damage of your Heart Strike, Obliterate, and Scourge Strike by 15%. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Skull Bloomer damage increased to 75% (was 50%) and now also increases the damage of Frost Strike and Death Strike. Can be obtained 3 times (was 5).
[With regional restarts] Blood-tinged Poker now also increases the damage of Sacrificial Pact by 300%.
[With regional restarts] Slick Ice has been removed.
[With regional restarts] Maw-Darkened Slippers damage increased by 20% and now only deals damage when Rolling (was jumping and Rolling).
[With regional restarts] Dowsing Rod has been redesigned – Standing in your Faeline Stomp reduces the damage you and your allies take by 10%, but Faeline Stomp’s length is reduced.
[With regional restarts] Ever-tumbling Stone has been redesigned – When you activate this power, and whenever you change floors in Torghast, Roll grants immunity to all damage for 1 second per yard traveled.
December 18, 2020
While Anduin Wrynn and Baine Bloodhoof are somewhere in the Shadowlands, their criteria has been removed from the BB King Feast of Winter Veil achievement.
Forest Shriekers now correctly display as melee.
Touch of the Magi will no longer replicate increased damage taken bonuses from the target.
Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) while talented into Spirit Shell will now properly extend Atonements while other Discipline Priests are present in the group.
Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) while talented into Spirit Shell will now extend Atonements that were applied right before casting Spirit Shell.
Cardinal Mending’s (PvP Talent) healing on pets and NPCs can no longer exceed the caster’s maximum health.
Focused Malignancy (Conduit) will now provide its damage increase when selecting the Rampant Afflictions talent.
Fixed an issue where characters who swapped to the Kyrian Covenant would be told to complete the quest "A Calling in Bastion," but be unable to complete the quest.
Fixed an issue where Xandria could phase out while on the Kyrian Campaign quest "A Perilous Journey" while she still offered a Calling quest.
Fixed an issue where Kyrian players who disconnected, summoned, or otherwise left the vehicle during the quest "Fight and Flight" would not be placed near Xandria and may be unable to interact with her.
Night Fae
Soulbound Spectre’s now deal appropriate damage and absorption during the quest “Cleansing the Forest.”
Fixed an issue where a small number of players were unable to see Featherlight for the quests "Break a Leg", "The Fourth Wall, er, War", and "What's My Motivation?"
Stock: Appetizers now unlocks when reaching Friendly with the Ember Court. This upgrade grants you an additional 2 minutes in the Ember Court once you complete the quest chain that starts from Picky Stefan, your refreshment coordinator.
Developers’ note: While we are seeing people successfully making their guests happy, we want to give players a little more time to explore and try new guest combinations to help them prepare for when they unlock 3 guests in a few weeks.
Creatures and NPCs
Corrected an issue that could cause players to have reduced combat bonuses against level 40 and lower enemies (notably legacy raid and dungeon content) when leveling past 50.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Huntsman Altimor
Fixed an issue that caused Huntsman Altimor to not be afflicted with Broken Bond after Hecutis was defeated.
Sun King’s Salvation
Smoldering Remnants now wait 1.5 seconds before starting to inflict damage on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Reduced the damage of Smoldering Remnants by 10% on Normal difficulty.
Council of Blood
Fixed an issue that would prevent Veteran Stoneguard from being attackable during Danse Macabre.
Stone Legion Generals
Anima Infusion, Anima Infection, Volatile Anima Infusion, and Volatile Anima Infection can no longer be removed by immunities.
Fixed issue that caused Wicked Blade to sometimes hit moving players twice.
Fixed issue sometimes causing 2 Wicked Blades to be launched simultaneously.
Mythic Keystone Dungeons
Holy Priests will now have their deaths count against the dungeon timer.
Spires of Ascension
Fixed an issue preventing certain charge abilities from working on Forsworn Justicar.
Overhead Slash now only strikes her primary target and its damage has been reduced by 40%. The tooltip will be updated in a future patch.
Increased the distance at which melee characters can attack Kin-Tara.
Theater of Pain
Adjusted Blighted Sludge-Spewers visual effects to easily distinguish them from Disgusting Refuse.
Items and Rewards
The Great Vault’s Stygia reward is now more detailed about how much Stygia it provides.
Corrected an issue that caused some item levels on rewards granted from World Quests to not keep pace with character progress correctly.
The "Glowing Gift" trinket claimed from defeating the Greench should now scale to a more appropriate item level.
Momentum Redistributor Boots has had its damage capped at 20% of the player’s health. It has also been given a 5 minute cooldown.
Player versus Player
[With regional restarts] Level 60 non-player enemies in Alterac Valley should now be appropriately powerful and dangerous.
Fixed an issue where “Field Seance" couldn’t be accepted while in a group.
Fixed an issue where defeating Thulsketha the Binder would not provide credit for the quest “A Swift Intervention.”
Players can now complete "Witch's Satchel" while “Terrors in Tirna Scithe” World Quest is active.
Players on or eligible for the Bastion quest "Fruit of the Gods" can now see Elios in Hero's Rest.
Threads of Fate
The quests "Bolstering Bastion", "Rallying Maldraxxus", "Support the Court", and "Reinforcing Revendreth" will now be pushed to players in Threads of Fate mode who enter the appropriate corresponding level-up dungeon.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Fixed an issue that could prevent the respawn of feeding rituals during the Shadehounds Hunt to not respawn.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Refuge of the Damned and Shrouded buffs now have a stealth visual effect.
Empowered Imperial Consular's Shadow Bolt Volley damage decreased by 40%.
The starting Anima Cell can now be reset after clearing the first floor (was after killing the final boss on the layer).
Anima Powers
Death Knight
Twisted Hellchoker is no longer strong enough to charm The Tarragrue.
Resolved an issue that prevented Stroke of Elegance from reducing the cooldown of Celestial Brew.
December 17, 2020
Fixed an issue where Hunting Party credit was not earned after the Hunt scenario was completed.
Shifting Power’s (Night Fae Ability) visual effects now appear much smaller for friendly players.
Resolved an issue that caused Clouded Focus (Legendary Effect) to provide its bonus while Soothing Mist is not active.
Bonedust Brew (Necrolord Ability) will no longer deal greatly increased damage against enemies that take increased damage.
Thoughtsteal (PvP Talent) no longer plays a misleading error sound when trying to cast the stolen spell.
Divine Ascension (PvP Talent) is now considered a Holy spell.
Unfurling Darkness (Talent) will no longer display on raid frames.
Corrected an issue where some raid encounter abilities were incorrectly triggering the bonus mana restoration of Water Shield.
Fixed an issue where some players who swapped to the Kyrian covenant would be unable to interact with Haephus for the quest "It's All Coming Together."
Players who have left the Kyrian Covenant should no longer be able to loot Path of Ascension crafting materials.
Glenzu will be more careful to make his Glenzu Original only available to the person that paid him for it during the quest "Ember Court: Mortal Reminders."
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Council of Blood
Dutiful Attendants should no longer become stuck evading.
Mythic Keystone Dungeons
Level 10 Keystone end-of-run chest items have returned back to item level 203.
Fixed an issue where the Bursting Affix was not inflicting an appropriate amount of damage for Shadowlands Mythic dungeons.
Fixed an issue that caused the Storming Affix to inflict more damage than intended.
Theater of Pain
Xav the Unfallen
Resolved an issue that prevented players targeted by Blood and Glory from landing in the dueling arena.
Mists of Tirna Scithe
Mistveil Nightblossom now casts Triple Bite less often and its poison duration has been lowered.
Margrave Stradama
Plague Crash tentacles now hit a wider area, and their placement has been adjusted accordingly.
The Necrotic Wake
Abominations will now only cast Tenderize and Mutilate on their current target.
Tenderize now increases Physical damage taken by 12% per stack (was 15%).
Mutilate damage reduced by 15%.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue that prevented the Infinitely Divisible Ooze trinket from scaling with some player stats.
Periodic heals present prior to Consumptive Infusion’s effect triggering will no longer consume the trinket’s effect.
The point of interest indicator for “Kivarr's Den” should now be easier to see on the map.
The point of interest indicators for “Fight and Flight” should now be easier to see on the map.
Battle for Azeroth
The quests "An Unwelcome Advisor" and "Return of the Black Prince" should now be automatically provided to eligible players in Boralus Harbor and Zuldazar.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Quests with a weekly reset in The Maw no longer erroneously claim to be daily quests in the quest log and are now displayed with a yellow quest icon.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
For all classes, major cooldowns will now reset when you transition to a new floor.
Developers’ note: This functionality should mirror the way cooldowns reset at the end of a raid encounter, or when starting a Mythic Keystone dungeon, affecting most abilities with a cooldown of 3 minutes or longer.
Health and damage of all creatures in Torghast reduced by 6% at Layer 1, increasing to 26% at Layer 8.
Developers’ note: The net effect should be that Layer 8 is now roughly as difficult as Layer 6 was prior to this change, with other Layers’ difficulty is reduced proportionally.
