Calling All Dwarves--show me your transmog

blizz -> wysłany:
Okay...I have this sudden weird desire to play a male dwarf. Yes, this is weird for me because I usually go for fem NElfs, BElfs, Humans if forced (looking at you warlocks and paladins :-| ) and the only male characters I have are BElfs. Every time I've done the quests in Pearlfin Village recently though, I've thought Sully was awesome and his animations are quite nicely done.

I haven't decided on a class yet, but I'm leaning toward a paladin, because you can have the best of both worlds--some casting animations and some melee, and you can wear a dress if you want to at some point but aren't forced to wear one all the time like those clothies.

However, I need to know that I'll be able to have some awesome transmog gear at some point or it's just no fun. Yeah, forget the raiding thing, just gimme the awesome transmog, k?

So, let's see it dwarves! Show me the most awesome dwarf transmog gear out there so I can be inspired! I'm not totally sold on a paladin yet, so all classes show yourselves!

P.S. Definitely tell me why you chose that transmog too, because I'm going to be curious! Is there a theme, did you find a piece you just loved and build a set around it? C'mon, spill it!
blizz -> wysłany:
I keep flipping my dwarf paladin between full Tier 1 and full Tier 2.

They both make me very happy.