05/16/2016 05:27 PMPosted by
Juggalo <span class="truncated">...</span>
This seems very unofficial, and I don't have any knowledge of us having stated that. If you have a source, feel free to share, otherwise I would suggest we avoiding spreading rumors.
I've also been playing and fan-boying after Neth and the team since Vanilla times, so don't discount me so quickly. ;)
I can give you a specificish time and expansion. It was Wrath of the Lichking around the time both factions were allowed to be on the same server. Outside of that trying to find information from 6+ years ago is difficult.
Nothing I see in the history of our posts validates this as a true reason - again, let's not spread rumors that can't be validated by any kind of Blizzard messaging from an official source. These players are asking for more variations in the colors available, so this argument does seem a bit off-topic.
05/16/2016 05:28 PMPosted by
Drede 05/16/2016 05:17 PMPosted by
Ornyx I've had plenty of friends who would like a more diverse style of skin choices for many races, humans included. I don't see this as far-fetched feedback by any means.
One of the earliest ideas in RPGs was to create a character modeled after yourself in a fantasy world, where you can go on these spectacular adventures that aren't possible in the real world - the current choices can be limiting in this sense in various situations. Many people who are asking for these additions, among others, simply want a more customizable experience, and there is no harm in that.
Anyways, I've passed this feedback along to the Development team. Let's keep the conversation civil and we will keep this thread open for more feedback and discussion!
Thank you Ornyx.
One of the things I would like to suggest (in addition to more skin tones) is more hairstyles for all races. It's been a while since we got new ones (Wrath).
Also, more customization options like scars/tattoos would be great. You can just call it (Markings) in the creation screen.
I think as we've said in the past, expanding customization is something we would like to do as we can, where we can. I can't say I'd be against it myself. :D
It goes along the lines with an answer we gave at last year's Blizzcon:
Is there any hope of sub races, such as Taunka or Dark Iron Dwarves being playable in the future?
There were tens of thousands of votes for this one, I'll take it. So our mission is to sell the class and the race--the fantasy. So the easy answer is yes, we'd love to do it. But the more difficult answer is how will we do it? We'll be working on it.