Health of all creatures reduced for players in groups by up to 25%.
Damage of all creatures reduced for 4- and 5-player groups by up to 20%.
The Jailer's Directive in the Upper Reaches now increases health by 10% (was 50%).
Some friendly NPCs in Torghast can no longer be found using /target or similar macros.
Anima Powers
The starting Anima Cell in Torghast now offers a stronger selection of Anima powers.
Anima Cells dropped by rare creatures within Torghast now always have at least 3 choices to choose from.
The chance for an Anima Cell to drop from a creature on any given floor has been increased.
Unnatural Power no longer provides immunity to crowd controlling effects at 10 stacks.
Corrected an issue where the Terror-laden Slumbersand was incorrectly breaking the Sap effect from enemies.
Elder Longbranch’s Bounty of the Forest cast time increased to 4 seconds (was 2 seconds), time between casts increased to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds), and Hardened Shell now only requires 6 attacks or skills to remove (was 9 attacks).
Decayspeaker’s Hardened Shell now only requires 6 attacks or skills to remove (was 9 attacks).
Massive Crusher’s Armor Plating cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 1 second) and can be interrupted and/or dispelled. Recast time increased to 16 seconds (was 8 seconds).
Tower Sentinel’s Oppressive Aura haste reduction and slow now scales up to 10% (was 25%).
Deadsoul Chorus’s Death Blast now reduces healing received by 15% and stacks 5 times (was 25% and stacks 4 times).
Skeletal Remains and Lumbering Creation’s Bone Shrapnel now marks the ground and then explodes after 2 seconds, giving players time to move away (was instant).
Deadsoul Stalker now fades away after 15 melee attacks (was 7) and remains hidden for 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).
Deadsoul Devil now reincarnates with 15% health remaining (was at 40% health).
Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus now begin their timer when you leave combat.
Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus enemies have had their health and damage reduced by 50%.
Fracturing Forces and Eye of Skoldus now increase assassin health by 5% per stack (was 10%).
WoW Classic
Wielders of the Corrupted Ashbringer will once again hear the whispers of Alexandros Mograine...
December 16, 2020
Baine can now be targeted by snowballs in Oribos for the Scrooge achievement. Happy Winter's Veil!
While progressing through the Adventures campaign, certain Maw Adventures now have fixed difficulty and availability.
Unstable Affliction's damage is now increased by Shadow Embrace and Haunt (Talent).
Fixed an issue where training dummies in covenant sanctums would keep players in combat for too long.
Fixed an issue where Alexandros Mograine could fail to appear during the Kyrian Campaign quest "An Expected Visitor."
Night Fae
A cinematic now plays when earning Dreamweaver as a Soulbind.
Fixed an issue where Night Fae players who abandon the quest "The Garden of Night" would be unable to see Qadarin to accept it again.
Fixed an issue during the Night Fae campaign quest "Broken Webs" where Qadarin would not be near the player after relogging.
Fixed an issue where Qadarin would be unavailable to turn in the Night Fae quest "Spriggan Snares" if players had turned in "A Little Pruning" and "Broken Webs" first.
Creatures and NPCs
Oranomonos the Everbranching's Dirge of the Fallen Sanctum ability no longer hits players who are not in combat with it.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Lady Inerva Darkvein
Fixed an issue that prevented the UI Widget from displaying how many Anima Containers are open.
Fixed an issue where Chain Slam would sometimes hit players twice.
Fixed an issue where Giant Fists would sometimes not hit the closest player to Sludgefist’s melee target.
Sire Denathrius
Fixed an issue where Druids could cancel their shapeshift forms to escape the reduced movement speed effect from March of the Penitent.
Fixed an issue where Plaguebound Devoted could sometimes fail to contribute to the Enemy Forces requirements on Mythic Keystone difficulty
Sanguine Depths
General Kaal
Fixed an issue where Piercing Blur images could turn and dash in an unintended direction.
Items and Rewards
Puremind Piercer now has appropriate secondary stats.
Increased the healing from Heavy Shrouded Cloth Bandage and Shrouded Cloth Bandage.
Fixed an issue that was causing the Decanter of Anima-Charged Winds trinket from hitting physically large enemies.
The Unbound Changeling trinket now triggers more reliably.
Players can now change the stats of Unbound Changeling as many times as they like, but they still have one chance per day to get the all stats transformation.
"The Great Vault" quest can now be completed while in a raid group.
The quest "Lead the Way" will no longer become blocked by members of the opposite faction.
Fixed an issue where progress would not display for the quest "Observing Arenas."
Skaggldrynk can once again be used by players in Vault of the Wardens to complete the quest "Vault of the Wardens: Demon's Bile", regardless of their level.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
Adjusted the per-player health scaling on Soulsteel Colossus to bring his overall combat duration down to a reasonable level.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Corrected an issue that could cause actors in a flashback scene triggered by returning the Runecarver's memories to fail to display correctly.
Empowered enemies at the end of a floor now have more delay in between their basic magic damage spells.
Reduced the amount of damage some area of effect spells were doing to party sizes greater than 1.
Reduced the maximum number of targets a Deadsoul Echo can fire Discordant Barrage at.
Reduced the visual clutter intensity of Discordant Barrage.
Goxul the Devourer
Time between casts of Mass Devour increased to 36 seconds (was 18 seconds).
Health and damage reduced by 10%.
World Quests
The Tea Tales series of World Quests in Revendreth should now correctly continue to appear for players who have completed all 4 characters' tales. Theotar apologizes profusely for his inadvertent rudeness in neglecting your previous invitations.
WoW Classic
Fixed an issue that caused the Cryptstalker 4-Set bonus effect to sometimes place the Hunter back in combat after using Feign Death.
Warlock's Plagueheart 4-Set bonus effect now properly affects Corruption damage.
Mage's Enigma 5-Set bonus effect now activates when Arcane Missiles are resisted.
Mage's Enigma 3-Set bonus effect now always functions while talented into Arcane Concentration.
December 15, 2020
Demon Hunter
Unnatural Malice (Night Fae Conduit) has its effect reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
Chaos Strike (Rank 3) now correctly affects Annihilation.
Corrected an issue where the main hand portion of Chaos Strike was dealing too little damage.
Fixed an issue preventing Vengeance Demon Hunters from casting Elysian Decree (Kyrian ability) outside of the Shadowlands when talented into Concentrated Sigils.
Kindred Spirits (Kyrian Ability) added damage will no longer incorrectly remove Spell Reflection from the target.
Casting Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) while under the effects of Mass Invisibility will now cause Mass Invisibility to drop.
Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) will no longer target totems.
Starfall no longer damages a target that was crowd controlled immediately before the star lands.
Frenzied Regeneration provided with Guardian Affinity (Talent) is no longer incorrectly put on cooldown when Heart of the Wild (Talent) ends.
Dash no longer incorrectly removes Stampeding Roar.
Twin Moons (Talent) will no longer cast the second Moonfire at totems.
Zandalari Trolls will no longer display a duplicate visual effect when casting Celestial Alignment.
Divine Image (Legendary Effect) will no longer cause other pets and guardians such as your Steward to attempt to cast spells.
Fixed an issue where some quests in the Kyrian Covenant Campaign chapter "Among the Kyrian" would display as incomplete for players who joined the Kyrian from another covenant and did not do certain optional quests. Players in this state should visit Oribos to have their status updated.
Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the Kyrian Campaign quests "Aerial Advantage" and "Trouble on the Western Front" would fall to their deaths on login.
Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the Kyrian Campaign quest "Stronger Together" would be unable to reach the Zerekriss.
Fixed an issue where players could not get back to the Zerekriss to accept the Kyrian Campaign quest "Fight and Flight" if they left the area.
Fixed an issue where voice over narrations would overlap with a nearby World Quest during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Stronger Together."
Fixed an issue where players who changed covenants to join the Necrolords could be unable to turn in certain quests to Draka.
Night Fae
Fixed an issue during the Night Fae Campaign in the "Night Warrior's Curse" chapter where players would be unable to accept both "Broken Webs" after accepting "A Little Pruning" from Qadarin.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Huntsman Altimor
Increased the distance of Spreadshot on all difficulties.
Artificer Xy’mox
Resolved an issue in which Artificer Xy'mox's door may remain closed during a soft reset scenario.
Council of Blood
Fixed an issue where Danse Macabre’s spotlight visual effect would sometimes not appear.
Fixed an issue where Sludgefist's Giant Fists were not hitting the secondary target for the correct amount of damage.
Sludgefist's melee attack damage has been decreased by 18% on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Stone Legion Generals
Ravenous Feast no longer targets players afflicted with Wicked Mark unless there are no other options.
Wicked Blade no longer targets players stunned by Ravenous Feast unless there are no other options.
Halls of Atonement
Inquisitor Sigar has earned more experience from all the Tormented Souls he communed with and is now level 61 (was level 60).
Venomous Snipers no longer have the Venompiercer ability.
Developers’ note: This change was targeted at lowering the complexity and difficulty of the mechanics near Domina Venomblade's platform, particularly for melee roles.
Spires of Ascension
Fixed an issue where players could fail to force Devos back down out of her air phase when she’s flying on the far left or right.
Fixed an issue where players could cause Devos to enter combat before Oryphrion is defeated.
Shadowhirls now provide additional warning before activating during the encounter.
Items and Rewards
Max-level vendor water and Mage conjured Mana Buns ramp up mana regeneration faster so they’re consistent with other types of max-level water.
The Raw Dream Silk will no longer be hidden if the Ardenweald World Quest "Spriggan Riot" is active.
Fixed an issue which allowed Charm of Eternal Winter’s mind control effect to work on shapeshifted Druids.
Increased the Physical damage from the Viscera of Coalesced Hatred trinket by 43%.
Player versus Player
Battle for Azeroth Assaults no longer award Conquest.
Resolved an issue where the stairway to complete the quest "Sustain, In Vain" was blocked off.
Reduced Entropic Cascade’s visual effects during the Lightforged Draenei Allied Race quest “The Lightforged.”
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
If you return to life in Torghast, the enemies that previously caused your demise will let you take the first swing before attacking you.
WoW Classic
Fixed an issue that caused the Crystalline Tear required for the quest “Long Forgotten Memories” to sometimes become unresponsive after a player previously on the quest did not complete the quest event correctly.
December 14, 2020
Death Knight
[With regional restarts] Mastery: Dreadblade effectiveness reduced by 20%.
[With regional restarts] Balance of all Things (Legendary Effect) now causes Eclipse to increase your critical strike chance with Arcane or Nature spells by 40%, decreasing by 8% every 1 second (was 50% crit, decreasing by 10% per second).
[With regional restarts] Starfall damage reduced by 6%.
[With regional restarts] The damage of Aimed Shot has been reduced by 5%.
[With regional restarts] The damage of Arcane Shot has been reduced by 5%.
[With regional restarts] Arcane Harmony (Legendary Effect) now gains up to 10 stacks in PvP (was 15).
Faeline Stomp (Night Fae Ability) now correctly fades from view for friendly players other than the casting Monk.
Resolved an issue that could cause Summon Jade Serpent Statue (Talent) from casting Soothing Mist.
[With regional restarts] Reverberation (Kyrian Conduit) effectiveness reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 30%).
[With regional restarts] Echoing Reprimand (Kyrian Ability) initial damage reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
[With regional restarts] Nightstalker (Talent) increases damage dealt while Stealth is active by 25% (was 50%).
[With regional restarts] Cold Blood (PvP Talent) damage is now properly reduced by effects such as Versatility.
[With regional restarts] Nightstalker (Talent) increases damage dealt while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active by 8% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 12%).
[With regional restarts] Shadow Blades now deals an additional 30% damage against enemy players (was 40%).
Echoes of Great Sundering (Legendary Effect) buff duration increased to 25 seconds (was 15 seconds).
[With regional restarts] Combat Meditation (Pelagos Soulbind) Mastery value reduced by 50% in PvP and duration increased by 50% in PvP.
[With regional restarts] Nemea has finished rearing a new generation of larions who have taken up residence in areas near Elysian Hold in Bastion to provide flight to and from the hold for Kyrian Covenant members.
Dungeons and Raids
Castle Nathria
Sun King's Salvation
Fixed an issue where the encounter would sometimes not complete correctly.
Sire Denathrius
Fixed an issue where Remornia's Massacre ability had a very small chance to fail.
De Other Side
Improved the readability on Skeletal Warlord's Undying Rage.
Decreased the size of the Enraged Spirit's Enraged Mask, the gameplay remains the same.
Added a visual effect for Night Fae players to denote the radius of the Haunted Urn.
Resolved an issue where Mojo Infusion was being affected by a player's Haste when freeing Bwonsamdi from Primeval Grasp.
Sanguine Depths
General Kaal
Fixed an issue where the door to her platform could become stuck and lock players out after a wipe.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue which caused the Force Multiplier weapon enchant to increase in power as a player's level increased from 50 to 60. This enchant's strength is now correctly capped at level 50.
Fixed an issue that caused some players who didn’t join the Venthyr covenant to receive Ember Court items from the Revendreth Calling tribute, Favor of the Court.
Increased the visibility of the posed Venthyr dancers created from Macabre Sheet Music.
Player versus Player
[With regional restarts] Battle for Azeroth Call to Arms quests award reduced Honor.
Due to the relatively increased pace of PvP combat in Shadowlands, Dampening will no longer begin at 20% in 2v2 Arena. Dampening is applied immediately in 2v2 and after 5 minutes in 3v3.
Threads of Fate
Fixed an issue where the turn-in marker for the quest "Support the Court" would be in the wrong location for Night Fae players who completed the quest at level 60.
The Maw: Eye of the Jailer
The Lingering Cloak of Ve'nari buff has been limited to War Mode only.
Altered the visuals attached to Lingering Cloak of Ve'nari and Edict of the Eternal Ones to make them less overwhelming when they are active.
Resolved an issue where Hunts could sometimes not progress to the next stage.
Fixed an issue where players were being redirected to a far graveyard when releasing their spirit within Perdition Hold.
The sounds associated with entering The Maw from Oribos are now an optional experience.
[With regional restarts] Particularly puny creatures in the Maw no longer d
Sharpen your swords and reinforce your boards, because you’re called to the PvP Arena for the hectic mayhem of Skirmishes.
This Week: Arena Skirmishes
All week, from anywhere in Azeroth, open the Group Finder (default hotkey: i), select the Player vs. Player tab on the bottom of the window, and then under Casual, choose Arena Skirmish and JOIN BATTLE. You’ll be matched up with teammates and provided with opponents to kill in the Arena. You can also queue for a Premade group or create your own group within the Premade tab.
Look for the following all week long:
A quest in Oribos awaits you, or if you forget to pick it up there, you can start it from within the Adventure Journal.
Quest requirement: Win 10 Arena PvP Skirmishes
Reward: A PvP loot box
Passive buff: +50% honor gains from Skirmishes
If you’ve been looking to make some Honor gains, this is the week to do it!
What Are Bonus Events?
The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.
Get ready for cold weather in this week’s PvP Brawl: Arathi Blizzard— running January 6-12.
Packed House Warfare
We’ve put more PvP in your PvP! In Packed House, there’s nowhere to hide as you face not 2, not 3, not 5, but 15 adversaries in this 15 vs. 15 Arena battle.
December 08–15
April 13–20
August 17–24
December 21–28
Deep Six Resource Race
Deep Six pits teams of six players against each other in three iconic Battlegrounds: Warsong Gulch, Silvershard Mines, and Temple of Kotmogu. Each Battleground offers a little variation on the traditional format, such as flags that are a bit closer in Warsong Gulch, less carts to keep track of in Silvershard Mines, and only two orbs within the Temple of Kotmogu.
December 22–29
April 27–May 4
August 31–September 7
Frozen Arathi Basin Resource Race
Put away your bathing suit, pull out your parka, and enter a winter wonderland as the Arathi Basin you know and love gets a fresh coat of ice and snow. You'll be racing your way between the farm, stables, mine, lumberyard, and blacksmith through piles of snow and over a - mostly - frozen lake. One more thing: the weather forecast calls for a bit of fog of war. We hope you're prepared for the weather.
January 5–12
May 11–18
September 14–21
Gravity Lapse Resource Race
Gravity getting you down? Step into the Eye of the Storm and be prepared for a whole new en-lighten-ing experience. Every minute, players on the battlefield will find themselves launched into the air, only to gently fall toward the ground again in a perpetual aerial ballet as they try to accrue enough resources to take the win home for their team.
January 19–26
May 25–June 1
September 28–October 5
Warsong Scramble Capture the Flag
Do you have a flag? Warsong Gulch has always been the scene of an epic capture-the-flag battle, but what happens when you can capture your enemy’s flag without your own at base? Or if there are multiple flags at each base? Find out when you step into this PvP Brawl! We’ve also added a few more power-ups to the field of battle to stir things up a bit. To win, your team will need to be the first to capture 10 flags.
February 2–9
June 8–15
October 12–19
Cooking Impossible Resource Race
Nomi is hosting a Pandaren Chili Cookoff in the Valley of the Four Winds between the Alliance and the Horde! The first to bring Nomi all of the required ingredients wins.
February 16–23
June 22–29
October 26–November 2
Temple of Hotmogu Resource Race
Enter the Temple of Kotmogu for this fast-paced match. For a whole new twist, players will be able throw the Orb of Power to friendly players in a game of hot potato. Beware, they’ll also gain the debuffs along with the orb so choose wisely. We’re turning things up (to 11) by changing resurrection time to a quick 5 seconds. Who will be able to hold on to the power to claim victory?
March 2–9
July 6–13
November 9–16
Southshore vs. Tarren Mill Warfare
Originally introduced as a part of the World of Warcraft 10-Year Anniversary event, this Brawl harkens back to the early days of WoW PvP, with an epic battle between the two towns of Tarren Mill and Southshore. In this game of war, you’ll need to work as a team and deplete your foes’ resources to claim victory.
March 16–23
July 20–27
November 23–30
Classic Ashran Warfare
Classic Ashran is an open-ended tug-of-war battleground with special events around the zone, including quests and events.
March 30–April 6
August 3–10
December 7–14
About PvP Brawls
Every other week, a new PvP Brawl will be available to players looking for something just a little different. Each Brawl will offer a variety of modes, rules, and scenic changes to the usual Battleground gameplay, and you’ll find them in the Group Finder tool (hotkey “I”) in the Player vs. Player tab. Just like Random Battlegrounds, you’ll receive a reward for achieving victory.
Cut down the traitorous Sire Denathrius and his court loyalists before their twisted plans unfold in an epic new raid—Castle Nathria.
Long has Sire Denathrius ruled the denizens of Revendreth as they harvested anima from prideful souls. But as drought and fear gripped the Shadowlands, Denathrius revealed his true loyalties. In defiance of his former Master, the noble Prince Renathal gathers his few remaining allies for a desperate mission to infiltrate Castle Nathria and remove Denathrius from power.
December 8 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties December 15 – Mythic and Raid Finder Wing 1 (Huntsman Altimor, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein) January 5 – Raid Finder Wing 2 (Sun King’s Salvation, Artificer Xy’mox, The Council of Blood) January 19 – Raid Finder Wing 3 (Shriekwing, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals) February 2 – Raid Finder Wing 4 (Sire Denathrius)
Tasked with guarding Castle Nathria’s entry hall, the blind monster Shriekwing locates her victims with horrifying cries that reverberate off the chamber’s walls. The last sound heard by trespassers in the Grand Walk is the monster’s cry as she descends upon her prey.
Sire Denathrius seldom engages in hunts himself, but Altimor makes certain the master has the finest beasts should he ever choose to indulge. Margore, Barghast, and Hecutis has been trained longer than most beasts have existed, and each is ready to deliver the Huntsman’s wrath to any in his domain.
In the sinister confines of Castle Nathria, souls are being tortured not to redeem their sins, but to amplify them. The prideful Prince Kael’thas has been burdened with the sins of others, and his pain and hatred are channeled to make him a powerful weapon. This has imperiled his soul like no other, and it must be saved—if only to keep it from being unleashed upon the Shadowlands.
Not everyone in Castle Nathria is loyal to Sire Denathrius. Some simply saw an opportunity and exploited it to their own ends. Artificer Xy’mox has worked with Denathrius but is mostly concerned with getting the better end of the deal, which may require the end of Nathria’s invaders.
The devourers consume anima wherever they can find it. With drought afflicting the Shadowlands, it is no surprise that the hungriest and most dangerous of the devourers is drawn to the abundant store of anima here in the depths of Castle Nathria.
Anima fuels the Shadowlands, and Lady Inerva Darkvein seeks to unlock its mysteries. Under Denathrius’s tutelage, she has learned insidious secrets to turn against his enemies. She will strip anima from Nathria’s invaders and use it to shape a dark new future.
The Council of Blood presides over courtly functions in Revendreth. Castellan Niklaus is a strict military commander with an indominatble will and impenetrable armor, Lord Stravros, a foppish dandy, leads the court in dance but is also deadly with his blades. Baroness Frieda wields powerful anima magics and commands the dredger wait staff—along with the respect of the entire court.
Slugdefist was born in the muddy foundation beneath Castle Nathria and now wanders the halls as he awaits orders from Sire Denathrius. His massive footsteps reverberate throughout the castle, announcing his arrival from several rooms away.
The ancient stoneborn generals, Kaal and Grashaal, have hounded the Prince Renathal’s rebellion at every turn. Once they were General Draven’s apprentice and mentor; now their strength, strategy, and soldiers have been unleashed against him and any who would defy the Sire’s will.
For countless ages, Sire Denathrius stood among the Eternal Ones who rule the realms of Death. But in the Shadowlands’ darkest hour, he has betrayed his sacred duty. With his bloodthirsty living blade Remornia at his side and defended by his most sychophantic loyalists, Denathrius will cut a swath through any who stand against him and cast their remains into the inescapable terror of the Maw.
Normal difficulty raid set.
New Achievements
All Difficulties
Castle Nathria: Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty—Shriekwing, Huntsman Altimor, Sun King’s Salvation, Artificer Xy’mox, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein, The Council of Blood, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals, Sire Denathrius
Normal Difficulty and Higher
Blind as a Bat: Defeat Shriekwing after she kills six Sneaky Servitors in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Taking Care of Business: Defeat Huntsman Altimor after walking Margore, Bargast, and Hecutis to the corners of The Kennels in Castle Nathria on Nromal difficulty or higher.
Burning Bright: Redeem Kael’thas after lighting all four of the room’s braziers in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Private Stock: Defeat Artificer Xy’mox after returning loose Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Maw Anima to their display cases in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Feed the Beast: Defeat the Hungering Destroyer after draining all of the large anima canisters with Volatile Ejection in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
I Don’t Know What I Expected: Defeat Lady Inerva Darkvein after defeating the Dark Animus in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pour Decision Making: Defeat the Council of Blood after throwing four bottles of wine in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Dirtflap’s Revenge: Defeat Sludgefist after he collides with pillars in Dirtflap’s preferred order in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Feed Me, Seymour!: Defeat the Stone Legion Generals while all players are carrying a Bouquet of Blooming Sanguine Roses in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Clear Conscience: Defeat Sire Denathrius after removing Burden of Sin from all players before March of the Penitent is cast in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Castle Nathria Meta-Achievement
Glory of the Nathria Raider: Complete the Castle Nathria raid achievements listed—Blind as a Bat, Taking Care of Business, Burning Bright, Private Stock, Feed the Beast, I Don’t Know What I Expected, Pour Decision Making, Dirtflap’s Revenge, Feed Me, Seymour!, Clear Conscience
Reward—Mount Reward: Rampant Screecher
Heroic Difficulty and Higher
Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic Difficulty
Title Reward: Sinbreaker
Mythic: Shriekwing—Defeat Shriekwing in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Huntsman Altimor—Defeat Huntsman Altimor in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Sun King’s Salvation—Defeat Sun King’s Salvation in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Artificer Xy’mox—Defeat Artificer Xy’mox in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Hungering Destroyer—Defeat the Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Lady Inerva Darkvein—Defeat Lady Inerva Darkvein in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Council of Blood—Defeat The Council of Blood in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sludgefist—Defeat Sludgefist in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Stone Legion Generals—Defeat the Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
The ever-changing halls of Torghast, Tower of the Damned now reveal a new passageway through the cursed otherworldly prison—the Twisting Corridors. Within the Twisting Corridors, you’ll face the Jailer’s cruelest henchmen and, should you ascend within, you will be rewarded with special cosmetic rewards including a mount that can be ridden inside the Maw.
To begin your saga within the Twisting Corridors, you must complete the quest “Signs of the Lion,” offered by Bolvar Fordragon in Oribos as the culmination of your search through Torghast for Azeroth’s leaders. Once you’ve proven yourself worthy, you must survive 18 floors teeming with brutal enemies to reap the precious rewards within. This is no easy feat; success will come to those armed to the teeth, capable of using every ability at their disposal, and wisely selecting their Anima Powers to dispatch the terrors within. Successfully completing a key Layer will grant you an achievement along with a reward worthy of the most powerful adventurers.
Layer 2 | Death Seeker – Battle pet What horrors these eyes have seen in the tower of Torghast, with their unsleeping, unblinking gaze.
Layer 4 | Helm of the Dominated – Toy The helm of the mawsworn, still seeping with the Jailer’s dominating energies.
Layer 6 | Title: Spirestalker
Layer 8 | Corridor Creeper – Mount The loyal hounds of the Jailer creep along the corridors in search of the scent of souls.
Do not expect to find Soul Ash in these halls—the Jailer will do everything in his power to prevent you from becoming a threat. Treasure-seekers should also note that these plunders are for you and you alone, rewards from Twisting Corridor achievements can only be earned once.
Cut down the traitorous Sire Denathrius and his court loyalists before their twisted plans unfold in an epic new raid—Castle Nathria.
Long has Sire Denathrius ruled the denizens of Revendreth as they harvested anima from prideful souls. But as drought and fear gripped the Shadowlands, Denathrius revealed his true loyalties. In defiance of his former Master, the noble Prince Renathal gathers his few remaining allies for a desperate mission to infiltrate Castle Nathria and remove Denathrius from power.
December 9 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties December 16 – Mythic and Raid Finder Wing 1 (Huntsman Altimor, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein) January 6 – Raid Finder Wing 2 (Sun King’s Salvation, Artificer Xy’mox, The Council of Blood) January 20 – Raid Finder Wing 3 (Shriekwing, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals) February 3 – Raid Finder Wing 4 (Sire Denathrius)
Tasked with guarding Castle Nathria’s entry hall, the blind monster Shriekwing locates her victims with horrifying cries that reverberate off the chamber’s walls. The last sound heard by trespassers in the Grand Walk is the monster’s cry as she descends upon her prey.
Sire Denathrius seldom engages in hunts himself, but Altimor makes certain the master has the finest beasts should he ever choose to indulge. Margore, Barghast, and Hecutis has been trained longer than most beasts have existed, and each is ready to deliver the Huntsman’s wrath to any in his domain.
In the sinister confines of Castle Nathria, souls are being tortured not to redeem their sins, but to amplify them. The prideful Prince Kael’thas has been burdened with the sins of others, and his pain and hatred are channeled to make him a powerful weapon. This has imperiled his soul like no other, and it must be saved—if only to keep it from being unleashed upon the Shadowlands.
Not everyone in Castle Nathria is loyal to Sire Denathrius. Some simply saw an opportunity and exploited it to their own ends. Artificer Xy’mox has worked with Denathrius but is mostly concerned with getting the better end of the deal, which may require the end of Nathria’s invaders.
The devourers consume anima wherever they can find it. With drought afflicting the Shadowlands, it is no surprise that the hungriest and most dangerous of the devourers is drawn to the abundant store of anima here in the depths of Castle Nathria.
Anima fuels the Shadowlands, and Lady Inerva Darkvein seeks to unlock its mysteries. Under Denathrius’s tutelage, she has learned insidious secrets to turn against his enemies. She will strip anima from Nathria’s invaders and use it to shape a dark new future.
The Council of Blood presides over courtly functions in Revendreth. Castellan Niklaus is a strict military commander with an indominatble will and impenetrable armor, Lord Stravros, a foppish dandy, leads the court in dance but is also deadly with his blades. Baroness Frieda wields powerful anima magics and commands the dredger wait staff—along with the respect of the entire court.
Slugdefist was born in the muddy foundation beneath Castle Nathria and now wanders the halls as he awaits orders from Sire Denathrius. His massive footsteps reverberate throughout the castle, announcing his arrival from several rooms away.
The ancient stoneborn generals, Kaal and Grashaal, have hounded the Prince Renathal’s rebellion at every turn. Once they were General Draven’s apprentice and mentor; now their strength, strategy, and soldiers have been unleashed against him and any who would defy the Sire’s will.
For countless ages, Sire Denathrius stood among the Eternal Ones who rule the realms of Death. But in the Shadowlands’ darkest hour, he has betrayed his sacred duty. With his bloodthirsty living blade Remornia at his side and defended by his most sychophantic loyalists, Denathrius will cut a swath through any who stand against him and cast their remains into the inescapable terror of the Maw.
Normal difficulty raid set.
New Achievements
All Difficulties
Castle Nathria: Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty—Shriekwing, Huntsman Altimor, Sun King’s Salvation, Artificer Xy’mox, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein, The Council of Blood, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals, Sire Denathrius
Normal Difficulty and Higher
Blind as a Bat: Defeat Shriekwing after she kills six Sneaky Servitors in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Taking Care of Business: Defeat Huntsman Altimor after walking Margore, Bargast, and Hecutis to the corners of The Kennels in Castle Nathria on Nromal difficulty or higher.
Burning Bright: Redeem Kael’thas after lighting all four of the room’s braziers in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Private Stock: Defeat Artificer Xy’mox after returning loose Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Maw Anima to their display cases in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Feed the Beast: Defeat the Hungering Destroyer after draining all of the large anima canisters with Volatile Ejection in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
I Don’t Know What I Expected: Defeat Lady Inerva Darkvein after defeating the Dark Animus in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Pour Decision Making: Defeat the Council of Blood after throwing four bottles of wine in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Dirtflap’s Revenge: Defeat Sludgefist after he collides with pillars in Dirtflap’s preferred order in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Feed Me, Seymour!: Defeat the Stone Legion Generals while all players are carrying a Bouquet of Blooming Sanguine Roses in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Clear Conscience: Defeat Sire Denathrius after removing Burden of Sin from all players before March of the Penitent is cast in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
Castle Nathria Meta-Achievement
Glory of the Nathria Raider: Complete the Castle Nathria raid achievements listed—Blind as a Bat, Taking Care of Business, Burning Bright, Private Stock, Feed the Beast, I Don’t Know What I Expected, Pour Decision Making, Dirtflap’s Revenge, Feed Me, Seymour!, Clear Conscience
Reward—Mount Reward: Rampant Screecher
Heroic Difficulty and Higher
Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Cutting Edge: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Title Reward: Sinbreaker
Mythic Difficulty
Mythic: Shriekwing—Defeat Shriekwing in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Huntsman Altimor—Defeat Huntsman Altimor in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
Mythic: Sun King’s Salvation—Defeat Sun King’s Salvation in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Artificer Xy’mox—Defeat Artificer Xy’mox in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Hungering Destroyer—Defeat the Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Lady Inerva Darkvein—Defeat Lady Inerva Darkvein in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Council of Blood—Defeat The Council of Blood in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sludgefist—Defeat Sludgefist in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Stone Legion Generals—Defeat the Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Mythic: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
Sharpen your swords and reinforce your boards, because you’re called to the PvP Arena for the hectic mayhem of Skirmishes.
This Week: Arena Skirmishes
All week, from anywhere in Azeroth, open the Group Finder (default hotkey: i), select the Player vs. Player tab on the bottom of the window, and then under Casual, choose Arena Skirmish and JOIN BATTLE. You’ll be matched up with teammates and provided with opponents to kill in the Arena. You can also queue for a Premade group or create your own group within the Premade tab.
Look for the following all week long:
A quest in Oribos awaits you, or if you forget to pick it up there, you can start it from within the Adventure Journal.
Quest requirement: Win 10 Arena PvP Skirmishes
Reward: A PvP loot box
Passive buff: +50% honor gains from Skirmishes
If you’ve been looking to make some Honor gains, this is the week to do it!
What Are Bonus Events?
The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.
The ever-changing halls of Torghast, Tower of the Damned now reveal a new passageway through the cursed otherworldly prison—the Twisting Corridors. Within the Twisting Corridors, you’ll face the Jailer’s cruelest henchmen and, should you ascend within, you will be rewarded with special cosmetic rewards including a mount that can be ridden inside the Maw.
To begin your saga within the Twisting Corridors, you must complete the quest “Signs of the Lion,” offered by Bolvar Fordragon in Oribos as the culmination of your search through Torghast for Azeroth’s leaders. Once you’ve proven yourself worthy, you must survive 18 floors teeming with brutal enemies to reap the precious rewards within. This is no easy feat; success will come to those armed to the teeth, capable of using every ability at their disposal, and wisely selecting their Anima Powers to dispatch the terrors within. Successfully completing a key Layer will grant you an achievement along with a reward worthy of the most powerful adventurers.
Layer 2 | Death Seeker – Battle pet What horrors these eyes have seen in the tower of Torghast, with their unsleeping, unblinking gaze.
Layer 4 | Helm of the Dominated – Toy The helm of the mawsworn, still seeping with the Jailer’s dominating energies.
Layer 6 | Title: Spirestalker
Layer 8 | Corridor Creeper – Mount The loyal hounds of the Jailer creep along the corridors in search of the scent of souls.
Do not expect to find Soul Ash in these halls—the Jailer will do everything in his power to prevent you from becoming a threat. Treasure-seekers should also note that these plunders are for you and you alone, rewards from Twisting Corridor achievements can only be earned once.
Get ready for cold weather in this week’s PvP Brawl: Arathi Blizzard— running January 6-12.
Packed House Warfare
We’ve put more PvP in your PvP! In Packed House, there’s nowhere to hide as you face not 2, not 3, not 5, but 15 adversaries in this 15 vs. 15 Arena battle.
December 09–15
April 14–20
August 18–24
December 22–28
Deep Six Resource Race
Deep Six pits teams of six players against each other in three iconic Battlegrounds: Warsong Gulch, Silvershard Mines, and Temple of Kotmogu. Each Battleground offers a little variation on the traditional format, such as flags that are a bit closer in Warsong Gulch, less carts to keep track of in Silvershard Mines, and only two orbs within the Temple of Kotmogu.
December 23–29
April 28–May 4
September 1-7
Frozen Arathi Basin Resource Race
Put away your bathing suit, pull out your parka, and enter a winter wonderland as the Arathi Basin you know and love gets a fresh coat of ice and snow. You'll be racing your way between the farm, stables, mine, lumberyard, and blacksmith through piles of snow and over a - mostly - frozen lake. One more thing: the weather forecast calls for a bit of fog of war. We hope you're prepared for the weather.
January 6–12
May 12–18
September 15–21
Gravity Lapse Resource Race
Gravity getting you down? Step into the Eye of the Storm and be prepared for a whole new en-lighten-ing experience. Every minute, players on the battlefield will find themselves launched into the air, only to gently fall toward the ground again in a perpetual aerial ballet as they try to accrue enough resources to take the win home for their team.
January 20–26
May 26–June 1
September 29–October 5
Warsong Scramble Capture the Flag
Do you have a flag? Warsong Gulch has always been the scene of an epic capture-the-flag battle, but what happens when you can capture your enemy’s flag without your own at base? Or if there are multiple flags at each base? Find out when you step into this PvP Brawl! We’ve also added a few more power-ups to the field of battle to stir things up a bit. To win, your team will need to be the first to capture 10 flags.
February 3–9
June 9–15
October 13–19
Cooking Impossible Resource Race
Nomi is hosting a Pandaren Chili Cookoff in the Valley of the Four Winds between the Alliance and the Horde! The first to bring Nomi all of the required ingredients wins.
February 17–23
June 23–29
October 27–November 2
Temple of Hotmogu Resource Race
Enter the Temple of Kotmogu for this fast-paced match. For a whole new twist, players will be able throw the Orb of Power to friendly players in a game of hot potato. Beware, they’ll also gain the debuffs along with the orb so choose wisely. We’re turning things up (to 11) by changing resurrection time to a quick 5 seconds. Who will be able to hold on to the power to claim victory?
March 3–9
July 7–13
November 10–16
Southshore vs. Tarren Mill Warfare
Originally introduced as a part of the World of Warcraft 10-Year Anniversary event, this Brawl harkens back to the early days of WoW PvP, with an epic battle between the two towns of Tarren Mill and Southshore. In this game of war, you’ll need to work as a team and deplete your foes’ resources to claim victory.
March 17–23
July 21–27
November 24–30
Classic Ashran Warfare
Classic Ashran is an open-ended tug-of-war battleground with special events around the zone, including quests and events.
March 31–April 6
August 4–10
December 8–14
About PvP Brawls
Every other week, a new PvP Brawl will be available to players looking for something just a little different. Each Brawl will offer a variety of modes, rules, and scenic changes to the usual Battleground gameplay, and you’ll find them in the Group Finder tool (hotkey “I”) in the Player vs. Player tab. Just like Random Battlegrounds, you’ll receive a reward for achieving victory.
The skies of the capital cities will be set ablaze for one night only in celebration of the New Year. Beginning at 6:00 p.m. realm time tonight (December 31) and every hour on the hour, you can watch fireworks light the skies above your favorite city. It’s a celebration you won’t want to miss.
Looking for a little PvP? You might want to check out what’s shaking in Booty Bay. There’s more than Fireworks going on—the guards don’t seem to be enforcing the town rules and won’t be until a new day dawns.
The skies of the capital cities will be set ablaze for one night only in celebration of the New Year. Beginning at 18:00 CET realm time tonight (December 31) and every hour on the hour, you can watch fireworks light the skies above your favorite city. It’s a celebration you won’t want to miss.
Looking for a little PvP? You might want to check out what’s shaking in Booty Bay. There’s more than Fireworks going on—the guards don’t seem to be enforcing the town rules and won’t be until a new day dawns.
Ulduar Timewalking is now available and Yogg-Saron – the lucid dream, the monster in your nightmares, and the fiend of a thousand faces – awaits.
When: The Ulduar raid is available throughout the Wrath Timewalking event. Difficulty: The difficulty is set to Normal and, like any Normal level raid, will not be available through Raid Finder. Minimum Level: Players level 30 and above are Eligible to participate.
During Wrath Timewalking, you can assemble a raid group of between 1 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. The raid scales for your group size and your level and gear will be scaled to match the raid’s challenges.
Don’t have a regular group? The Group Finder (I) can help. Create your own group in the ‘Premade Groups’ section or search for like-minded adventurers.
Looking to withstand the fires of Igniss the Furnace Master? Withstand the terrific tantrum of XT-002 Deconstructor? Or is it your very mind you want to test against the master of nightmares, Yogg-Saron? Opportunity awaits! Inside you can earn transmog sets, the pets you need to earn the Raiding for Leashes IV achievement, and more.
This Week
All week, open Group Finder (default hotkey: i) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown. When you hit ‘Find Group’, you’ll be matched up with other players and sent to one of the following Heroic dungeons:
Azjol-Nerub was an empire of great strength when the Lich King arrived in Northrend. Despite ferocious resistance, however, Scourge forces managed to overtake the subterranean kingdom and slaughter its inhabitants, the nerubians. Scarred by years of war and abandonment, this vast domain is now occupied on two fronts.
In the Upper Kingdom, undead nerubians patrol the ruins of their homeland, guarding clutches of eggs that will one day bring forth a new generation of Scourge warriors. Meanwhile, in the depths of the Old Kingdom, Ahn'kahet, another enemy stirs: the faceless ones. Little is known of these horrifying creatures, but rumor has it that they answer to an evil power lurking beneath Northrend. Destroying the undead nerubians and their tainted eggs will deal a great blow to the Lich King, but eliminating the mysterious faceless ones is also crucial to reclaiming the fallen empire.
Elder Nadox summons adds that should be taken down quickly.
Run away from :Prince Taldaram's Flame Spheres.
Kill Jedoga's Twilight Volunteers immediately.
Mushrooms appear all around Amaintar. Get away from the poisonous mushrooms and don't kill them.
Volazj seperates everyone. This is hardest on the healer, so prepare to pop your cooldowns to stay alive.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven't earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom and Heroic: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
If you have a solid group you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Upon departing Azeroth, the titans entrusted loyal protectors with safeguarding Ulduar, an enigmatic city nestled in the mountains of the Storm Peaks. Designated supreme among his brethren was the guardian known as Loken, but with the power of the titan complex in his hands, he turned to darkness and plunged the region into chaos.
Even so, the greatest threat to the region is rumored to lie undisturbed within the capital of the ice trolls' empire, Gundrak. In the depths of the city, the most sacred shrines are said to be steeped in the mojo of slain gods. Surrounded by this dark energy, twisted Drakkari high prophets grow in power, infusing their followers with incredible strength. If left undisturbed, the trolls of Gundrak may soon unleash their burgeoning might, plunging the entire region into chaos.
Slad'ran summons snakes. Keep them off your healer.
Stay out of the poison pools created by the Elemental form of Drakkari Colossus'. Move!
Definitely talk to your group about the Less-rabi achievement well in advance of pulling Moorabi.
Eck can spring toward anyone in your party. Tanks should prepare to regain aggro.
Gal'darah can be a complicated fight. In one phase, you want to stand back, but on the other, you should be very close to him.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Gundrak and Heroic: Gundrak. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Desperate to save their kingdom from collapse, the trolls of Zul'Drak have turned on their ancient gods. The wild deities are now considered a source of untapped power, their potent blood providing the means to repel the Lich King's minions, who have overtaken parts of the troll nation. Heroes have recently journeyed to the beleaguered region to strike at the savage Drakkari and their maddened prophets.
The reasons for Loken's treachery and the fate of the other guardians remain a mystery, but there have been whispers of a great evil at work behind the fall of the titan city. For any heroes brave enough to seek out the truth, it lies within the corridors of the ancient compound. Thus far, however, few have braved the perils of Ulduar and returned to tell of their discoveries.
Watch Bjarngrim for a little while, and don't pull him while he's electrifying.
Stay away from Vlkhan's minions when they freeze up.
Ionar is all about electricity. He chases you with it. He makes you explode it. Spread out!
Loken requires you to stay close together, even when it's time to run away.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Halls of Lightning and Heroic: Halls of Lightning. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
In order to reestablish his dominance over magic, the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos, has launched a ruthless campaign to sever the link between mortals and the arcane energies coursing through Azeroth. To this end, his blue dragonflight is redirecting the ley lines of the world to the Nexus, Malygos' towering lair.
In response to the blue dragons' offensive, the Kirin Tor, the elite magi of Dalaran, have allied themselves with the red dragonflight, who are charged with the preservation of life. Their combined forces are subverting the blue Aspect's offensive, but time is running out. The only question that remains now is... can Malygos be stopped before his crusade reaches its cataclysmic finale?
Get out of Commander's whirlwind attack, or die.
The Telestra fight is all about focusing fire. Communicate!
Omorok's spikes are dangerous. Stepping away from them is paramount.
Keristrasza will kill you if you don't keep moving. Jump for warmth.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award The Nexus and Heroic: The Nexus. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Utgarde Keep was long thought to be abandoned, a relic of a lost civilization among the central cliffs of the Howling Fjord. Yet in recent days something has roused the fortress' slumbering residents, the vrykul.
Feared to be allied with the Scourge, the savage race now terrorizes nearby settlements. With ferocious proto-dragons at their command and unparalleled prowess in battle, the vrykul pose a direct threat to Horde and Alliance campaigns in Northrend. Perhaps the only way to break the will of Utgarde's denizens is to defeat their revered leaders - but any heroes who fail in this task will surely become trophies to line the ancient halls of the vrykul fortress.
During Svala's ritual sacrifice, you must focus fire on the Ritual Channelers.
Spread out when fighting Gortok's Ravenous Furlbolg!
Skadi sometimes drops Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake.
Prepare all your offensive and defensive dispels for King Ymiron.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Utgarde Pinnacle and Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
For many years, champions among the races of Azeroth have stood against the Lich King only to be slaughtered mercilessly and forced to serve in his army of undead horrors. In his ongoing struggle to stop the Lich King, Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade has joined forces with Darion Mograine of the Knights of the Ebon Blade in order to assault Icecrown Citadel with a unified army called the Ashen Verdict.
Stay out of Ick’s poison clouds to avoid damage. Run away from Poison Nova. Avoid Krick’s Explosive Barrage and any Exploding Orbs.
Forgemaster Garfrost’s Frost Aura debuff stacks and deals regular damage to the entire party.
Stand behind the Saronite Boulder to remove the Frost Aura debuff.
Avoid Rimefang’s ice breath and the resulting ice patches he creates.
Run away from Rimefang’s Hoarfrost to keep from being stunned.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Pit of Saron and Heroic: Pit of Saron. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon. For example, when you Timewalk through Utgarde Pinnacle, Skadi the Ruthless could drop the Blue Proto-Drake mount for you.
Look for the following all week long:
A quest waits for you in Oribos. You can also start the quest from within the Adventure Guide (Shift- “J”).
Rewards: One loot box containing a piece of gear from Normal difficulty Castle Nathria.
While Timewalking is active, you will gain a 50% bonus to reputations earned from quests and creature kills for all reputations associated with the corresponding expansion.
Every Week
The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.
Ulduar Timewalking is now available and Yogg-Saron – the lucid dream, the monster in your nightmares, and the fiend of a thousand faces – awaits.
When: The Ulduar raid is available throughout the Wrath Timewalking event. Difficulty:The difficulty is set to Normal and, like any Normal level raid, will not be available through Raid Finder. Minimum Level: Players level 30 and above are Eligible to participate.
During Wrath Timewalking, you can assemble a raid group of between 1 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. The raid scales for your group size and your level and gear will be scaled to match the raid’s challenges.
Don’t have a regular group? The Group Finder (I) can help. Create your own group in the ‘Premade Groups’ section or search for like-minded adventurers.
Looking to withstand the fires of Igniss the Furnace Master? Withstand the terrific tantrum of XT-002 Deconstructor? Or is it your very mind you want to test against the master of nightmares, Yogg-Saron? Opportunity awaits! Inside you can earn transmog sets, the pets you need to earn the Raiding for Leashes IV achievement, and more.
This Week
All week, open Group Finder (default hotkey: i) and then select Dungeon Finder and Timewalking in the Type dropdown. When you hit ‘Find Group’, you’ll be matched up with other players and sent to one of the following Heroic dungeons:
Azjol-Nerub was an empire of great strength when the Lich King arrived in Northrend. Despite ferocious resistance, however, Scourge forces managed to overtake the subterranean kingdom and slaughter its inhabitants, the nerubians. Scarred by years of war and abandonment, this vast domain is now occupied on two fronts.
In the Upper Kingdom, undead nerubians patrol the ruins of their homeland, guarding clutches of eggs that will one day bring forth a new generation of Scourge warriors. Meanwhile, in the depths of the Old Kingdom, Ahn'kahet, another enemy stirs: the faceless ones. Little is known of these horrifying creatures, but rumor has it that they answer to an evil power lurking beneath Northrend. Destroying the undead nerubians and their tainted eggs will deal a great blow to the Lich King, but eliminating the mysterious faceless ones is also crucial to reclaiming the fallen empire.
Elder Nadox summons adds that should be taken down quickly.
Run away from :Prince Taldaram's Flame Spheres.
Kill Jedoga's Twilight Volunteers immediately.
Mushrooms appear all around Amaintar. Get away from the poisonous mushrooms and don't kill them.
Volazj seperates everyone. This is hardest on the healer, so prepare to pop yur cooldowns to stay alive.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haen't earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom and Heroic: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
If you have a solid group you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Upon departing Azeroth, the titans entrusted loyal protectors with safeguarding Ulduar, an enigmatic city nestled in the mountains of the Storm Peaks. Designated supreme among his brethren was the guardian known as Loken, but with the power of the titan complex in his hands, he turned to darkness and plunged the region into chaos.
Even so, the greatest threat to the region is rumored to lie undisturbed within the capital of the ice trolls' empire, Gundrak. In the depths of the city, the most sacred shrines are said to be steeped in the mojo of slain gods. Surrounded by this dark energy, twisted Drakkari high prophets grow in power, infusing their followers with incredible strength. If left undisturbed, the trolls of Gundrak may soon unleash their burgeoning might, plunging the entire region into chaos.
Slad'ran summons snakes. Keep them off your healer.
Stay out of the poison pools created by the Elemental form of Drakkari Colossus'. Move!
Definitely talk to your group about the Less-rabi achievement well in advance of pulling Moorabi.
Eck can spring toward anyone in your party. Tanks should prepare to regain aggro.
Gal'darah can be a complicated fight. In one phase, you want to stand back, but in the other, you should be very close to him.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Gundrak and Heroic: Gundrak. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Desperate to save their kingdom from collapse, the trolls of Zul'Drak have turned on their ancient gods. The wild deities are now considered a source of untapped power, their potent blood providing the means to repel the Lich King's minions, who have overtaken parts of the troll nation. Heroes have recently journeyed to the beleaguered region to strike at the savage Drakkari and their maddened prophets.
The reasons for Loken's treachery and the fate of the other guardians remain a mystery, but there have been whispers of a great evil at work behind the fall of the titan city. For any heroes brave enough to seek out the truth, it lies within the corridors of the ancient compound. Thus far, however, few have braved the perils of Ulduar and returned to tell of their discoveries.
Watch Bjarngrim for a little while, and don't pull him while he's electrifying.
Stay away from Vlkhan's minions when they freeze up.
Ionar is all about the electricity. He chases you with it. He makes you explode it. Spread out!
Loken requires you to stay close together, even when it's time to run away.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Halls of Lightning and Heroic: Halls of Lightning. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
In order to reestablish his dominance over magic, the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos, has launched a ruthless campaign to sever the link between mortals and the arcane energies coursing through Azeroth. To this end, his blue dragonflight is redirecting the ley lines of the world to the Nexus, Malygos' towering lair.
In response to the blue dragons' offensive, the Kirin Tor, the elite magi of Dalaran, have allied themselves with the red dragonflight, who are charged with the preservation of life. Their combined forces are subverting the blue Aspect's offensive, but time is running out. The only question that remains now is... can Malygos be stopped before his crusade reaches its cataclysmic finale?
Get out of Commander's whirlwind attack, or die.
The Telestra fight is all about focusing fire. Communicate!
Omorok's spikes are dangerous. Stepping away from them is paramount.
Keristrasza will kill you if you don't keep moving. Jump for warmth.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award The Nexus and Heroic: The Nexus. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Utgarde Keep was long thought to be abandoned, a relic of a lost civilization among the central cliffs of the Howling Fjord. Yet in recent days something has roused the fortress' slumbering residents, the vrykul.
Feared to be allied with the Scourge, the savage race now terrorizes nearby settlements. With ferocious proto-dragons at their command and unparalleled prowess in battle, the vrykul pose a direct threat to Horde and Alliance campaigns in Northrend. Perhaps the only way to break the will of Utgarde's denizens is to defeat their revered leaders - but any heroes who fail in this task will surely become trophies to line the ancient halls of the vrykul fortress.
During Svala's ritual sacrifice, you must focus fire on the Ritual Channelers.
Spread out when fighting Gortok's Ravenous Furlbolg!
Skadi sometimes drops Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake.
Prepare all your offensive and defensive dispels for King Ymiron.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Utgarde Pinnacle and Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
For many years, champions among the races of Azeroth have stood against the Lich King only to be slaughtered mercilessly and forced to serve in his army of undead horrors. In his ongoing struggle to stop the Lich King, Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade has joined forces with Darion Mograine of the Knights of the Ebon Blade in order to assault Icecrown Citadel with a unified army called the Ashen Verdict.
Stay out of Ick’s poison clouds to avoid damage. Run away from Poison Nova. Avoid Krick’s Explosive Barrage and any Exploding Orbs.
Forgemaster Garfrost’s Frost Aura debuff stacks and deals regular damage to the entire party.
Stand behind the Saronite Boulder to remove the Frost Aura debuff.
Avoid Rimefang’s ice breath and the resulting ice patches he creates.
Run away from Rimefang’s Hoarfrost to keep from being stunned.
Achievements and Reputation
If you haven’t earned these achievements already, completing this dungeon will award Pit of Saron and Heroic: Pit of Saron. If you have a solid group, you can also aim to earn the following achievements:
Your character and items will be scaled down to a power level fitting for the challenge at hand, but bosses will yield loot appropriate for your natural level. Timewalking dungeons also have a chance to drop items that usually drop when you run them on Heroic, and you’ll earn reputation with a faction that is interested in the dungeon. For example, when you Timewalk through Utgarde Pinnacle, Skadi the Ruthless could drop the Blue Proto-Drake mount for you.
Look for the following all week long:
A quest waits for you in Oribos. You can also start the quest from within the Adventure Guide (Shift- “J”).
Rewards: One loot box containing a piece of gear from Normal difficulty Castle Nathira.
While Timewalking is active, you will gain a 50% bonus to reputations earned from quests and creature kills for all reputations associated with the corresponding expansion.
Every Week
The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Wednesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.
Put your best battle pet teams to the test with this week’s event. To get in on the action, open your Pet Journal (Collections Shift+ P) and click the “Find Battle” button to match up with an opponent with their own team of well-trained companions.
Look for the following all week long:
A quest waits for you in Oribos. Or, if you forget to pick it up there, you can start it within the Adventure Journal.
Quest requirement: Win 5 pet battles versus other players with a team of three level-25 pets.
Reward: One Ultimate Battle-Training Stone.
Passive bonus: All Pet Battle experience gains are increased by +200%
Every Week
The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Tuesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.
An extra weekly quest and rewards are here— the Pet Battles bonus event is underway!
This Week
All week, get out there and fight with your mighty minions. When the time comes to take on other players, open your Pet Journal and hit the “Find Battle” button to be matched up with an opponent whose team is competitive with yours.
Look for the following all week long:
A quest waits for you in Oribos. Or, if you forget to pick it up there, you can start it within the Adventure Journal.
Quest requirement: Win 5 pet battles versus other players with a team of three level-25 pets.
Reward: One Ultimate Battle-Training Stone.
Passive bonus: All Pet Battle experience gains are increased by +200%.
Every Week
The Bonus Events system consists of a rotating schedule of different activities, currently scheduled to run each week beginning on Wednesdays. Each Bonus Event grants a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a noteworthy reward for accomplishing a related goal. The in-game calendar can serve as your one-stop reference for the event schedule. The Adventure Guide also offers a direct link to active Bonus Events, allowing you to easily accept any associated quests.
Whether you’re shopping for a holiday gift for yourself or your friends, WoW’s got your back!
Save Up to 65% on Pawsome Pals
This time-limited* Woof Pack bundle contains Azeroth’s most loyal and cunning companions—two mounts and two pets—at a discount worth howling about! Chase after your dreams saddled up on the Vulpine Familiar or Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel. Bring joy to friends and passersby with the wily Shadow and the supportive Alterac Brew Pup. If you already own one or more items from the Woof Pack, its price will automatically adjust.
What’s Inside
Two Clever Companions Unleash these two ruff and tumble companions into your collection. Alterac Brew Pup and Shadow will heel by your side during your travels and tug at your heartstrings with their playful antics!
Two Thrill-Seeking Mounts With a nose for adventure, the Vulpine Familiar and Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel will sniff out every hidden nook and cranny in Azeroth and beyond.
33% off Shadowlands-Level Character Boost
There comes a time in every hero’s quest when they need a helping hand to get them over the hump and right back into the action. With the Shadowlands-Level Character Boost**, you can instantly grant one character a one-time boost to level 50, so they’re ready to begin their journey into the newest chapter of the World of Warcraft story. Bring your hero up to speed and get ready for your next thrilling adventure!
50% Off on Select Pets, Mounts, and Toys
Select World of Warcraft mounts, pets, and toys*** are now on sale for 50% off through January 4, 2020. You can adopt or gift a pet, mount, or toy in the in-game shop or in the Blizzard Shop today!
Learn more about these pets, mounts, and toys in the Blizzard Shop or in-game shop.
*Offer valid through January 4, 2020. **Character Boost not available in World of Warcraft® Classic. ***Pets, mounts, and toys not available in World of Warcraft® Classic.
Whether you’re shopping for a holiday gift for yourself or your friends, WoW’s got your back!
Save Up to 65% on Pawsome Pals
This time-limited* Woof Pack bundle contains Azeroth’s most loyal and cunning companions—two mounts and two pets—at a discount worth howling about! Chase after your dreams saddled up on the Vulpine Familiar or Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel. Bring joy to friends and passersby with the wily Shadow and the supportive Alterac Brew Pup. If you already own one or more items from the Woof Pack, its price will automatically adjust.
What’s Inside
Two Clever Companions Unleash these two ruff and tumble companions into your collection. Alterac Brew Pup and Shadow will heel by your side during your travels and tug at your heartstrings with their playful antics!
Two Thrill-Seeking Mounts With a nose for adventure, the Vulpine Familiar and Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel will sniff out every hidden nook and cranny in Azeroth and beyond.
33% off Shadowlands-Level Character Boost
There comes a time in every hero’s quest when they need a helping hand to get them over the hump and right back into the action. With the Shadowlands-Level Character Boost**, you can instantly grant one character a one-time boost to level 50, so they’re ready to begin their journey into the newest chapter of the World of Warcraft story. Bring your hero up to speed and get ready for your next thrilling adventure!
50% Off on Select Pets, Mounts, and Toys
Select World of Warcraft mounts, pets, and toys*** are now on sale for 50% off through January 4, 2020. You can adopt or gift a pet, mount, or toy in the in-game shop or in the Blizzard Shop today!
Learn more about these pets, mounts, and toys in the Blizzard Shop or in-game shop.
*Offer valid through January 5, 2020. **Character Boost not available in World of Warcraft® Classic. ***Pets, mounts, and toys not available in World of Warcraft® Classic.
The fine folks of Smokywood Pastures aren’t letting a little thing like a shattered sky and ominous portents get in the way of spreading holiday cheer—or gaining a bit of profit. Winter Veil has begun in Azeroth, and with it come all the fripperies, fineries, and delectable comestibles of the holiday.
When: December 16 – January 2 Where: Initial holiday quests can be found in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, but festive decorations can be found throughout the world.
Take a magical sleigh ride with your friends over Orgrimmar or Ironforge! Don’t forget to take a S.E.L.F.I.E. to preserve the moment!
New this year!
Stop by the Smokeywoods Pastures cart in Ironforge or Orgrimmar and click on Greatfeather Pepe to obtain A Tiny Winter Hat. When you summon Pepe to join you on your adventures, he may just show up in the perfect Winter Veil outfit complete with a tiny beard.
Festive Favorites
Let your spirit be light by stepping into one of the Giant Snow Globes* found outside of the Ironforge Bank, in Orgrimmar overlooking the Valley of Wisdom, or in the Broken Isles in Dalaran. It’s a truly transformative experience letting your inner Greatfather Winter helper out. A little /dance will spread the joy to those around you.**
The Abominable Greench is (still) a mean one, but we’re sure that once you’ve filled up on the fine foods and beverages from Smokywood Pastures, you’re bound to put a stop to his reign of terror in the Hillsbrad Foothills. The quest You’re a Mean One… is now available to players level 30 and up.
There are plenty of holiday hats to be found on a variety of bosses from dungeons in the Broken Isles, Northrend, and more. You just need to decide which color hat you want. Will it be green or red?
Make sure to check in on December 25 to see what presents Greatfather Winter has left for you.
*May experience some shrinkage with use. **Please /dance responsibly. Side effects include joy and laughter. Wait at least 30 minutes after eating Smokywood Pastures fine festive foods to avoid unpleasant side effects.
The fine folks of Smokywood Pastures aren’t letting a little thing like a shattered sky and ominous portents get in the way of spreading holiday cheer—or gaining a bit of profit. Winter Veil has begun in Azeroth, and with it come all the fripperies, fineries, and delectable comestibles of the holiday.
When: December 16 – January 2 Where: Initial holiday quests can be found in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, but festive decorations can be found throughout the world.
New this year!
Take a magical sleigh ride with your friends over Orgrimmar or Ironforge! Don’t forget to take a S.E.L.F.I.E. to preserve the moment!
Stop by the Smokeywoods Pastures cart in Ironforge or Orgrimmar and click on Greatfeather Pepe to obtain A Tiny Winter Hat. When you summon Pepe to join you on your adventures, he may just show up in the perfect Winter Veil outfit complete with a tiny beard.
Festive Favorites
Let your spirit be light by stepping into one of the Giant Snow Globes* found outside of the Ironforge Bank, in Orgrimmar overlooking the Valley of Wisdom, or in the Broken Isles in Dalaran. It’s a truly transformative experience letting your inner Greatfather Winter helper out. A little /dance will spread the joy to those around you.**
The Abominable Greench is (still) a mean one, but we’re sure that once you’ve filled up on the fine foods and beverages from Smokywood Pastures, you’re bound to put a stop to his reign of terror in the Hillsbrad Foothills. The quest You’re a Mean One… is now available to players level 30 and up.
There are plenty of holiday hats to be found on a variety of bosses from dungeons in the Broken Isles, Northrend, and more. You just need to decide which color hat you want. Will it be green or red?
Make sure to check in on December 25 to see what presents Greatfather Winter has left for you.
*May experience some shrinkage with use. **Please /dance responsibly. Side effects include joy and laughter. Wait at least 30 minutes after eating Smokywood Pastures fine festive foods to avoid unpleasant side effects.